What is 406 Status Code? Issues, and How to Fix Them

We often encounter errors while browsing the web. One such common error is HTTP 406: Not Acceptable Error. Essentially, it signals that the server is unable to generate a response that aligns with the acceptable values mentioned in the headers of the client’s request. Generally, this error arises when the server faces challenges in delivering content that meets the specific criteria set by the client in the Accept header.

This HTTP error code, known as “Not Acceptable,” belongs to the category of client error responses. In this article, we’ll look into what HTTP 406 means, talk about common problems connected to it, and give clear solutions to fix those issues.

What is HTTP Error Code 406?

The “406 Not Acceptable” error is due to a process known as content negotiation where the client (like a web browser) and the server share details on what types of content they can handle. This information exchange uses HTTP headers, especially the ‘Accept‘ headers, which let the client specify the formats, languages, encodings, and character sets it prefers or can deal with.

Now, when the client (web browser) sends a request to the server, it states its content format preferences through these Accept headers. If the server’s response doesn’t match any of these preferences or breaks any specified rules, it throws a 406 error. In short, the server can’t send the response content in the way your browser requested it.

Issues due to HTTP Error Code 406

Getting an HTTP 406 error can lead to various issues for users and website admins. The error, commonly known as “not acceptable, results in lots of problems.

Key issues

  • Content Display Problems: Users may experience difficulties viewing the requested content on the website, as the server couldn’t provide it in a format accepted by their device.
  • User Frustration: Repeated 406 errors can be annoying for users, especially when they keep having trouble accessing certain pages or things on a website.
  • Reduced User Engagement: When users regularly come across 406 errors, they might lose interest in using the site, affecting how much they engage with it.
  • SEO Impact: Continuous HTTP 406 errors may lead the search engines to think that users are having a bad experience, which can lead to websites having lower search engine ranking.

Want to learn more about HTTP Status codes Check Out: What are HTTP Status Codes ?

Causes of HTTP Error Code 406

1. Mismatched Content Types

The 406 error happens when the things our browser wants to see on a website (like certain types of pictures, maybe in jpeg format or something else, or text), as specified in the header, don’t match with what the server can actually show. This mismatch results in the server being unable to generate an acceptable response.

2. Unsupported Character Sets or Encodings

If the client requests content with specific character sets or encodings and the server lacks the capability to furnish content in those requested formats, the 406 error is triggered.

3. Incomplete or incorrect headers

Inaccurate or incomplete headers in the client’s request can lead to a breakdown in communication. The server may struggle to interpret the client’s expectations, resulting in the generation of a 406 error.

4. Insufficient server configuration

This occurs when the server lacks the necessary configurations to handle requested content types, causing the 406 error. The server may lack the capabilities or configurations to generate content in formats specified by the client. Resolving this involves adjusting server settings to align with expected content types, ensuring a smooth exchange between client and server.

5. MIME Type Mistmatch

At times, the browser requests a particular MIME type from the server, which represents content elements like JPEG images, specific video formats, or simple text. If the server can’t give you the kind of file you asked for, like a JPEG image, you’ll see a 406 error.

How to Fix HTTP Error Code 406

Let us see some of the ways in which we can fix the HTTP Error Code 406.

1. Adjust Request Headers

The client asking for information tells the server what kind of response it wants through an ‘Accept‘ header (like wanting the answer in HTML, XML, or JSON). If there’s an HTTP Error Code 406, we can solve it by changing the request headers.

  • Modify the ‘Accept’ header to include a broader range of formats that the server can provide.
  • Ensure the client is flexible in accepting different response types.

2. Server Configuration

The server needs to be capable of generating the responses in the formats requested by the client. If you are getting the HTTP Error 406, then one possible reason could be server configuration. You can fix the error in the following ways:.

  • Make sure the server can understand and work with the types of responses you want.
  • Change server settings or install the necessary components to make it able to handle the formats you need.

3. Content Negotiation

Content negotiation is like a conversation between the client and the server. They talk to each other and decide on the best way to share information, like choosing the right format for the response. The error 406 could be fixed by:

  • You can use content negotiation mechanisms like the ‘Accept‘ and ‘Content-Type‘ headers in requests and responses to figure out what kind of information is being sent and received.
  • Make sure the server understands these headers so it can send and receive information in a way that everyone agrees on.

4.Error Handling

Improving the error messages can help the developer understand the root cause of the issue and resolve it more efficiently. To fix the error 406, we can use the following error handling methods:

  • Improve server-side error handling to provide detailed information about why the 406 error occurred.
  • This helps developers figure out and fix the problem with the response formats.

5. Update client libraries or frameworks.

The client-side codebase may have outdated libraries, or it must have used obsolete frameworks that result in its inability to handle a wide range of response formats. The potential solutions to this issue are:

  • Make sure the tools or programs your client side is using can handle different types of responses. If not, update them to newer versions that can support a wider variety of formats.
  • Make sure the things your client-side code can do work well with what the server can handle. They need to be compatible to function smoothly together.

6. Provide a default response format.

To prevent errors when the client’s preferred format is unavailable, offer a default response format that is widely supported. To address this, the server can be configured to have a default response format that is widely supported, such as JSON or HTML. Here is how it can be implemented:

  • Change the server’s configuration to always give a certain type of response (like JSON or HTML) when it can’t provide the requested format.
  • When the client’s preferred format is unavailable, the server can still provide a meaningful response in the default format, avoiding the 406 error.


Getting the HTTP Error Code 406 indicates a mismatch between client expectations and server capabilities. This issue, known as “Not Acceptable,” can downgrade content delivery, causing user frustration and impacting engagement with the website. To resolve this, adjusting request headers, ensuring server compatibility, and implementing content negotiation mechanisms are crucial.

Moreover, effective error handling and updating client-side libraries and frameworks can contribute to a smoother user experience. Providing a default response format enhances resilience, preventing 406 errors. These steps collectively address challenges and promote seamless interaction between clients and servers in web environments.

FAQs on What is 406 Status Code? Issues, and How to Fix Them?

What does HTTP Error Code 406 mean?

HTTP Error Code 406, or “Not Acceptable,” means that the server cannot provide the content in the format requested by the client.

Why do users and website admins face issues with HTTP 406 errors?

Users may struggle to view content, leading to frustration and reduced engagement. For website administrators, continuous errors may impact SEO rankings negatively.

What causes HTTP Error Code 406?

Mismatched content types, unsupported character sets, incomplete headers, insufficient server configuration, and MIME type mismatches can trigger the 406 error.

How can HTTP Error Code 406 be fixed?

The solutions to fixing HTTP Error Code 406 include adjusting request headers, configuring the server, content negotiation, error handling improvements, updating client libraries, and providing a default response format.

Why does HTTP Error Code 406 impact user engagement?

HTTP Error Code 406 disrupts content delivery, leading to difficulties in viewing content for users. Repeated errors can frustrate users, reducing their interest in and engagement with the website.

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