What is Digital Rights Management (DRM)?

Digital Rights Management is a technology, policy that restricts unauthorized activities and stops legal activity. DRM helps to recover our digital content such as videos, documents, ebooks, movies, etc. In this article, we will cover a brief explanation of Digital Rights management.

What is DRM?

DRM is a Digital rights management that protects our digital content and gives restrictions to not share sensitive information with others without the owner’s permission. for We buy a paid course and the owner uses DRM software not to share the content with others. If the person shares the content with others, there is strict action. DRM has the privilege to stop unauthorized distribution, it enables writers, and producers to protect their content. DRM restricts users from copying content, editing, and taking screenshots of the content.

How DRM Works?

DRM works in three parts encoding, decoding, and Authentication. Encoding means when the person uploads the video. An encryption key unlocks the video that wants to be played by the user and then the video player requests a decryption key that verifies the user to authenticate the device. Once authentication is successful then the user plays the video otherwise if authentication fails user does not play the video. for the Owner uploaded a Python document to Google where all the contents are related to Python, when the user clicks to open the document, it does not open because there is a paid version to which only the authenticated person who opens the document has access or the paid users. Sometimes, we see that many study-related materials are password protected in that case only the person who already has credentials or a password can see the document.

Working of DRM

DRM Use Cases

Here are the use cases of Digital Rights Management-

  • DRM gives a limit to several devices. Spotify that not give access to unauthorized devices to play audio and video files because Spotify uses DRM technology.
  • DRM is also used for securing movies and preventing unauthorized users. Like if someone uploads a movie but the movie is a paid version. If someone wants to access and see the movie must have a subscription and if they pay for a movie, they successfully access the movie if they share the movie with others and upload the YouTube channel they will receive copyright restrictions, and the movie they posted on YouTube is automatically deleted.
  • DRM also protects computer games. If someone purchased any games that required a paid subscription will be under the copyright in that case no one shared these games with anyone.
  • DRM protects the documents. If someone purchases the documents/e-books on the website. Their publishers make sure the copies of the content that the user purchased are not sharable. Sometimes there is an automatic restriction when you click the share button to share the ebook and you can also not capture the screenshots.
  • DRM is also helpful for businesses. Some of the companies do fake things such as copy your website image and paste it into our website and then claim that the website is created by ourselves in that case there is an immediate legal action for you.

Challenges of DRM

Here are the challenges of DRM:

  • The first challenge of DRM is to deal with sensitive data or information. you can add a security layer to each data otherwise you will face some penalties in the future.
  • If you don’t secure your sensitive content and share it publically in that case there is a person who misuse your data and it impacts to loss of revenue.
  • Poor digital rights management leads to access the files, and videos for unauthorised users.
  • If you don’t use DRM while publishing your video/content in that case your content may be at risk.
  • If you don’t have a DRM system your educational content that is shared publically might be at risk. Someone used your information by putting their name.

Benefits of DRM

Here are the benefits of DRM:

  • When you use the DRM system your information will be secure.
  • If you use a DRM system when you post the video or content. Only paid users access your video and if users share your video to anyone they can’t share it due to DRM policy. This leads to gain you profit.
  • It improves your data security.
  • It increases your profit.
  • It enhances the user experience.

Disadvantages of DRM

Here are the disadvantages of DRM:

  • DRM is costly because of expensive equipment and user personal needs.
  • DRM gives limited access to the device. The paid user saw the content only DRM support devices.
  • The additional encryption layer of DRM makes the performance slow for loading the content.

DRM Best Practices for Sensitive Content Protection

Here are the best practices of DRM for sensitive content protection:

  • Organizations use DRM technology to secure the content and protect sensitive information. This will lead to higher retention rates.
  • Always educate your employees to use DRM technology.
  • Participate in the DRM workshop, a discussion that gives tips, and strategies to secure content.
  • By using DRM solutions, organizations ensure that the content can be accessible to the target audience without any hurdles because DRM solutions help to protect the digital content either in organizations or individuals.


The use of DRM technology helps to protect your videos, content, or any digital media things and secure your business without any hurdle. With the rapid increase in technology DRM tools support and protect from unauthorized users.

Frequently Asked Questions on What is DRM -FAQS

Define DRM encryption?

When someone uses DRM technology to upload a video, content, or ebook it will ask the user to put an encryption key in that case only authorized users access the video, content, or ebook because they have an encryption key.

What are the drawbacks of DRM?

DRM restricts the limit no. of devices in that case you can access the content only limited no. of devices. This frustrates the user to not access the content.

What is Copyright?

Copyright is the intellectual property that gives the owner to protect their content so that only authorized users access the content.

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