What is File System module in Node.js ?

Nodejs is an open-source javascript runtime to run javascript outside of the browser. It is a popular choice for backend development. Like every other programming language Nodejs also provides us with the built-in libraries to interact with the system or machine. In Nodejs we call these libraries modules. 

Modules basically are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Node core modules
  2. Local modules
  3. 3rd party modules (like npm modules).

File System module: File System is a core module by a node to interact with files and folders. It provides various events and methods to access and manipulate files and folders in our machine.

Some of the operations it provides to manipulate files are:

  • Create and delete files or folders.
  • Accessing and renaming files or folders.
  • Read, write and append files.
  • Changing permission and owner of file or folder.

To use the File System module in your program, you need to fs node core module:


const fs = require('fs')

Now before using the fs module you need to understand that there are two approaches to use fs module methods:-

  1. Using synchronous methods
  2. Using asynchronous methods

Now the question comes which should we choose synchronous methods or asynchronous methods. Let’s discuss what is the difference between synchronous methods and asynchronous methods of fs module.

Synchronous and Asynchronous methods:

Synchronous methods use functions that are blocking in nature.  Blocking functions blocks the execution of the next instruction or piece of code till the current operation is not completed. Synchronous methods wait for the current operation to be finished and then it continues with the execution of the next instruction. But this creates problems when the current operation takes a lot of time.

Example: Suppose our server after getting a request needs to create a file and then write some text in it and then respond back to the client. If for creating and writing on a file we use a synchronous approach then for each coming request we would block the execution till we are done with operations and responding to that client. If a lot of requests come together we are basically blocking other users till we are finished with the first user. The last user would have to wait a lot to get this response and that would be bad.

Asynchronous methods are non-blocking in nature as they never wait for the current operation to complete. While calling an asynchronous method we have to pass a callback function as an argument.  When an asynchronous function is called it is registered or pushed by Event loop to a queue and the next line of code is executed. In the background, our asynchronous function is executed and when it completes, the callback function we passed as an argument is pushed in the callback queue and is executed when its turn comes.

 Basically, the catch here is to understand that asynchronous methods do the operation in the background and do not block the 
 execution of code.

Synchronous and Asynchronous  code execution

File System provides us with synchronous as well as the asynchronous version of methods.

NOTE  β€“   We should always use the asynchronous version of methods in our code if we have a choice.  Synchronous methods should only be used in top-level code because top-level code is executed only once or only in situations where we are certain that operation won’t take long (lightweight operation).

Operations on file:

  • Reading a file –  The simplest way to read a file is using fs.readFile() method. This method takes care of opening and closing the file and it loads the file contents in the memory for us to use in our program.

Syntax :


Parameters :

  • path – the name or path of the file we want to read from
  • options – this is an optional argument and generally we pass encoding which is β€˜utf-8β€˜
  • callback – executed when we have read the file. It takes two parameters
    • error –  if any error occurs
    • data – contents of the file

Example –  Create a file name app.js and also create a text file input.txt

Project Structure –


const fs = require("fs");
// Asynchronous version of readFile method
fs.readFile("input.txt", "utf-8", (error, data) => {
  // If the file doesnt exist then there 
  // is error then if condition will run
  if (error) {
    console.log("File not found");
  } else {
    // Data contains the content that we 
    // have read from file in case of 
    // error , data will output undefined

Run app.js using the command below :

node app.js


Hurrah, now you know how to read a file.

Example 2: We will use the synchronous version, which is fs.readFileSync(). Every other method discussed below also has a synchronous version. To use that just add Sync at the end of the function name and remove the callback parameter.


const fs = require("fs");
try {
  // If file not found then throws error
  //Reading file in asynchronous way
  const data = fs.readFileSync("input.txt", "utf-8");
} catch (error) {

Output : 

Hurrah, now you know how to read a file synchronously.
  • Writing in a file – We can write in our file using fs.writeFile() function .  This function writes data to the file by replacing the existing contents of the file. Also if there is no such file then it creates the file and writes data on it.


fs.writeFile(path, data, options, callback)


  • path – The name or path of the file to write to.
  • data – Content to write to file
  • options – Optional but we usually specify the encoding – β€˜utf-8β€˜.
  • callback – Executed after we have written on file.
    • error – if any error occurs,

Example – Create an empty text file – output.txt and also app.js file –

Project Structure :


const fs = require("fs");
const str = "Learning how to write to a file.";
fs.writeFile("output.txt", str, "utf-8", (error) => {
  // If there is error then this will execute
  if (error) {
  else {
    console.log("Successfully written!!");
  // Reading what we have written in file
  fs.readFile("output.txt", "utf-8", (error, data) => {
    if (error) {
    else {

Run app.js file with command –

node app.js

Output: A new file with the name output.txt will be created and data will be written on it. But file already existed then all its contents will be deleted and replaced by the data we wrote.

Successfully written!!
Learning how to write to a file.
  • Appending in a file – We can append data to our file using fs.appendFile() . Unlike fs.writeFile() it doesn’t replace the content of the file but rather adds the data to it. If the file is not found then it creates the file and adds the data to it.


fs.appendFile(path, data, options, callback)

Parameters –

  • path – The name or path of the file.
  • data – Content to be added in the file.
  • options – We generally specify encoding – β€˜utf-8β€˜
  • callback – Executed after we have appended the file
    • error – if there is an error

Example – Create a file app.js and also an empty output.txt file –

Project Structure:

output.txt: Initially contains – 

Learning how to write to a file. (Previous content)



const fs = require("fs");
const data = "\nLearning how to append to a file. (New content)";
fs.appendFile("output.txt", data, "utf-8", (error) => {
  if (error) {
  else {
    console.log("Successfully written!!");
  fs.readFile("output.txt", "utf-8", (error, data) => {
    if (error) {
    else {

Run the app.js  with the command –

node app.js

Output: The data we provide will be appended in output.txt and we will get the below output –

Successfully written!!
Learning how to write to a file. (Previous content)
Learning how to append to a file. (New content)

There are a lot of other methods of fs module that are used to perform various types of operations on files  β€“ fs.rename() , fs.unlink(), fs.open(), fs.close() etc.

Let’s create an offline judge project using the file system module:

A demo of an offline judge: Suppose you have a JSON file test-cases.json which contains all the input test cases for a problem and its output. 

Project Structure – 


  "problem": 121,
  "input": [
    [5, 3, 4, 2, 1],
    [8, 100, 47, 999, 504, 771, 21, 53, 45, 660, 9],
    [0, 0, 7, 1, 4, 7, 3, 5],
  "output": [3, 673, 19, 1, 10]

Problem Statement: Find the difference between the odd and even sum


// Complete this function to find the 
// absolute difference of sum of even 
// and odd terms in arr
function diffOfOddEvenSum(arr) {
  // Write your code here

Now, to create an offline judge you need to create an app.js file and write the code –


const fs = require("fs");
const funct = require("./index");
function diffOfOddEvenSum(arr) {
  let odd = 0;
  let even = 0;
  arr.forEach((element) => {
    if (element % 2 == 1) {
      odd += element;
    } else even += element;
  return odd - even;
// Since this is top level code we can
// use Synchronous version
// reading the data from json file
const jsonData = fs.readFileSync("test.json", "utf-8");
// The data we read from file is in json
// parsing the json to get the data
const testCases = JSON.parse(jsonData);
// Inputs is an array of input cases
const inputs = testCases.input;
// Exptected Output contains the correct
// output of the given problem number
const expectedOutput = testCases.output;
// To store the result of our input test cases
let result = "";
// Calling the diffOdOddEvenSum() function
// to get the output
inputs.forEach((input, index) => {
  const output = diffOfOddEvenSum(input);
  //  console.log(output)
  // Checking if the output is correct
  if (output == expectedOutput[index]) {
    result += `Test Case ${index + 1}- passed \n`;
  } else {
    result += `Test Case ${index + 1}- failed \n`;
// We can use Synchronous version as it
// is top-level code
// writing the output to the file
fs.writeFileSync("result.txt", result, "utf-8");

Run app.js using command –

node app.js

Output –  In our result.txt file, we have

Test Case 1- passed 
Test Case 2- passed
Test Case 3- passed 
Test Case 4- passed 
Test Case 5- failed

In this way, we can simply create an offline judging tool using file system core module

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