What is IoT Security?

IoT Security is based on a cybersecurity strategy to defend against cyberattacks for IoT devices and the vulnerable networks they are linked to. There is no built-in security on IoT devices, as IoT devices behave without being noticed by traditional cybersecurity systems and transport data over the internet in an unencrypted manner, IoT security is necessary to assist in avoiding data breaches.

Security was not considered during the design of IoT devices. The constant diversity and expansion of IoT devices and communication channels raises the possibility that cyber attacks may target your company.

What is IoT Security?

IoT security is a technology area that particularly focuses on protecting connected devices and networks in IoT. The act of protecting these devices and making sure they don’t bring risks into a network is known as IoT security. Attacks are likely to occur to anything linked to the Internet at some time. From the Internet of Things devices, Attackers may utilize remote access to steal data by using a variety of strategies, including credential theft and vulnerability exploitation.

How Does IoT Security Work?

  • IoT devices are any devices that can store data by connecting to the cloud.
  • IoT devices need a special set of cybersecurity guidelines because of how they differ from conventional mobile devices. They lack the benefit of built-in security guidelines seen in mobile operating systems like iOS and Android.
  • A lot of information is stored in the cloud, if an attacker manages to get access to the user’s account, it might be exploited for identity theft or privacy invasion.
  • Although there isn’t a single solution for IoT security, cybersecurity experts have made it their mission to inform manufacturers and developers about secure coding practices and how to strengthen cloud activity defences.

Importance of IoT Security

  • Cyberattacks are a continual concern because of the unusual way that IoT devices are manufactured and the enormous volume of data they process.
  • IoT security is necessary, as evidenced by some high-profile cases in which a common IoT device was an advantage to breach and attack the wider network.
  • Strong IoT security is desperately needed, as seen by the regular threat of vulnerabilities, data breaches, and other dangers related to the use of IoT devices.
  • IoT security, which encompasses a broad variety of tactics, strategies, protocols, and activities aimed at reducing the growing IoT vulnerabilities of contemporary firms, is essential for corporations.

Benefits of IoT Security

Below are some benefits of IoT Security

  • Network protection: By identifying and preventing threats like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can disrupt and harm the whole network, security solutions may aid in the protection of the Internet of Things as a whole.
  • Privacy protection: These solutions shield user privacy from unauthorized surveillance, data theft, and device tracking by protecting IoT devices.
  • Scalability: Strong IoT security is scalable in that it can keep up with the expansion of an organization’s IoT environment and guarantee security protocols work even as the number of connected devices rises.
  • Device protection: IoT security ensures the lifetime and correct operation of devices by protecting them from viruses, hacking, and unauthorized access.

Challenges in IoT Security

Below are some challenges of IoT Security

  • Lack of industry foresight: Certain sectors and their products have undergone digital changes at the same rate as organizations. In an attempt to increase productivity and save costs, the automotive and healthcare sectors have broadened their range of IoT devices.
  • Lack of encryption. The majority of network traffic coming from Internet of Things devices is not encrypted which raises the risk of data breaches and security concerns. By making sure every device is encrypted and secured, these risks may be averted.
  • Multiple connected devices: Nowadays, the majority of homes have several linked devices. The disadvantage of this ease of use is that all linked devices within the same home will malfunction if one item malfunctions due to a security misconfiguration.
  • Resource constraints. Not every IoT device has the processing capacity to include complex firewalls or antivirus programs. Some devices can hardly connect to other devices at all.

How to Secure IoT Devices?

Here are the steps to secure IoT Devices

  • DNS filtering: Using the Domain Name System to restrict harmful websites is known as DNS filtering. When DNS filtering is added to a network including IoT devices, it stops such devices from connecting to domains that are not authorized.
  • Encryption: Without encryption, data transfers between IoT devices are susceptible to on-path and external attackers while travelling over the network. Consider encryption as a means of protecting a letter’s contents during transit via the postal service, similar to an envelope.
  • Device authentication: Internet of Things (IoT) devices are connected to servers, other networked devices, and one other. All connected devices must undergo authentication to prevent unwanted inputs or requests from third parties.
  • Security of credentials: If at all feasible, IoT device admin credentials must be updated. It is recommended to avoid sharing login credentials between various apps and devices, instead every device should have its password. In doing so, credential-based attacks are less likely.

Tools to Secure IoT Devices

  • ForeScout Platform: This protects and ensures on a network the consent of all managed and unmanaged devices, including IT, IoT, and OT devices, using zero trust principles.
  • Microsoft Defender for IoT: Microsoft Defender for IoT helps enterprises manage, discover, and protect their IoT and OT devices. Extra features include network and device threat monitoring around the clock, identifying every asset and device.
  • Asimily: Asimily is a complete IoT security platform that focuses on medical and laboratory equipment.
  • AWS IoT Device Defender: AWS IoT Device Defender is Amazon’s Internet of Things security management service. AWS IoT Device Defender allows administrators to authorize security measures such as authentication and permission.


In this article, we have learned about IoT Security. IoT security is based on a cybersecurity strategy to defend against cyberattacks for IoT devices and the susceptible networks they link to. There is no built-in security on IoT devices.

Frequently Asked Questions on IoT Security – FAQs

How can IoT be used in security?

Encrypting data transfers from Internet of Things devices may benefit an organization by providing data integrity, authentication of origin, secrecy of contents, and sender awareness.

What are the 3 major factors affecting IoT security?

Cost, modifications during its development and the extent of safety precautions used all have an impact on IoT security.

What is the weakest point of IoT security?

Consider your IoT product’s security as a chain. Although the phrase has a literal meaning, the “weakest link” in terms of IoT device security is metaphorical and often refers to a technological aspect.

Why security is important in IoT?

The increasing reliance on IoT hardware and the devices’ vulnerability make IoT security crucial.

Which is better IoT or cyber security?

IoT security is a hybrid of cybersecurity and other technical specialities, not conventional cybersecurity.

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