What Color Does Cyan And Magenta Make When Mixed?

When we mix the Cyan color and Magenta color, it will give the result a Blue color.

In the modern color wheel CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow), Cyan and Magenta colors are considered as primary colors which combine and provide Blue color as result and it is considered as a secondary color in this CMY color model whereas in the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model Blue color is considered as a primary color.

Color Mixing: Cyan And Magenta

If you mix 50% of Cyan color and 50% of Magenta color exactly then it will give Blue color or sometimes other shades of Blue color depending upon the nature of the other two colors. This is because there are different shades of Cyan color and different shades of Yellow color. If you exactly pick the default Cyan color i.e., #00FFFF as in Hex Code or RGB(0,255,255), and the default Magenta color i.e., #FF00FF as in Hex Code or RGB(255,0,255) then it will provide the expected Blue color without having the shades of other colors. 

Overview of Blue Color:

The Hex Code for default Blue is #0000FF and the RGB() combination for default Blue is RGB(0,0,255). There are different shades of Blue color. Some of them are Sky Blue, Indigo, Arctic, Berry, Stone, Light Blue, Airforce, Electric Blue, Steel Blue, Royal Blue, Midnight Blue, Baby Blue, Navy Blue, Teal, etc.

The Ancient Egyptians created the first blue pigment around 2,200 B.C. These blue pigments were primarily used for paintings. Artists prefer this color to express their artistic values. The word 'blue' came from Middle English called bleu or blewe which was borrowed from the Old French word bleu. 

The word or color Blue expresses the following terms or meanings Freedom, Sensitivity, Imagination, Intuition, Responsibility, Confidence, Calmness, Trust, Faith, Loyalty, Wisdom, Fragile, Honesty, Peace, Predictable, Authority, etc. The color Blue is associated with nature in many forms as Sky is full of Blue during day time, Ocean looks like different shades of blue and even the rainbow consists of Blue color and Indigo color which is also part of the Blue family. There are many things existing around us that are Blue in color such as natural minerals, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables, etc.

Lighten the Blue Color:

There are some ways to reduce the Blue color to light blue color. This can be done in the following ways.

  1. Blue is a mixture of two primary colors Cyan and Magenta. Here the color Cyan is having a light shade when compared to another primary color Magenta. If you feel that the Blue color is darker than you expected and you want to make it a lighter shade of Blue then you will mix a certain amount of Cyan color in the Blue color to have the desired amount of expected light-blue color.
  2. Another way is to add White color. A mixture of a certain amount of White color with the Blue color turns it into light-blue color. Here, you don’t need to add Cyan color because the mixture of White color with Blue color is enough to have the expected light-blue color.

Darken the Blue Color:

There are some ways to darken the Blue color to bright blue or dark blue color. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Blue is a mixture of two primary colors Cyan and Magenta. Here the color Magenta is having a dark shade when compared to another primary color Cyan. If you feel that the Blue is lighter than you expected and you want to make it a darker shade of Blue then you will mix a certain amount of Magenta color in the Blue color to have the desired amount of expected dark-blue color.
  2. Another way is to add Black color. A mixture of a certain amount of Black color with the Blue color turns it into dark-blue color. Here, you don’t need to add a Magenta color because the mixture of a Black color with the Blue color is enough to have the expected dark blue or bright-blue color.

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