What is favicon and what is the size of it in HTML?

A favicon is something that all of us see daily while browsing the web, but many of us don’t observe it or pay any need to it. A favicon goes by many other names as well, some of them being the favorite icon (hence the acronym favicon), shortcut icon, tab icon, website icon, or bookmark icon. It is the little image we see on a tab, or while making a bookmark of a page.

The small w3wiki image shown in the tab is the favicon we are talking about.

Types of favicons: Favicons can have different dimensions like 16×16, 32×32, 48×48, or 64×64 pixels in size. Additionally, they can have 8-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit colour depth.

How to use a favicon?
There are two ways to implement a favicon:

  • If the favicon is in .ico format:
    1. Copy the correctly formatted favicon.ico file to the host directory of the server where the website files are located. Generally this is public_html, but may change depending upon the configuration or hosting provider.
    2. The browser automatically detects the favicon and shows it.
  • If the favicon is of some other format (for example jpg, BMP, gif, png):
    1. Copy the file to the host directory of the server where the website files are located. Generally this is public_html, but may change depending upon the configuration or hosting provider.
    2. Now we need to specify the image we would like to use as a favicon for our website. To do so, we need to add the following line inside the tags below the <taitle> in our website code:
      <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png"/>

      For formats other than png, replace the “image/png” with the format of the file, and the “favicon.png” with the name and extension of your file.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
        <meta charset = "utf-8" /> 
            w3wiki icon 
        <!-- add icon link -->
        <link rel = "icon" href
        type = "image/x-icon"
        <h1 style = "color:green;"
            w3wiki icon added in the title bar 


Favicon sizes:

Size Name Purpose
32×32 favicon-32.png Standard for most desktop browsers.
57×57 favicon-57.png Standard iOS home screen.
76×76 favicon-76.png iPad home screen icon.
96×96 favicon-96.png GoogleTV icon.
120×120 favicon-120.png iPhone retina touch icon.
128×128 favicon-128.png Chrome Web Store icon & Small Windows 8 Star Screen Icon*.
144×144 favicon-144.png Internet Explorer 10 Metro tile for pinned site*
152×152 favicon-152.png iPad touch icon.
167×167 favicon-167.png iPad Retina touch icon (change for iOS 10: up from 152×152, not in action. iOS 10 will use 152×152)
180×180 favicon-180.png iPhone 6 plus
192×192 favicon-192.png Google Developer Web App Manifest Recommendation
195×195 favicon-195.png Opera Speed Dial icon
(Not working in Opera 15 and later)
196×196 favicon-196.png Chrome for Android home screen icon
228×228 favicon-228.png Opera Coast icon

Note: major browsers are not supported by the sizing property of the favicon.
Vulnerabilities: Many web browsers display the favicons on the left side of the address bar, so they are often used as a part of a phishing attack on HTTPS pages. The attacker changes the favicon of the site to the familiar padlock sign (notifying an encrypted connection) to fool the users. To circumvent this, many popular and modern web browsers display the favicon in the tab only and display the security status of the protocol used to access the website beside the URL.

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