What Colors Make Blue Colour?

Answer: Blue is a Primary Color. In traditional color theory, blue is considered one of the three primary colors, alongside red and yellow. Being a primary color means that blue cannot be created by mixing other colors together. In print media, however, blue shades are achieved through different combinations of cyan and magenta inks in the CMYK model.

RGB Color Model: Blue in Digital Media

  • RGB Model: In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model, used for screens and digital media, blue is again a primary color. It is one of the three light colors, along with red and green, that can combine to create a wide spectrum of other colors.
  • Creating Blue Shades in RGB: In the RGB model, different shades of blue are created by adjusting the intensity of the blue light. Adding red or green light can create colors like purple or turquoise.

CMYK Color Model: Print Media

  • CMYK Model: In the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black) color model, used for print media, blue shades are typically created by combining the cyan and magenta inks in varying proportions.

Understanding these basics provides a clear insight into the nature of the color blue and its applications in various media.

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