What is EOS Blockchain?

EOS is a decentralized, blockchain-based platform that is used to create, host, and operate business apps, or dApps. It was launched in June 2018, Block.one, the firm that created the open-source software called EOS.IO that is utilized on the network, raised $4.1 billion in cryptocurrency through an Offering.

  • Secure access and authentication, permissioning, hosting of data, usage control, and communication between DApps and the Internet are all supported by EOS.
  • On the network, a cryptocurrency called EOS is used as a form of payment.

The following topics will be discussed here:

  1. Features of EOS
  2. Why is EOS Different?
  3. Founders of EOS
  4. EOS Ecosystem
  5. Key Success Factors For dApp Platform
  6. Account and Wallet in EOS
  7. How is Cost To Build dApp On EOS Determined?
  8. EOS dApp Use Cases
  9. Future Scope of EOS

Let’s start discussing each of these topics in detail.

Features of EOS

  1. Scalability: As most blockchain platforms require each node in the network to reach a consensus for anything to pass through, scalability which is the measure of the number of transactions performed per second, is a major challenge. The user experience is negatively impacted by this. As an illustration, PayPal handles 193 transactions every second. Bitcoin, in contrast, only processes 3-4 transactions per second. However, EOS asserts that its distributed proof of stake (DPOS) system can handle millions of transactions per second.
  2. Permission Schema: One can create unique permissions with EOS’ extensive permission system for a variety of business scenarios. For instance, you may create a unique authorization to safeguard a particular function of an EOS smart contract.
  3. Upgradability: On the EOS blockchain network, every dApp that has been installed is upgradeable. It denotes that users may be given the authority to add or remove features, deliver code patches, and modify application logic. Additionally, programmers can upgrade their apps without being shackled to a bug indefinitely.
  4. Less energy consumption: Due to DPOS, EOS is a platform that uses less energy than others.
  5. Governance: In EOS, the hash of the constitution must be included with every transaction, thus tying users to the document.
  6. Decentralized Operating System: EOS is a decentralized operating system that allows it to offer a vast array of business-friendly and user-friendly features.

Why is EOS Different?

Below are some of the reasons for the uniqueness of EOS:

  1. Quick and effective: The EOS blockchain network claims extremely fast and inexpensive transaction speeds. When it comes to speed, Ethereum can handle 15 transactions per second, but EOS is shooting for millions.
  2. EOS is highly configurable: This feature is especially advantageous for the development and administration of programmable architectures.
  3. Secure: The EOS blockchain is built to support a variety of permissions, compliance, and regulatory frameworks.
  4. Developer-focused: The blockchain is designed in a way that even individuals with limited technical knowledge can scale projects on EOSIO with the assistance of specialists.

Founders of EOS

The EOS stage was created by the company Block.one, and its white paper was written by Daniel Larimer and Brendan Blumer.

  • Both men proceed to be individuals of Block.one’s official group, with Blumer serving as CEO and Daniel Larimer as CTO. 
  • Blumer could be a serial business person, and one of his most punctual wanders included offering virtual resources for video diversions. He went on to co-found Okay.com, a carefully focused real estate office in Hong Kong.
  • Larimer may be a program software engineer who has to begin an arrangement of crypto wanders. They incorporate the crypto exchanging stage BitShares and the Steem blockchain. 
  • The match met in 2016 and shaped Block.one the taking after year.

EOS Ecosystem

It is made up of two main components:

1. EOs.IO: The EOS.IO software can be compared to a computer’s operating system. This program is in charge of scaling DApps and managing the EOS blockchain network. When put into practice, this profitable promise has the potential to completely alter the DApps ecosystem, which is now facing a major resource shortage due to its growing size. EOS.IO makes an effort to address these issues by enhancing usability and scalability through its own architecture.

  • Through the utilization of parallel processing and asynchronous communication techniques across the network, EOS.IO asserts to be able to serve thousands of commercial-scale DApps without experiencing performance problems.
  • The various modules involved in the operation of DApps further increase efficiency. For instance, the authentication and execution processes are carried out independently.
  • A web toolkit for interface construction, self-describing interfaces, self-describing database schemas, and a declarative permission scheme are some of the core usability characteristics of EOS. All of these simplify the task of developing and maintaining the apps for the developer.

2. EOS Token: The EOS network’s recognized cryptocurrency. If developers already own EOS tokens, they can still use the network resources to create and maintain DApps without having to spend them. If necessary, they can also lend out their bandwidth to other participants.

Delegated Proof of Stake, a sort of Proof of Stake in which token holders choose the validators on the network rather than selecting them at random, is the foundation of EOS governance. Additionally, the network is run by 21 block producers that invest in its development and infrastructure.

Key Success Factors For dApp Platform

In common, the taking after list comprises the key victory components for any dApp:

  1. Support for Large User Base: The dApp stage must be versatile for millions of clients to utilize it consistently and at the same time, without confronting any execution issues.
  2. Free Usage: The dApp on any blockchain stage ought to be free for end-users, with the capacity to overhaul with ease. Any exchange charge would dishearten clients from utilizing the dApp again.
  3. Low Latency: The dApp ought to run with the most reduced conceivable idleness to supply a great client experience.
  4. Parallel and Successive Performance: A dApp on any blockchain stage ought to offer parallel handling to disperse the workload and spare time. The dApp ought to too permit numerous consecutive exhibitions to dodge mistakes like double-spending.

Economy of EOS

  • EOS does not reliant on mining to create new currency as Bitcoin does. Here, block producers are paid with EOS tokens in return for creating more blocks. In fact, block producers are free to broadcast any amount as payment.
  • The method contains a limit towards producer award tokens such that the annual increase in token supply cannot exceed 5% in order to prevent abuse of the feature. Therefore, token holders who cast votes on the issue have the power to halt block makers who make unreasonable demands.
  • EOS tokens are tradable on a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges and can be stored in different wallets. However, their system for creating blocks is centralized, which seems to go against the broader notion of decentralization associated with blockchain. They have received a lot of criticism as a result.

Account and Wallet in EOS

The account and wallet in EOS can be described as:

  1. EOS Account: In EOS, an account resembles an access-controlled on-chain identification. 
  2. EOS Wallet: The EOS wallet functions as a sort of repository for the public-private key pairs required to allow actions on the blockchain in the EOS architecture. Compared to other cryptocurrencies, EOS has a different account structure. 

Depending on the permissions, it may be owned by a number of persons. There is no inherent connection between accounts and wallets, though.

How is Cost To Build a dApp On EOS Determined?

  • Within the Ethereum arrangement, the taken toll of the exchange and database capacity lies with the users. People pay cash within the frame of “gas” when they need to start a smart contract and DApp. There are no commissions within the EOS environment. For handling and capacity of exchanges, designers pay. They lease hub assets to initialize keen contracts and send applications.
  • Yu Ting Chen, who made the PandaFun gaming application, assessed the entire fetched of 21,000 EOS coins required to send the application ($ 52,000 at the trade rate of January 19, 2019). So, 10,000 coins ought to be gone through on Slam, the same sum – on the CPU, and another 1,000 coins on NET. The arrangement of a contract for a decentralized application within the arrangement of Ethereum will keep inside $100.
  • The venture group guarantees to diminish the fetched of blockchain organize and processor assets, but so distant is usually the case. This ought to be considered when creating applications for EOS. 

The taken toll of the improvement of DApp on EOS is approximate: 

  • With a basic keen contract: from $500 to $2,000.
  • With a complicated savvy contract (underwriter, entering information into outside registries): up to $5,000.
  • An application with progressed savvy contracts up to $10,000.
  • Diversion on EOS: from $10,000 to $300,000. 
  • Wallet for EOS: up to $10,000
  • Courier: from $10,000.

When making a DApp by a normal group of software engineers, you wish to focus on the hourly rate. Within the Joined together States and Western Europe, it is around $ 100/h, in Eastern Europe from $40 to $70/h, in India from $40-50/h, in Africa from$20-40/h.

EOS dApp Use Cases

The blockchain community has received EOS emphatically. Various applications have as of now been built on the stage. Some of the use cases of EOS dApp are:

  1. Ubuntu Vitality Ledger: The Ubuntu Vitality Record could be a clean vitality commercial center created on the EOS blockchain. The application points to supply cost-effective renewable vitality to Africa and control 4 billion households by 2030. The community depends on microloans and speculators to assist support little businesses, and people’s homes and dispatch Africa on the way to green vitality.
  2. All_ebt Food Stamps: All_ebt issues an EBT virtual card built on the EOS blockchain stage, pointing to assist low-income communities to unravel issues around budgetary incorporation and get to solid nourishment. Nearly 45% of the populace in Puerto Rico, counting families, moms and youthful children, the elderly and debilitated, maintain Food Stamps (22% within the U.S.). In any case, they have been isolated and sidelined from the computerized economy since nourishment stamps don’t work online.
  3. DACTROIT: EOS Detroit’s flagship product, code-named “DACTROIT,” is a decentralized autonomous community (DAC) that gives communities the means to control complementary currencies and high-speed internet access. This is an experimental project to encourage and display many ways that individuals can share their connections, resources, and spaces.

Future Scope of EOS

EOS seems to have some potential in the future, although it is still quite early to say. The technology required for implementing some of its very bold claims may turn off users.

  1. Governance Issues: OS lacks a strong governance structure. Brock Pierce, a pioneer of the Block, in June 2019. One group claimed that a “Chinese oligarchy” now controls EOS. Despite the fact that China is home to the majority of the block manufacturers, the hazards posed by centralization are what are of most concern. A significant criticism of the present block producers is that they do not create fresh DApps that will draw new users to the blockchain.
  2. Bullish Global: The price of EOS increased by 50% in May 2021 as a result of the revelation that Block.one had established a subsidiary called Bullish Global. (Toward the conclusion of the month, the price dropped just as precipitously.) 4 Bullish Global wants to build a brand-new cryptocurrency exchange powered by blockchain technology.

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