What is 30% of 50?

Answer: 30% of 50 is 15.

To calculate this, we use the formula for finding a percentage of a number, which is:

(Percentage / 100) × Total Number.

In this case, we want to find 30% of 50.

First, we convert the percentage (30%) to a decimal. This is done by dividing the percentage by 100. So, 30% becomes 0.30 (since 30 ÷ 100 = 0.30).

Next, we multiply this decimal by the total number to find the required percentage of it. Here, the total number is 50. Therefore, we calculate 0.30 × 50.

The calculation is as follows:

0.30 × 50 = 15

Thus, 30% of 50 equals 15. This means that if you have 50 of something, and you need to find 30% of it, you would be looking at 15 of that thing. This calculation is useful in various real-life scenarios, such as calculating discounts, statistics, or proportions.

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