What is difference between JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() Methods in JavaScript ?

JSON.parse() converts JSON strings to JavaScript objects, while JSON.stringify() converts JavaScript objects to JSON strings. JavaScript utilizes JSON for data interchange between servers and web pages. These methods enable easy data manipulation and transport in web development.

JSON.parse() Method

JSON.parse() converts a JSON string to a JavaScript object. It accepts a JSON string as input. It must be in string format when sending data to a web server locally. It’s useful for storing data in local storage as browsers store data in key-value pairs.


JSON.parse( string, function )

Example: In this example, we define a constant myInfo containing JSON-like data. It’s parsed into an object Obj. The code then logs the values of Name and Age from Obj. The resulting output would be GFG and 22, respectively.


const myInfo = `{
   "Name": "GFG",
   "Department" : "Computer Science and Engineering",
   "Year": "3rd"
const Obj = JSON.parse(myInfo);



JSON.stringify() Method

JSON.stringify() converts JavaScript objects into JSON strings, accepting a single object argument. It contrasts JSON.parse(). With replacer parameters, logic on key-value pairs is feasible. Date formats aren’t allowed in JSON; thus, they should be included as strings.


JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space);

Example: This example we converts the JavaScript object myInfo into a JSON string using JSON.stringify(). It then logs the resulting JSON string, which represents the object’s data.


const myInfo = {
   Name: "GFG"
   Department : "Computer Science and Engineering",
   Year: "3rd"
const Obj = JSON.stringify(myInfo);


{"Name":"GFG","Age":22,"Department":"Computer Science and Engineering","Year":"3rd"}

Difference Between JSON.stringify() Method & JSON.parse() Method

JSON.parse() JSON.stringify()
Converts JSON string to JavaScript object. Converts JavaScript object to JSON string.

The string must be wrapped in double quotes. example:  “String”.

No need to wrap the string in double quotes.

Accepts only one argument, the JSON string. Accepts only one argument, the JavaScript object.
Useful for parsing data received from servers. Useful for converting JavaScript objects for transmission.
Can handle JSON with nested objects and arrays. Preserves data types, including numbers, strings, arrays, and objects.
Can’t include functions or undefined values. Includes all enumerable properties, excluding functions and undefined values.
Handles dates as strings; must be converted. Allows optional replacer function to customize output or filter properties.

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