What are the climatic conditions necessary for the growth of cotton in India?

India is a country in South Asia. India has always been an important place for world trade due to the large availability of natural resources. There was a huge market in the Western countries for Indian spices and various crops grown in the country. The fertile land in the country facilitates the growth of various crops. 


Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a bowl around the seeds of cotton plants. This cotton fiber is almost completely made of cellulose and it contains small quantities of fats, pectins, waxes, etc. The cotton plant is a shrub native and is mostly grown in subtropical regions like America, Arica, India, and Egypt. Mexico has the largest collection of wild cotton species. The cotton is spun into yarn or thread to make clothes. It is used to make light breathable clothes. The United States of America is the largest exporter of cotton presently.

The cotton plant requires a lot of sunshine, high sunlight, moderate rainfall, and frost-free time. The Soil used for the cultivation of cotton should include heavy nutrients. The soil should be fertile and well drained The appropriate temperature for the growth of cotton is 70o to 100o F. The average cotton plant can survive temperatures up to 110° F for short period. The cotton plant requires moderate water for growth but continuous rainfall may damage the plant so a dry climate is preferred. All these conditions are mostly found in subtropical regions. Mostly all the cotton grown today in the world is grown in dry regions with the help of irrigation systems. 

Why cotton textile industry rapidly expanded in Mumbai?

The climatic conditions of Mumbai or Maharashtra, in general, are very favorable for the growth of cotton this acts as one of the reasons for the rapid textile industry growth in Mumbai. The cotton textile was among the first businesses set up by the British government during their rule. The climatic conditions were appropriate for the growth of cotton. During that time cotton was widely used and there was high demand for the crop. Due to these reasons, the British government established many textile mills on the western coast at a rapid speed. Many textile mills were made in Mumbai.

  • The cotton textile is an Agro-industry due to the dependence of this field on raw cotton for the raw material. The British government introduced many textile mills on the west coast due to the high demand for Cotton.
  • The first successful textile mill was the ” Bombay Spinning and Weaving Company “. It was established by the British government in 1854 in Mumbai.
  • The hot and humid climate of Mumbai is suitable for the proper growth of cotton. Cotton was cultivated on a large scale near Mumbai. To reduce the cost of transportation of goods (cotton as raw material for the cotton textile Industry) many textile mills were established in close proximity to Mumbai and other areas near Mumbai.
  • The various factors affecting the placement of industries are the availability of labor and land for the construction of Industries. Mumbai acts as a place for low-cost labor and the wage provided to the workers was very less for the unskilled work they did. The reason for the high availability of low-cost labor is the huge population living in Mumbai.
  • After the cotton clothes were made they underwent processes like dyeing and bleaching. These processes required huge amounts of water. The availability of water was one of the reasons for the growth of the cotton industry in Mumbai.
  • There was a huge demand for cotton clothes in the western markets. After the cotton clothes were made they were to be exported to various International markets. The availability of ports in Mumbai was an important factor. The presence of a port in Mumbai leads to easy transport of goods and reduces the cost of transportation.  
  • The port in Mumbai made it easy for the import machinery required by the textile industries in Mumbai.
  • The local markets were accessible from Mumbai due to the well-established roadways and railways from the place. This helped save time and money.
  • During that time France, USA, and United Kingdom were the major destinations for the exported cotton.

FAQs on Cotton Textiles

Question 1: What are the conditions required for the growth of Cotton?


The cotton plant requires a lot of sunshine, high sunlight, moderate rainfall, and frost-free time. The Soil used for the cultivation of cotton should include heavy nutrients. The soil should be fertile and well drained The appropriate temperature for the growth of cotton is 70o to 100oF. The cotton plant requires moderate water for growth but continuous rainfall may damage the plant so a dry climate is preferred. Mostly all the cotton grown today in the world is grown in dry regions with the help of irrigation systems. 

Question 2: What were the advantages of having a port in Mumbai?


There was a huge demand for cotton clothes in the western markets. After the cotton clothes were made they were to be exported to various International markets. The availability of ports in Mumbai was an important factor. The presence of a port in Mumbai leads to easy transport of goods and reduces the cost of transportation. The port in Mumbai made it easy for the import machinery required by the textile industries in Mumbai.

Question 3: Describe the climate of Mumbai and how does it help the cotton growth?


The hot and humid climate of Mumbai is suitable for the proper growth of cotton. Cotton was cultivated on a large scale near Mumbai. The climatic conditions of Mumbai or Maharashtra, in general, are very favorable for the growth of cotton this acts as one of the reasons for the rapid textile industry growth in Mumbai. To reduce the cost of transportation of goods ( cotton as raw material for the cotton textile Industry ) many textile mills were established in close proximity to Mumbai and other areas near Mumbai.

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