What is Mind Reading Device?

The Mind Reading devices take the mental state of a person as input. This is similar to the input by a mouse or a keyboard. Telepathy or mind-reading using a computer is a way of transferring data between people using methods that are different from human senses. The mind-reading is done by computer devices that are specially made for this purpose. Mind-reading devices make use of facial expressions of people in knowing what they feel. The goal of such a device is to increase the interaction between a computer and a human being. It needs the use of a digital video camera that records human expressions. The mind-reading system compares the facial expression of a person with his behavior to conclude his mental state.  

Need for Mind Reading 

This also involves the consideration of a person’s head movements. There is such mind-reading software that can make consideration of the 24 features of a face to know the facial expressions w.r.t. the real-time scenario. For identification of the smile and raised eyebrows of a person, the movement, shape, and color changes are monitored. All these combinations help a mind-reading computer to know the mental state of a person. This is all done so that a person can be attributed to his/her actions. This would help to know trends in online shopping and even in enhancing learning experiences. 

Technologies of Mind Reading

  • Futuristic Head: The futuristic head is responsible for measuring the blood and oxygen levels around a person’s brain using a method called spectroscopy. The light is emitted by the futuristic head. The head calculates the light that the human head was unable to absorb thereby giving it a sense of the metabolic needs of the human brain. A chip is installed in both the right and left brain that allows data transfer between the brains and also is a way of storing data for the long term.
  • Brain Chip: It is a processor with a connection to the neurocomputer. It contains artificial intelligence. It contains data about the sensory information and thoughts of a person. It is inserted in the brain of a person to control his/her thoughts and movements. It is used for behavior correction in cases of a Landfall. This involves knowledge of the method called neural engineering and Biomimetic Microelectronic Systems.

Mind Reading Architecture

  • Eye Language Interpreter: The eye language interpreter involves the use of technology to understand what the mental states are with respect to the eye expressions. Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is used to further enhance the understanding of the mental state. This uses facial expressions to know that a person is either happy or sad and knows even other emotions are recorded by this system.
  • The Mind reading System: This comprises 4 parts.
    • The Intentionality Detector (ID) is a component of the Mind reading system. This is used to detect the intentions of a person with respect to his/her goals or desires.
    • Eye-Direction Detector (EDD) is a system that calculates information about the stimuli and knows if the human eye is looking at it or not.
    • Shared Attention Mechanism (SAM) is used to know the joint action behaviors. It also is the connector between the ID and the EDD.
    • Theory of Mind Mechanism (ToMM) involves the use of everyday tasks and makes theories for humans on the basis of such activities.
  • Automated Facial Feature Analysis: To enable the Eye Language Interpreter system, another system was required to be called the Automated Facial Feature Analysis system. This system is under development. It would involve the comparison of changes in facial expressions with respect to the frames to know the mental state of the person.

Working Of Mind Reading Technology

For mind reading to work, FNIRS or functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy is utilized. This technology measures the amount of blood in the human brain. It also takes into account the oxygen level in the brain. The people whose minds are to be read are given head gears and are asked to do simple tasks such as basic maths etc. to know their brain functioning. The headband is studded with lights that are absorbed by the head tissues and get activated. The results of the tests ate correlated with the MRI scans. The person would then be asked to rate the level of complexity of the task and all such data would be noted and analyzed.  

Applications of Mind reading 

  1. The mind-reading concepts can be used in bankruptcy prediction by various loan providers.
  2. It can even be used in facial recognition.
  3. It can know what can be seen by looking at a person. Mind Reading system is a boon for the paralyzed people who cannot use speech and voluntary movement.
  4. It reads their mind and can convert it into speech and also allow movement of the parts of the body that are not in control (lost control due to paralysis) of the human.
  5. Mind reading computers can be used to know the feelings and to communicate with the people who are in a coma. This might become a way to bring them back to normalcy.
  6. It can be used by the police officers and military people to know if a culprit or terrorist is going to commit crimes and acts of inhumanity. The treatment of the person can be done in accordance with the information received by the system.

Advantages of Mind Reading 

  1. It can convert thoughts into speeches. It can help patients of paralysis a lot.
  2. The mind-reading system is well-equipped to convert brain activity and states into words. This helps others know about the feelings and mental states of a person.
  3. Its use in the banking sector can be done to analyze people who would later go on to become bankrupt and not return the loans. This would allow banks to avoid loaning such clients.
  4. It can be used to know the truth of the statements that the witnesses present in court, thereby leading to the correct judgement.
  5. It can be used by investors to know if the person they are going to invest in has the correct mindset and can be trusted with their money.
  6. It would be possible for colleges to know the mindset of students and check if it would be a good fit for their college and the specific course they are applying for.
  7. Employers can know if the people applying would be loyal to the company or not or are present to leak business secrets to competitors.

Disadvantages Of Mind Reading

  1. This system might breach the confidentiality of a person.
  2. The mind-reading system can be outright dangerous if handled carelessly or with vile intentions. It can be used by terrorists to know the secret information of an enemy country.
  3. It is never possible to know the complete information with 100% accuracy. This is because the human brain is super complex. The accuracy however can be increased to up to 86.4%.

Future Aspects of Mind Reading

Mind Reading technology is being researched for the automobile industry. This system would know if the person is sad, happy, angry, sleepy, intoxicated, or distracted and can mention if he is fit for driving or not. The body postures and gestures are all included along with the facial expressions and head movements to know the mental state of the driver. Such applications are being researched even for the online shopping industry.  

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