What are the three components of a map?

Distance, direction, and symbols are important components of a map. A map refers to a diagrammatic representation of a very large area and it represents three-dimensional objects in two dimensions. There are six categories of maps which include reference maps, cadastral maps, thematic maps, navigational maps, series maps, and topographic maps.

Components of Map


There are many kinds of guides on the planet. The geographers utilize these guides to address and comprehend the earth and assist individuals with learning the five most compelling things about the earth – area, place, human climate cooperation, development, and districts. The geographers concocted maps since it is more helpful to convey than a globe. An actual element map is a portrayal of every nation’s landscape and the world’s.

A populace map is likewise important for a social guide that shows the number of individuals and the number of inhabitants in a space. Most guides address the changing populace information utilizing variety, while other populace maps use images, for example, circles or stars to assist individuals with knowing the breaking point populace in a level of a variety. A topical guide is a guide that shows a specific subject associated with a topographical region. This kind of guide can depict social, political, physical, social, financial, and numerous different parts of the area it shows. The meaning of a guide is logical and surprisingly intricate.

Indeed, maps frequently portray an area and the connection between components inside that area. Notwithstanding, since forever ago guides have additionally portrayed fantasies, strict convictions, and even hypotheses about what’s in store. Eventually, the meaning of guides can be reduced to one binding together subject:

  • Maps are an emblematic portrayal of the spot.
  • They are noticeably flawed imitations of the real world. Contrasted with old guides, devotion has expanded essentially and current map-making is more exact than at any other time. Notwithstanding, a guide producer should in any case decipher reality and afterward address it – opening space for some degree of contortion.
  • While the vast majority can probably distinguish a guide, relatively few can name every particular guide component.

Components of Map

The components of the map include:


The importance of distance in the map is:

  • Maps are drawings, which decrease the whole world or a section of it to fit on a piece of paper. Or on the other hand, we can say maps are attracted to diminished scopes. Yet, this decrease is done very cautiously with the goal that the distance between the spots is genuine. It must be conceivable when a little distance on paper addresses a huge distance on the ground.
  • Thusly, a scale is picked for this reason. Scale is the proportion between the real distance on the ground and the distance displayed on the guide. For instance, the distance between your school and your home is 10 km. Assuming that you show this 10 km. distance by 2 cm on a guide, it implies, that 1 cm on the guide will show 5 km. on the ground. The size of your drawing will be 1cm = 5 km.
  • Accordingly, scale is vital in any guide. Assuming you know the scale, you will actually want to ascertain the distance between any two puts on a guide.
  • At the point when huge regions like landmasses or nations are to be displayed on paper, then we utilize a limited scale. For instance, 5 cm. on the guide shows 500 km. of the ground. It is known as a limited-scope map.
  • At the point when a little region like your town or town is to be shown on paper, then we utilize a huge scope that is 5 cm. The guide shows 500 meters just on the ground. It is known as a huge-scale map.
  • Enormous scope maps give more data than limited scope maps.


The importance of direction in the map are:

  • Most guides contain a bolt set apart with the letter ‘N’ at the upper right-hand corner. This bolt shows the northern course. It is known as the north line.
  • At the point when you know the north, you can figure out different headings, for instance east, west, and south. There are four significant bearings, North, South, East, and West. They are called cardinal focuses.
  • The other four middle-of-the-road bearings are northeast (NE), southeast (SE), southwest (SW), and northwest (NW).
  • We can find any spot all the more precisely with the assistance of these transitional bearings.
  • We can figure out the course of a spot with the assistance of a compass. It is an instrument used to figure out principal bearings. Its attractive needle generally focuses on the north-south bearing.


The importance of symbols in maps are:

  • It is the third significant part of a guide. Drawing on a guide the genuine shape and size is beyond the realm of possibilities of various elements like structures, streets, spans, trees, rail line lines, or a well. Thus, they are shown by utilizing specific letters, conceals, colors, pictures, and lines.
  • These images give a ton of data in a restricted space.
  • With the utilization of these images, guides can be drawn without any problem also, are easy to peruse. Regardless of whether you know the language of an area and subsequently can’t ask somebody for headings, you can gather data from maps with the assistance of these images.
  • Maps have an all-inclusive language that can be perceived by all.
  • There is a peaceful accord with respect to the utilization of these images. These are called customary images.
  • Different varieties are utilized for a similar reason. For instance, for the most part, blue is utilized for showing water bodies, brown for mountains, yellow for levels, and green is utilized for fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What are the three components of a map?


Three components of maps include distance, symbol, and direction.

Q 2. Mention 3 characteristics of the map.


The 3 characteristics of maps include:

  1. Every map should have a bold title on top.
  2. An index or legend is essential in a map.
  3. Maps are shaded with different colors.

Q 3. What are the types of maps?


Types of maps include political maps, physical maps, climatic maps,and so forth.

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