What are the advantages of having a Healthy Population?

The advantage of a healthy population is that with the presence of healthy individuals, a more efficient as well as productive man force is formed as compared to unhealthy individuals. He or she is able to realize the potential and play a fundamental and important role in the development of the country. A healthy population is responsible for building a productive workforce in the country and reducing a certain amount of burden on Indian healthcare.

Population refers to the total number of people living or living in a particular region, region, or country. Simply put, the number of people in a particular area represents the population. India has become the second-most populous country in the world after China. Due to modernization, globalization, and urbanization, the global population is starting to increase. The population has grown rapidly since the start of the Industrial Revolution, and since 1950, half of the current population has increased. Developing countries like India have the largest populations.

Healthy Population Advantages

Healthy Population

A healthy population is a key factor in national development. When a country’s population is healthy, it greatly contributes to the development and development of the country.

Advantages of a Healthy Population

The advantages of a healthy population are as follows:

Social and National development 

Healthy people contribute to a strong local economy, and a strong local economy contributes to a healthy society. A strong link between health and the economy is to keep workers healthy. A healthy human life is an important factor in the development of the nation. When the population of a country is healthy it contributes significantly to the development and development of the country.


The number of healthy people also controls weight gain as stoutness increases the risk of heart failure, cholesterol, or other diseases like these. The number of unhealthy people has an impact on the national financial system. In line with these lines, the number of healthy people reduces the weight of medical care.

Economy Development 

Healthy workers are more likely to be out of work, more productive in the workplace, healthier physically and mentally, and more likely to participate in education and skills training. In addition, a strong economy means better jobs, better benefits such as health insurance, and higher wages. The higher the people’s income, the more likely they are to invest in higher education, which in turn will improve their quality of life and income.

Building Potential

A person’s health helps him to see his strengths and gives him the potential to fight sickness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What are the advantages of having a healthy population?


The advantages of having a healthy population include that the people realize their potential and also the ability for fighting illness and healthy person is considered to be an asset to the country and is more productive as well as helps in the progress of the country.

Q 2. What are the advantages of population growth to the environment?


The advantage of population growth to the environment is that natural resources become more available.

Q 3. Write the factors that contribute to a healthy population.


The factors which contribute to a healthy population include:

  1. Social and economic environment
  2. Health behavior
  3. Clinical care
  4. Physical environment

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