What are the factors of 100?

The number system is the basis of entire elementary mathematics. The systems include all types of numbers applied in mathematical expressions like rational numbers, fractions, decimals, binary numbers, integers, ratios, factors, etc.

The below article is focused on the study about factors of numbers that are part of the number system. The article discusses factors and methods to find factors of a number with appropriate examples for a better concept

A Number system is writing or expressing a method of numbers and mathematical notations

Factors are the numbers (divisor) that divide the other number(dividend) without leaving any remainder.

What is a factor?

When a divisor exactly divides a dividend without leaving any remainder is a factor. Here, the divisor will be the factor of the dividend. It can be simply learned as a number that divides another number completely without leaving a remainder. The factors are always definite numbers that are less than or equal to the number.

Every real number has a common factor for them that is one and the number itself. And the number which has only these two common factors one and the number itself are known as prime numbers. For example, 2,3,7 are the numbers with only two factors and hence, are prime numbers.

What is a factor of a number?

The factor of number can be defined as the algebraic expression of numbers that exactly divides each other giving a definite quotient and zero as a remainder. The number which divides the other number is known as its common factor or multiple factors.

For example: if we divide 12 with 4 it will exactly divide 12 with quotient 3 and leaving the remainder zero. Hence, in this expression 4 is a factor of 12.

Example of Factors

The factors of 20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20. These numbers are taken as factors of 20 because all of them completely divide the number 20 without any remainder.

1 divides 20 with quotient 20 leaving zero as remainder.

2 divides 20 with quotient 10 leaving zero as remainder.

4 divides 20 with quotient 5 leaving zero as remainder.

5 divides 20 with quotient 4 leaving zero as remainder.

10 divides 20 with quotient 2 leaving zero as remainder.

20 divides 20 with quotient 1 leaving zero as remainder.

How to find Factor of Numbers?

The process to find out the factor of a number is given below with relatable examples to make the concept easier.

Step 1: Choose a natural number

 We will take the number 12 as a natural number to find its factors.

Step 2: Write down all the common factors or numbers that exactly divide 12 without leaving any remainder.

The numbers that exactly divide 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.

Step 3: Check that all the numbers enlisted exactly divides the number or not.

12/1 = 12

12/2 = 6

12/3 = 4

12/4 = 3

12/6 = 2

and,12/12 = 1

Step 4: List down all the factors you have got.

Here, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 are the common factors of 12.

Now, as we have learned how to find factors of a number. Let’s jump into the question.

What are the factors of 100?

The factors of 100 will be the numbers that will exactly divide 100 without leaving any remainder. In simple words, 100 is a dividend and the divisors which will exactly divide it will be factors of 100.

The factors of 100 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100. The number has seven other factors besides 1 and itself.

Have a look at how these numbers that are factors of 100

100/1 = 100

100/2 = 50

100/4 = 25

100/5 = 20

100/10 = 10

100/25 = 4

100/50 = 2

100/1 = 100

Above given, all the expressions give finite quotients with zero remainders. Hence, they all are factors of 100.

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