What is AUI(Attachment Unit Interface)?

AUI stands for Attachment Unit Interface. AUI is a portion of Ethernet standards that specifies how a cable is going to connect to an Ethernet card. AUI is a physical and logical interface. AUI is defined in IEEE 802.3 standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet. AUI connector is a 15 port connector that provides a path between an Ethernet node’s Physical Signaling and the Medium Attachment Unit (MAU).

S.No. Signal Description
1 CI-S Control In Circuit Shield
2 CI-A Control In Circuit A
3 DO-A Data Out Circuit A
4 DI-S Data In Circuit Shield
5 DI-A Data In Circuit A
6 VC Voltage Common (0 V)
7 CO-A Control Out Circuit A (not used)
8 CO-S Control Out Circuit Shield (not used)
9 CI-B Control In Circuit B
10 DO-B Data Out Circuit B
11 DO-S Data Out Circuit Shield (not used)
12 DI-B Data In Circuit B
13 VP Voltage Plus (+12 V)
14 VS Voltage Shield (not used)
15 CO-B Control Out Circuit B (not used)
Shell PG Protective Ground

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