What do you understand by stock of resources?

Stock resources refer to those resources which can be expended enduringly, due to which they are non-renewable resources, and the quantity of such resources is based on absolute amounts instead of rates. Some important examples include coal and petroleum. The materials which are obtained from the environment and also have the capacity to fulfil the needs of humans, but humans are not able to use them optimally as there is a lack of technology, are referred to as stock resources. Like, hydrogen has huge potential to be used as an energy source, but technological know-how is not known on how to use them as energy resources, hence are “stock” resources.

Stock of Resources

Potential Resources

Potential resources are known to exist and might be utilized from here on out.

Examples: Hydroelectric plant of Niagara Falls.

Developed Resources

Resources that have been created and whose amount and quality have been characterized for use and are presently being utilized are known as evolved assets.


  • Coal.
  • Natural gas.
  • Petroleum

Reserved Resources

Reserved resources are the resources that are characterized, and their current sum is perceived, however since they are saved for the future, they are not being utilized.

Example:-USA has oil and gas reserves in large amounts but still, they import them in order to use them in the future.

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FAQs on Stock Resources

Q 1. What do you understand by stock resources?


Stock resources are those resources which are present at the time but the technology know-how on how to extract them is not known. For example, Hydrogen.

Q 2. How many types of stock resources are there?


There are a total of 3 types of stock resources which include: potential, developed, and reserved.

Q 3. What are the two examples of stock resources available at present?


The two best examples of stock resources would include coal and also petroleum reserves.

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