What is 1.5 as a whole number?

The method to represent and work with numbers is known as the number system. A number system is a system of writing to represent numbers. It is the mathematical notation used to represent numbers of a given set by using digits or other symbols. It allows us to operate arithmetic operations such as division, multiplication, addition, subtraction.

Some important number systems are as follows:

  • Decimal Number System
  • Binary Number System
  • Octal Number System
  • Hexadecimal Number System

Let’s see about all these number systems in detail.

Decimal Number System

The decimal number system consists of ten digits i.e. from 0 to 9. The base of a decimal number system is 10. These digits can be used to represent or express any numeric value.

For example, the decimal number 102 consists of the digit 2 in ones place, the digit 0 in tens place, and the digit 1 in hundreds place which can be represented as:

(1×102) + (0×101) + (2×100)

= (1×100) + (0×10) + (2)            {where, 100 = 1}

= 100 + 0 + 2

= 102

Binary Number System

The binary number system consists of only two digits i.e. 0 and 1. The base of the binary number system is 2. The digital computer represents all kinds of data in a binary number system.

For example, convert 100011 into a decimal number system.

(100111)2 = 1×25 + 0×24 + 0×23 + 0×22 + 1×21 + 1×20  

                 = 32 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1

                 = (35)10

Octal Number System

The octal number system consists of digits from 0 to 7. The base of an octal number system is 8. Octal number systems are basically used in computer applications.

For example, convert 123 into decimal.

1238 = 1×82 + 2×81 + 3×80

         = 64 + 16 + 3

         = 8

Hexadecimal Number System

In the hexadecimal number system, numbers are first represented from digits 0 to 9 as decimal number system and then the numbers are represented using alphabets from A to F. The base of a hexadecimal number system is 16.

For example, convert 26BC16 to decimal.

12AC16 = 1×163 + 2×162 + 10×161 + 12×160

            = 4096 + 512 + 160 + 12

            = 4778

What are Whole Numbers?

The whole numbers are the numbers without fractions and are a collection of positive integers from 0 to infinity. All the whole numbers exist in number lines. All the whole numbers are real numbers but we can’t say that all the real numbers are whole numbers. Whole numbers cannot be negative. The whole numbers are represented by the symbol “W”. The examples are: 0, 23, 34, 45, 67, 867, 345, 56754, etc.

What is 1.5 as a whole number?


The number 1.5 is not a whole number, since it is a fraction and fractions don’t come under whole numbers.


The whole numbers are numbers that start from zero.

Since, it is a decimal number it cannot be written as a whole number. But we can round it off to 2 or 1 to write as a whole number. So 1.5 can be written as 2 after rounding off.

Similar Questions

Question 1. What is 13/3 as a whole number?


The number is 13/3 is not itself a whole number, because whole numbers do not contain fractions.


The whole numbers are numbers that start from zero.

Consider the number 13/3 as Y.

Y = 13/3

Dividing 13/3 to get the whole number,

so we get,

Y = 13/3
Y = 4.33

Therefore, the whole number of 13/3 is 4 after rounding off 4.33 to the nearest whole number.

Question 2. What is 100/4 as a whole number?


The number is 100/4


The whole numbers are numbers that start from zero.

Consider the number 100/4 as Y.

Y = 100/4

Dividing 100/4 to get the whole number,

so we get,

Y = 25 which is already a whole number

Therefore, the whole number of 100/4 is 25.

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