What is GirlScript Summer of Code and How to Participate?

GirlScript Summer of Code is an open-source program, which is organized by GirlScript Foundation annually, to help beginners in open source. It was started in 2018. The aim of this program is to spread awareness about open source development while encouraging diversity. It is a great initiative and opportunity for students to learn about how open source development actually works.

They get an opportunity to contribute to 100+ projects every year and to win some amazing goodies during summers. It is 3 months long program, which usually starts in March and ends in May. In this article, we are going to discuss the details of this program. So, let’s get started:

Is it only for girls?

No, this program is open to participants of all genders, age groups, and countries. As mentioned above, this program was started to encourage diversity in open-source development. So, the only thing, you need to participate in this program is the zeal to learn.


The aim of this program is to help beginners in open source. So, whether you are a noob or a veteran developer, you can participate in this program as there will be hundreds of projects in this program with issues of varying difficulty. Before, the beginning of the coding period, there will be sessions on Git and GitHub along with topics like what is open source and why is it important? So, there is no need to worry if you think you don’t know about some tech stack, or you only know basics, you will be guided by experienced mentors throughout the program.  


Along with the learning experience, you will also get some exciting goodies, cash prizes, internship opportunity, and certificates as listed below:

  • The top 3 performers will get cash prizes (Based on the rankings on the leader board, which will be decided by your contribution to the selected projects, throughout the program).
  • The top 25 participants will get a letter of recommendation and internship opportunity.
  • The top 50 participants will get T-shirts, swags, etc.
  • All participants with at least one PR merged will receive digital certificates
  • And the most important thing is, you will realize that you have learned something new and valuable during those 3 months, and you will surely come out with a better version of yourself.


The schedule for GSSOC’21 is mentioned below:

  • 8th March – Coding period begins (Explore the selected projects)
  • 10-12th March – Community bonding session (Interact with other fellow participants, mentors, project admins)
  • 1st April – Allotment of projects to the participants based on individual interests.
  • 31st May – Coding period ends
  • 2nd week of June – The results of GSSOC’21 will be declared

The schedule for upcoming years may vary a little bit. So, it is recommended to visit the official website regularly for updates.

How to Apply?

Generally, the application period is open around February. To participate, you have to fill a Google form and answer some questions including your personal details like your name, college, GitHub and LinkedIn profile links, etc. Based on your profile and eligibility, if selected, you will receive a mail from GirlScript Summer of Code regarding your selection. After that, you need to join their workspace and follow other guidelines to further participate in their program. You should regularly check their official website for updates regarding the program. The key to your selection in this program is your eagerness to learn. So, even if you are not selected, don’t be upset and lose hope instead keep learning about open source.    

How does it work?

  • After your selection, you have to join their workspace and read about the rules and guidelines, that you have to follow throughout the program.
  • Then, there will be a community bonding session, where you can introduce yourself to your fellow participants and mentors. The main aim of this session is that you become familiar with your mentors and other fellow participants so that you can easily ask your queries and answer others’ doubts if you already know the answer. So, there would be a better work environment.
  • After that, there will be some workshops regarding Git, GitHub, what is open source, and the importance of open source in the real world. You will get to learn a lot from these workshops. Also, these workshops are organized for beginners, so that they won’t face difficulty throughout the program. You will also get some amazing resources, which you can always refer to later whenever you face any difficulty.
  • Then, the coding period will start, where you can explore different projects by setting up their environment, solving some issues, bugs, etc. during the initial period. After that, you have to select some projects and have to stick to them throughout the program. You will be evaluated on the basis of how much you contribute to the projects like how many bugs or issues, you fixed and how many new features, you implement. The score will be rewarded on the basis of the difficulty of the issue/bug, you solved. You can solve only those issues, which have a specific #GSSOC tag and the issues will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. After you have been assigned the issue, you have to solve it within the given time period and submit your code through a PR, which will further be reviewed by the mentors. And if approved, your score will automatically update on the leader board. You can always ask your queries and doubts to the respective mentors, they will surely help you out.
  • After the coding period ends, you will be judged and rewarded on the basis of your standings on the leader board. In case of any query, you can always ask your mentors but be sure to not spam them. The results will be declared within two weeks i.e. around 15th June.

And don’t be upset if you don’t get selected, you can still contribute to open source projects out there!!

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