What Color Does Black And White Make When Mixed?

When we mix the Black color and White color, it will give the result a Neutral Gray color. 

The color Black, White, and Gray are achromatic colors without hue. The color Black indicates the absence of all primary colors in the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model whereas the color White indicates the presence of all primary colors in the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model. 

Color Mixing: Black And White

If you mix 50% of Black color and 50% of White color exactly then it will give a Gray color or sometimes it will give light gray or dark gray depending upon the nature of the other two colors. This is because there are different shades of Black color and different shades of White color. If you exactly pick the default Black color i.e., #000000 as in Hex Code or RGB(0,0,0), and the default White color i.e., #FFFFFF as in Hex Code or RGB(255,255,255) then it will provide the expected Gray color without having the shades of other colors. 

Overview of Gray Color :

The Hex Code for default Gray is #808080 and the RGB combination for default Gray is RGB(128,128,128). There are different shades of Gray color. Some of them are Anchor, Ash, Slate, Shadow, Fog, Coin, Charcoal, Flint, Mink, Graphite, Dove, Silver, Steel, Iron, Stone, Pewter, etc.,

The color Gray was first recorded during the Seventh Century. It is also mentioned as Grey. The term Grey is mostly used in British English whereas Gray is most commonly used in American English. During Middle Ages, dresses were made by using undyed wool which is a type of Gray color. The color Gray was also used in ancient paintings. It attracted the attention of artists as well as dress designers. More outfits and paintings were using the Gray color.
The color Gray expresses the following terms or meanings, such as Compromise, Neutral, Maturity, Reliability, Relax, Calm, Conservative, Control, Stability, Practical, Sad, Balance, Coldness, Depress, Reserved, Introvert, and Unemotional, etc., It is the intermediate distance between Black and White color. The color Gray is associated with nature in many forms such as the outer appearance of Animals/Birds such as Gray Parrot, Raccoons, Gray Fog, Gray Wolf, Wood Owl, Koala, Rhinoceros, etc., Flowers such as Gray Santolina, Paperflower Desert brittlebush, Algerita, Desert marigold, etc. We can see more Fish species are having Gray color appearance. Stones and some natural minerals are of Gray color. 

Lighten the Gray Color :

Gray is a mixture of two colors Black and White. Here the color White is a lighter shade when compared to another color Black which is exactly the opposite of White color. If you feel that the color Gray is darker than you expected and you want to make it a lighter shade of Gray then you will mix a certain amount of White color in the Gray color to have the desired amount of expected light-gray color. You can also add the minimum amount of White color or maximum amount of White color depending upon your requirement.

Darken the Gray Color :

Gray is a mixture of two colors Black and White. Here the color Black is having a darker shade when compared to another color White which is exactly opposite to that of Black color. If you feel that the color Gray is lighter than you expected and you want to make it a darker shade of Gray then you will mix a certain amount of Black color in the Gray color to have the desired amount of expected dark-gray color or bright-gray color. You can also add the minimum amount of Black color or maximum amount of Black color depending upon your requirement.

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