What are the Advantages of Using Modules in JavaScript ?

Modules are used to divide or code into different components of JavaScript files with .mjs extension. There are many advantages of using modules, some of which are listed below:

  • Maintainability: It simplifies the maintainability of our code. As the code is separated into different modules, we can easily find and resolve the errors in them.
  • Controls Namespace: It controls the namespace as the variables are scoped to the modules by default which prevents us from namespace pollution usually created in a single file.
  • Code Reusability: It enhances the reusability of our code. We can simply import the required module into the code and use it as many times as we want.
  • Improves Readability: The code gets divided into parts and can be easily readable as we can easily read the small chunks of code and debug them to resolve the errors in the code.
  • Dynamic Import: You can use the import() method to import the demanded module, which helps in reducing the load over the server as it needs to render only the required code, not the unnecessary code.

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