What is Legal Notice? – All You Need to Know

Written words hold greater significance compared to oral communication because written documents serve as a permanent record. In disputes, written documents are crucial for resolving issues. A legal notice is one such written document, drafted in legal terminology, which legally binds a person to acknowledge its contents. Legal notices address various matters including personal or private grievances, complaints related to employment, workplace disputes, cheque bounce issues, divorce proceedings, among others. The issuer of a legal notice is required to formally notify the intended recipient about its issuance. Essentially, a legal notice serves as a warning to the recipient before initiating legal proceedings against them.

In this article, we’ll try to have a better understanding of what is Legal Notice, and explore doubts like how to draft a legal notice, what to do if you get a legal notice, and the rules about sending it. We’ll also provide a sample format for a legal notice and talk about specific cases like property disputes or defamation.

Table of Content

  • What is Legal Notice?
  • Importance of Legal Notice
  • Types of Legal Notices
  • How to Draft a Legal Notice
  • Legal Notice in Different Cases
  • Responding to a Legal Notice
  • Myths about Legal Notices – Fact Check
  • Legal notice format Sample

What is Legal Notice?

A legal notice is a formal notification in legal matters. It’s a legal document that informs the receiver about their involvement in a legal issue. It is different from other legal papers (like contracts or court decisions). A legal notice is more about giving a warning. Legal Notice is crucial for fairness, giving everyone involved a clear understanding before things move forward in the legal process.

Importance of Legal Notice

As we all know that the Indian Judicial system is very expensive, most of the time, people try to resolve the matter through alternative methods such as arbitration, mediation, and negotiation. These methods are proposed and agreed upon only on the basis of legal notice. Legal notice is prepared by a lawyer on a request from the client. People often confuse legal notice with a letter. Most of the time, legal notice is filed to resolve the misunderstanding. Sometimes, matters are settled before trial which is outside the jurisdiction of the court.

  • Before Legal Action: It’s often the first step before filing a lawsuit. Sending a legal notice can sometimes resolve the issue without going to court.
  • Contract Disputes: If someone breaches a contract, a legal notice can demand rectification or compensation.
  • Property Disputes: In cases of property disagreements, a legal notice can formally state your claims or concerns.
  • Payment Issues: If someone owes you money, a legal notice can demand payment by a certain deadline.
  • Employment Matters: For issues like wrongful termination or harassment at work, a legal notice can formally raise the issue with the employer.
  • Family Law Issues: In matters like divorce or child custody, a legal notice can be used to initiate formal proceedings.

Types of Legal Notices

There are several kinds of legal notices, each serving a different purpose:

  • Public Notice: This is a notice meant to inform the general public. It’s usually about legal changes or court cases that affect the public. These notices have to follow certain rules to make sure lots of people see them. Public Notices can often be seen in newspapers or official public records.
  • Constructive Notice: This type of notice isn’t directly delivered to a person. It is assumed that the person should know because it’s in public records. For example, if you’re buying a house, you’re supposed to know who legally owns it based on public property records.
  • Personal and Business Notices: These are sent directly to specific people or businesses. If there’s a conflict over property, the people involved would be sent to the parties involved in that dispute. Businesses also can get these notices, in case there is a contractual problem or compliance they need to follow. These notices usually need a reply from the person or business who received the legal Notice from a Lawyer.

How to Draft a Legal Notice

When drafting a legal notice in India, you should follow this general format:

  • Date: Write the current date.
  • Sender’s Name: Include the full name of the person or entity sending the notice.
  • Violation Description: Clearly describe the issue or violation.
  • Redress Request: State what action you want the recipient to take.
  • Response Address: Specify where the recipient should send their response.
  • Signature: Sign the notice for validation.
  • Acknowledgment: The recipient should acknowledge receiving the notice.

Legal Notice in Different Cases

These are some major occurred cases for Legal notices:

  • Property Disputes: A person can send legal notice in case of property disagreements. Like who owns it or where the boundaries are, you can send a legal notice. This notice informs the other person about the problem and what sender party want to be done. For example, a proper measurement of the land.
  • Breach of Contract Cases: This notice is sent when a contract is broken. This notice explains which part of contract they didn’t follow and what you is desired to fix it, such as finishing a job or paying fine etc.
  • Defamation and Personal Grievances: In cases someone’s words or any action have damaged your reputation, person can use a legal notice for defamation. This notice describes the harmful statements, how they’ve affected you. It demands stopping the person from making these statements and possibly apologize or pay compensation for the action.

Responding to a Legal Notice

Here are important points on responding to Legal notice:

Appropriate Responses and Timeframes: In case of receiving a legal notice, it is important to reply within 15 to 30 days. The answer should clearly respond to each point mentioned in the notice. It is always recommended to get a legal advice to help with your response.

Consequences of Non-Response: Not replying to a legal notice within given time can lead to problems. For example, if notice is about not paying money, the other person might take you to court. This can be more complex and expensive than timely responding to notice in the first place.

In short, responding to legal notices properly and within given time is crucial. It helps avoid bigger legal issues and can solve disputes more easily.

Myths about Legal Notices – Fact Check

Following are some well known Myths about Legal Notice:

Myth #1: Legal Notices Are Only for Major Legal Issues:

A common myth is that legal notices are only for major legal disputes. But, it can be used for a wide range of issues, from a minor contract breaches to property disputes.

Myth #2: Sending a Legal Notice Means Going to Court:

Sending a legal notice doesn’t always lead to a lawsuit. It might be a way to solve things without going to court.

Myth #3: Only Lawyers Can Draft Legal Notices:

It is advisable to consult a lawyer for drafting a legal notice, but it’s not mandatory. You can write it yourself, if you know what to include in notice.

Myth #4: Legal Notices Are Legally Binding:

Legal Notice and contracts are two different things. You can consider Legal notice for formal communication, but not as powerful as Contracts.

Myth #5: Email Is Not a Valid Way to Send a Legal Notice:

You can send legal notices by email but it is important understand the legal requirements for email in your jurisdiction.

Myth #6: All Legal Notices Require Immediate Action:

You don’t always have to respond to a legal notice right away. Given time can vary depending on the context and jurisdiction.

Myth #7: Ignoring a Legal Notice Has No Consequences:

Ignoring legal notice is definitely not a good idea. Ignoring a legal notice can lead to legal actions without listening your side of the story.

Legal notice format Sample

Here is the sample Notice format for Recovery of money:

Ref. No……………. Dated ____, __________





Dear Sir,

Pursuant to the instructions from and on behalf of my client ___________________, through its _____________, I do hereby serve you with the following Legal Notice: –

1- That my client is a ___________ firm/individual under the name and style of M/s ______________________.

2- That my client is engaged in the business of __________ of the ___ etc.

3- That against your valid and confirmed order my client did your job work from time to time on a credit basis as you have running credit account in the account books of my client operated in due course of business.

4- That my client-raised bills of every work performed for payment, although you have acknowledged the receipt of such bills raised by my client.

5- That despite acknowledging the liability of payment of the principal balance of Rs. _________/- you have been miserably failed to make payment of the said amount due to my client from you deliberately with malafide intent, hence you are liable to pay the said principal balance amount of Rs. __________/- along with interest @ __% p.a. from the date of due till actual realization of the said sum as is generally and customarily prevailing in the trade usages, which comes to Rs. __________/-

6- That thus, you are liable to pay the total amount of Rs. ________/- to my client mentioned earlier and my client mentioned earlier is entitled to recover the same from you.

7- That my client requested you several times through telephonic message and by sending a personal messenger to your office for release of the said outstanding payment, but you have always been dilly delaying the same on one pretext or the other and so far have not paid even a single paisa out of the said outstanding undisputed amount.

I, therefore, through this Notice finally call upon you to pay to my client Rs. __________/-. along with future interest @ __ % p.a. from the date of Notice till actual realization of the said amount, together with notice fee of Rs. ____/- to my client either in cash or by demand draft or Cheque whichever mode suits you better, within clear 30 days from the date of receipt of this Notice, failing which my client has given me clear instructions to file civil as well as a criminal lawsuit for recovery and other Miscellaneous proceedings against you in the competent court of law and in that event you shall be fully responsible for the same.

A copy of this Notice has been preserved in my office for record and future course of action.




Legal notices are essential resources for managing a variety of legal issues. Their functions include initiating communication, asserting rights, and providing possibilities for non-judicial resolution of problems ranging from minor contractual disputes to property conflicts. The goal of the article was to provide you with a better understanding of legal notices by educating you on their types, purposes, drafting rules, and answers. Though it’s always best to get legal advice for complicated matters, knowing the fundamentals of legal notices can prepare you to respond to everyday circumstances with assurance and initiative. Therefore, keep in mind that suing for damages for defamation or dealing with a breach of contract can both start the process of reaching a fair settlement.

FAQs on What is Legal Notice?

How to write Legal Notice?

Here are simple steps to write a legal Notice

  • Identify the Issue: Clearly define the legal problem.
  • Collect Details: Gather all necessary information like names and dates.
  • Write the Notice: Start with your details, explain the issue, and state the action needed.
  • Legal Basis: Include the legal reasons for your notice.
  • Deadline: Mention a clear deadline for a response.
  • Review: Check for accuracy and clarity.
  • Send: Use a reliable method like registered post or email.

How to send legal Notice?

After checking the accuracy and signing, you can send Legal notice via registered post or email for proof of delivery.

I have receive Legal notice, what to do now?

If you have received a legal notice, it’s important to read and understand the issue carefully, and respond within the given time. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional for guidance.

Where Can I Download a Legal Notice Format?

You can download legal notice formats from legal websites or online resources. They provide templates for various legal communications.

How Do I Draft a Legal Notice for a Property Dispute?

To draft a legal notice for a property dispute, you can use a template that includes sections for your details, issue, and action you expect. You can customize it with specific information about your property dispute.

What Should I Do If I Receive a Legal Notice in India?

If you receive a legal notice in India, respond appropriately within the mentioned time. Address each point in the notice, and consider consulting a lawyer.

What Are the Consequences of Not Responding to a Legal Notice for Non-Payment?

Ignoring a legal notice for non-payment can lead to legal action against you. Most likely resulting in a court case, which can be more complex and costly.

How Can I Customize a Legal Notice Template for My Needs?

Customize a legal notice template by adding specific details about your case. You can adjust the language to suit the issue, and ensure all relevant information is accurately included.

What Is the Standard Format for a Legal Notice?

The standard format for a legal notice includes the sender’s and recipient’s details, a clear description of issue, legal basis for the notice, and action required from the recipient.

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