What are Zombies in Cyber Security?

In terms of Cyber Security the term “Zombie” denotes a computer or electronic device compromised by malware or malicious software. Whenever a computer gets affected by malicious software then that computer can be controlled by the attacker sitting at some different location and the owner won’t know about this. These infected computers are termed to be ‘zombies’.

Types of Zombies

Different types of zombies present with different malicious intents:

  1. Botnet Zombies: These are the compromised devices or computers that are controlled by Central Command and Control(C&C) servers by infecting computers with malware. These devices form a network called botnets. These botnets allow the criminal to coordinate for various cybercrime such as Distributing spam or DDOS.
  2. Fileless Zombies: The problem with traditional malware is that they leave traces on the affected systems. Fileless Zombie operates in memory and it almost leaves no trail on the hard drive. These zombies are mostly undetectable from the traditional antivirus software making them hard to identify and mitigate.
  3. IoT Zombies: Many IOT devices such as smart homes medical devices or industrial devices can be compromised and converted into zombies. These infected devices are a way to launch a big attack or can be the entry point into a big network
  4. Ransomware Zombies: Some malware encrypts the victim’s file, blocks those files in the victim’s computer itself, and demands money to decrypt those files. This type of attack is said to be a ransomware attack. These attacks can become a zombie controlled by a ransomware controller.
  5. Social Engineering Zombies: These zombies are not devices or computers they refer to individuals who manipulate others to give sensitive information by using social engineering tactics. Attackers use techniques such as fake websites, phone calls, or phishing emails to manipulate people into providing sensitive information or making them install malware by themselves.

How Zombie Works?

In cyber security, Zombies plays an important role in executing malicious intention. Working with Zombies is important to understand to defend or prevent the system from zombies’ attack. Here is an overview of how Zombies operate in Cyberworld:

  • Infection: When a computer gets affected by malware Zombies are created. Visiting fake websites, Downloading Malicious Files, and having infected attachments can be a reason for being exposed to malware. Once the system gets infected by malware, it is ready to start malicious activities.
  • Remote Control: A connection between the attacker’s command-and-control (C&C) server and the compromised device is set up after being infected by the malware. This C&C server became a central hub to manage and control zombies by attackers. With this connection attacker issue command to the Zombies without the knowledge of the owner.
  • Botnet Formation: Botnets are the network of Zombies i.e.; A botnet is referred to the collection of compromised devices that work under the control of a single attacker. Various malicious activities are done with the botnets as botnets provide heavy computational power and resources to the attackers.
  • Malicious Activities: After the attacker gets control Zombies can be instructed to perform various activities:
    • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks: Zombies can flood the targeted services with huge fake traffics causing the network inaccessible to the authorized user.
    • Spam and Phishing Campaigns: Zombies can be used for launching phishing attacks or spam emails to trick the user into revealing sensitive information.
    • Malware Distribution: Zombies propagate malware by infecting other computers by sending infected files or links to users.
    • Data Theft: Personal data, intellectual property, and financial information can be stolen by using a zombie network.
    • Cryptocurrency Mining: Attackers may use the computational powers of multiple compromised devices to generate digital legacy and mine cryptocurrencies.
  • Persistence and Propagation: After the device becomes a zombie its malware tries to propagate further. This is done by taking advantage of the vulnerabilities present in the system and other connected devices in the same network.
  • Detection and Mitigation: Zombies work silently and try to hide, so detecting zombies is challenging for the defenders. Some antivirus software plays an important role in identifying and quarantining infected devices such software such as advanced threat detection systems, and network monitoring. Once the zombie is detected the software removes the malware from compromised devices. Also, it ensures the implementation of patches, strengthening security measures, and updates to prevent further exploitation.

Prevention from Zombies

Prevention from zombies is crucial in the cyber security world, with this prevention only we can maintain a secure or resilient network. Some preventive measures to help reduce the risk of Zombies are given below:

  • Implement Robust Security Measures: A layered defense system comprises intrusion, firewall, detection/prevention system, and antivirus/antimalware software. These security, measures reduces the chances of a computer becoming Zombies.
  • Regular Software Updates and Patching: Updating all software, operating systems, and applications up to date. As not updating software can help the attacker to infect the devices and create zombies. Regular Software updates reduce the chances of infection.
  • User Education and Awareness: Educating users about online practices, clicking unknown links, Downloading from untrusted sources, and the potential risk of opening suspicious emails. Encourage two-factor authentication, and strong password management, unaware of social engineering tactics can lead to malware infections/ zombie creation.
  • Email and Web Filtering: Web filtering solutions and deployment of robust emails can help block malicious links, attachments, or websites. These filters can restrict the user from visiting compromised websites or downloading malicious attachments that can lead to zombie infections.
  • Network Segmentation: Network segmentation help in isolating the sensitive data from critical systems from the rest of the network. This can help in restricting the lateral movement of zombies across the network.
  • Incident Response Planning: The incident response team helps in an action to be taken whenever there is a zombie outbreak is detected. This plan should involve steps for identifying, isolating, and removing infected devices and keeping the system secure.
  • Regular Backups and Disaster Recovery: Whenever a zombie attack happens having a reliable backup can facilitate system recovery and minimize the data loss. Ensure data backups and periodically test the system to ensure effectiveness.


Lastly, Zombies play an important role in the cyber world as the zombies satisfy the need of attackers that is, they give control of the entire system to the attacker’s hand. Understanding how Zombie work and knowledge of preventive measures are essential for maintaining a secure network.

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