What is 1/4th as a Whole Number?

A number system is a system of writing to represent numbers. Some important number systems are as follows:

  • Decimal Number System: It consists of ten digits, i.e., from 0 to 9. The base of a decimal number system is 10.
  • Binary Number System: It consists of only two digits, i.e., 0 and 1. The base of the binary number system is 2.
  • Octal Number System: It consists of digits from 0 to 7. The base of an octal number system is 8.
  • Hexadecimal Number System: In this number system, numbers are first represented from digits 0 to 9 as a decimal number system and then the numbers are represented using alphabets from A to F

What are Whole Numbers?

The whole numbers are the numbers without fractions and are a collection of positive integers from 0 to infinity. All the whole numbers exist in number lines. All the whole numbers are real numbers but we can’t say that all the real numbers are whole numbers. Whole numbers cannot be negative. The whole numbers are represented by the symbol “W”. The examples are: 0, 23, 34, 45, 67, 867, 345, 56754, etc.

What is 1/4th as a whole number?

The number is 1/4 which can also be written as 0.25. Hence, the number 1/4 rounded off to the nearest whole number will be 0.


The whole numbers consist of all the counting numbers starting from zero.

Let’s take the fraction 1/4 and represent it as Y. So, Y = 1/4.

When we divide 1 by 4, we get 0.25.

Rounding 0.25 to the nearest whole number results in 0 because the digit after the decimal point, 2, is less than 5.

[When the digit after the decimal is less than 5, we round down to the nearest whole number.]

Therefore, 1/4 as a whole number is 0.

Similar Questions

Question 1. What is 22/5 as a whole number?


Given: The number is 22/5


The whole numbers are numbers that start from zero.

Consider the number 22/5 as Y.

Y = 22/5

Dividing 22/5 to get the whole number,

so we get,

Y = 22/5

Y = 4.4

Rounding it off to the nearest whole number, we get, 4. As the number just after the decimal is less than 5.

Therefore, 22/5 as whole number is 4

Question 2. What is 145/4 as a whole number?


Given: The number is 145/4


The whole numbers are numbers that start from zero.

Consider the number 145/4 as Y.

Y = 145/4

Dividing 145/4 to get the whole number,

so we get,

Y = 145/4

Y = 36.25

Rounding it off to the nearest whole number, we get, 36.

Therefore, 145/4 as whole number is 36.

Question 3. What is 45/5 as a whole number?


Given:- The number is 45/5


The whole numbers are numbers that start from zero.

Consider the number 45/5 as Y.

Y = 45/5

Dividing 45/5 to get the whole number,

so we get,

Y = 45/5

Y = 9

Therefore, 45/5 as whole number is 9.

Question 4. What is 69/19 as a whole number?


Given : The dividend is 69 and the divisor is 19.

Explanation :

The whole numbers are such numbers which start from 0.

Consider the given expression as Y,

therefore Y = 69/19.

So after doing the division we get –

Y = 69/19

Y = 3.631

As the immediate number after the decimal point is 6, which is greater than 5.

Thus, 3.631 will be rounded off to 4.

Thus, 69/19 as whole number is 4.

Question 5 : What is 137/15 as a whole number?


Given : The dividend is 137 and the divisor is 15.

Explanation :

The whole numbers are such numbers which start from 0.

Consider the given expression as Y,

therefore Y = 137/15.

So after doing the division we get –

Y = 137/15

Y = 9.133 . . .

Here, after the decimal, the number 3 keeps on repeating infinitely, but as the first number after the decimal is 1.

Thus, 9.133 . . . is rounded off to 9.

Thus, 137/15 as whole number is 9.

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