What is ETL (Extract Transform Load)?

In analytics and data integration, ETL is an essential procedure. It involves collecting data out of multiple sources, formatting it uniformly, and then feeding it into a target location like a database or data warehouse. In order to provide organizations with actionable insights and the ability to make well-informed decisions, ETL is essential to the consolidation and preparation of data for analysis.

Table of Content

  • What is ETL?
  • How ETL evolved?
  • How ETL works?
  • ETL and other data Integration methods
  • Benefits and challenges of ETL
  • ETL tools
  • The Future of Integration-API’s using EAI
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on What is ETL?

What is ETL?

ETL means Extract, transform, and load which is a data integration process that include clean, combine and organize data from multiple sources into one place which is consistent storage of data in data warehouse, data lake or other similar systems.

ETL data pipeline will gave us the basic foundation of the data analytics and machine learning workstream. They will do the three main things which are

  • First, They will collect the data from the old system and,
  • Second, the quality improvement process will be done for the same for making quality data.
  • Lastly, the new data will be stored into the new database for the use of analytics

Basically, the ETL make sure the data will be the ready to use in the business needs, for making the process more efficient and qualitative.

How ETL Evolved?

Businesses have been collecting the data for a long time but in the modern era the possibility of storage of data will be only with the computers and digital storage.

  • 1970s – Introduction of ETL: In 1970’s larger centralized databases will be invented with ETL (Extract, transform, and load ) also introduced and processed and merged processed for the data analysis.
  • 1980s – Rise of Data Warehouses and Relational Databases: In 1980’s data warehouses (Storage which used for data storing purpose) and relational databases will be popular for making better analytics and decision making. In older transactional database will store the database with transaction by transaction with include the duplicate customer information stored with their transaction, that’s why there is no way to access the data in a unified way with time. with relational database the analytics will made the basic foundation of the  business intelligence (BI) and the write tool for the decision making.
  • 1990s – Automation and Big Data: Until the invention of the ETL software the all process of carry with manual efforts by the IT team for extracting the data from the different systems and connectors for the transformation of the data into the common well known format. Then transfer into the interconnected tables. Still the early ETL will be best option as a algorithm, addition of neural network will be making more opportunities for the analytics of the data.
  • 1990s – ETL in the Cloud: In 1990’s the Big data invented as result the computing speed and the storage capacity will increasing efficiently, where in which large amount of data will get from the different sources like social media and IOT (Internet of Things).
  • 2000s and Beyond – Advanced Analytics and AI: In 1990’s ETL and cloud computing were become more popular. With using of the data warehouses such as (AWS) Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Snowflake which making the availability of these data around the world.

How ETL Works?

The best way to understand the ETL which is the steps of the ETL which are follows:

1. Extract

In ETL basically when you are performing the extraction of the data in that process you are exactly copying or moving raw data to its temporary storage which called staging area. data teams will do this from different places where the data is stored and it can be all well organize or not. the following are the limits of the same

  • SQL or NoSQL servers
  • CRM and ERP systems
  • JSON and XML
  • Flat-file databases
  • Email
  • Web pages

2. Transform

In the staging area raw data process through the process which is :

  • Filtering, cleaning, combining, removing duplicates, and checking data.
  • Calculations, translations, or summery based on the raw data.
  • Conduction of audits to check the data quality and compliance, and calculating metrics.
  • Removing, encrypting, or securing of data as per rules.
  • Formatting the data into tables or combining tables to match the target data warehouse’s structure.

3. Load

In the final step, changed data is transfer from the staging area to a target data warehouse. This will usually starts with loading all data, then regularly adding new changes, and sometimes fully refreshing to replace all the data. ETL processes are less automated, clearly defined, and happen continuous and in batches. actually, this happens during off hours when source systems and the data warehouse have the least activity.

ETL and Other Data Integration Methods

There are two ways to put ETL and ELT data together but there are others ways also which are follows

  • Change Data Capture (CDC) finds and collect only the parts of data that have changed and move to another place. It can save resources during the “extract” part of ETL, or it can move transformed data to a storage place like a data in real time.
  • Data virtualization made a single, usable view of data without actually moving or changing the original data. It can make virtual data warehouses.
  • Stream Data Integration (SDI) it will keeps taking the data in real-time, changing it, and putting it in another place for analysis purpose. it is always working, so you will get the most new data for things like analytics or detecting fraud.

Benefits and Challenges of ETL

Benefits of ETL

  • Data Quality Improvement: Data cleansing and validation procedures are frequently included in ETL operations. These procedures help to enhance data quality by finding and fixing mistakes, inconsistencies, and duplicates.
  • Automation: ETL procedures can be set up to operate on a predetermined schedule or in response to particular circumstances.
  • Support for Business Intelligence: By preparing and organizing data for analysis, ETL operations lay the groundwork for business intelligence (BI) and analytics activities.
  • Data Transformation: Enabling the conversion of unprocessed data into a format appropriate for reporting and analysis is made possible by ETL.
  • Scalability: ETL procedures and technologies are scalable, enabling businesses to effectively handle massive amounts of data.

Challenges of ETL

  • Complexity: When working with many data sources, formats, and structures, ETL procedures can be complicated.
  • Maintenance Overhead: To adjust to evolving data sources, transformation logic, and business requirements, ETL procedures need constant maintenance.
  • Data Loss and Inconsistencies: When working with complex transformations or untrustworthy data sources, there is a risk of unintentional data loss or inconsistencies during the ETL process.
  • Data Latency: When handling massive amounts of data or complicated transformations, ETL procedures may cause latency.
  • Scalability and Performance: It might be difficult to scale ETL procedures to meet growing data volumes and processing requirements.

ETL tools

ETL is a data integration process that combines and data cleans from different sources of dataset and store into single places. It will important for data analytics and machine learning projects.

following are the simple breakdown of the product

  1. They automate moving and organizing the data in proper way and save time.
  2. They have user-friendly interfaces for setting the paths and all.
  3. They handle complex tasks like calculations and the data combining.
  4. They do first security by encryption of data and meeting industry standards like HIPAA and GDPR.

In addition, more ETL tools have involve ELT capability and support integration of real time and using and streaming data for artificial intelligence (AI) applications.

Difference between ETL and ELT




Storage and Processing Requirements

For transformed data to be loaded into the target system, ETL processes frequently need designated staging regions or intermediate storage. To manage intermediate data sets, this method could need more processing and storage capacity.

ELT procedures minimize the requirement for intermediate storage by utilizing the destination system’s processing and storage capabilities. This can result in reduced expenses and a more straightforward design, particularly when utilizing big data platforms or cloud-based data warehouses that provide scalable processing and storage capacity.


When data needs to be standardized, cleaned, and integrated from several heterogeneous sources before being loaded into a structured data warehouse for analysis, ETL is frequently utilized.

When dealing with huge amounts of raw data that can be fed into a target system straight away without requiring any transformation, ELT is frequently the preferable option.

Sequence of Operations

ETL involves extracting data from several sources, transforming it to match the goal data model or schema, and then loading the resultant data into the target database or data warehouse. This indicates that data transformation takes place prior to the destination’s loading.

In ELT, data is loaded into the target system after being extracted from sources with little to no modification. Following the data’s loading into the target, the Transformation step takes place, usually within the target system through the use of tools like data processing engines or SQL queries. This indicates that data transformation happens following destination loading.

The Future of Integration-API’s using EAI

  • Real-Time Analytics and Insights: To offer real-time visibility into data flows, performance indicators, and operational insights, integration platforms will incorporate advanced analytics capabilities.
  • Growing Use of Event-Driven designs (EDA): As EAI develops, it will incorporate more event-driven designs, which use events to facilitate asynchronous system communication.
  • Security and Compliance: Security and compliance will receive more attention in EAI solutions due to the growing complexity of integrations and the evolving threat landscape.
  • AI and Machine Learning in Integration: Intelligent routing, data mapping, and predictive analytics are made possible by AI and machine learning algorithms, which will be crucial to integration procedures.
  • Low-Code/No-Code Integration: By enabling business people to establish and maintain integrations without requiring advanced programming skills, low-code and no-code platforms will democratize integration.


In summary, ETL will be instrumental in data integration, evolving from its origins in the 1970s to meet modern-day demands. While ETL tools remain important, combination of APIs with EAI offers a more flexible solution for workflow integration, specially in web-based environments. This combination enhances data management and analysis capabilities for businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions on What is ETL?

What is the extract, transform, load process in ETL?


The process of combination of data from multiple sources into a large, and in one repository or one place called a data warehouse.

What is transformation in ETL?


The stage that follows data extraction and a process where raw data is extracted from various data sources to the staging area for the data operations called transformation in ETL.

What are the methods of ETL extraction?


There are two methods of ETL Extraction, which are logical and physical extraction.

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