What Are Over-Fetching and Under-Fetching?

Fetching data in GraphQL is a fundamental concept that involves retrieving information from a server or database. Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL allows clients to request only the specific data they need, minimizing overfetching and underfetching.

In this article, We will explore the concepts of fetching, overfetching, and underfetching in GraphQL, along with their challenges and solutions in detail and so on.

What is Fetching?

  • In GraphQL, fetching refers to the process of retrieving data from a server or database.
  • Unlike REST APIs, GraphQL allows clients to request only the data they need, reducing over-fetching.
  • Clients can specify nested fields in their queries to fetch related data in a single request.
  • GraphQL responses contain only the data requested, making data transfer more efficient.
  • GraphQL can fetch data from multiple sources in a single query, reducing the number of round trips to the server.

What is Over-Fetching?

  • Over-fetching in GraphQL refers to the scenario where a client receives more data than it needs.
  • Typically, it occurs when a GraphQL query requests a certain resource but receives additional fields or nested objects along with the requested data.
  • Over-fetching can lead to increased network traffic, longer response times, and unnecessary data processing on the client side.

Challenges of Over-fetching

1. Increased Network Traffic

  • Time Wastage: Data collection process involves gathering large amounts of data manually, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Bandwidth Usage: Sending this data consumes a lot of bandwidth, which can slow down communication, especially with limited bandwidth or high latency.

2. Resource Wastage

  • Inefficient Resource Utilization: Processing irrelevant data wastes CPU cycles, memory, and disk space.
  • System Performance Impact: This can lead to a slower system overall.
  • Importance of Relevant Data: Utilizing resources for relevant data is crucial for efficient system operation.

Examples of Over-Fetching

1. API Requests

Think of a social network mobile app that shows user accounts with actual pictures of the users. The API endpoint created for obtaining the user data returns all information about the user including his address, phone number, and preferred selections, but app that require only user name and profile picture performs the over-fetching.

2. Database Queries

An example may be to run a query which does not require all the columns from the table, but only a few of them, whereas in reality, the unnecessary columns are also fetched along with others. Likewise, a case where a refreshing page only gets the email address and name data fields from the user table is typical since all the columns are retrieved, thus data being moved and processed in a sub-optimal way.

3. File Downloads

Downloading files may involve requesting huge files which are full of information that we don’t need, hence wasting bandwidth and storages space. One example is that when downloading a document – for a particular area – but ended up with the whole document which includes different topics that irrelevant.

Solution to Over-Fetching

1. Query Optimization

  • Fine-tuning Data Interchange: Developing API endpoints or database queries to handle data fields based on specific needs.
  • Selective Data Transfer: Expressing the particular data fields to be sent to avoid transferring redundant data.

2. Pagination and Filtering

  • Implement Pagination: Breaks data retrieval into smaller, manageable chunks to prevent over-fetching.
  • Benefits: Makes data easier to handle and reduces the risk of fetching unnecessary data.
  • Include Filtering Options: Allows users to search for data that meets specific conditions.

3. Client-Side Caching

  • Use caching mechanisms on the client side to store previously fetched data.
  • Purpose: Reduce redundant requests and prevent over-fetching of data.
  • Mechanism: Store data locally on the client side for future use.
  • Benefits: Improves performance by minimizing the need to fetch data repeatedly.

What is Under-Fetching?

  • Under-Fetching Occurs when the server does not provide enough data to fulfill a specific task.
  • It Happens when the server provides only basic information, lacking details needed for decision-making.
  • Users may not be able to make informed decisions without all the necessary details.

Challenges of Under-Fetching

1. Data Inconsistencies

  • Inadequate data retrieval can lead to inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the program state.
  • This can cause the application to behave incorrectly or produce inaccurate results.

2. Increased Latency

  • Apart from this, sometimes, a few additional round trips or queries may have to be executed to fill the gaps, thereby slowing down the end-to-end response time and resulting in a degraded overall performance, particularly in data sources that are distributed or remote.

3. User Frustration

  • Data retrieval that is not up to the mark might lead to user frustration and dissatisfaction.

Examples of Under-Fetching in Different Contexts

1. E-commerce Product Listings:

  • Take for example the case of an e-commerce site that has product displays with basic information which lacks the details such as price, description or the availability of the item.
  • Visitors to the site will understand under-fetching, as they can not arrive at the decision making without the full details of the product.

2. Weather Forecasting:

  • If a weather application replaces the basic temperature information with high-tech wind speed, humidity levels, and precipitation forecasts, users can face even a situation of under-fetching when they need more comprehensive look at how the weather will develop throughout the day.

3. Educational Resources:

  • In a learning platform online, if the course overview is skimpy on information that shall include curriculum, instructors details and course duration among others, learners might find it hard to gauge the viability of the courses with the result of reluctance to enroll.

Solution to Under-Fetching

1. Comprehensive Data Retrieval

  • Meet the requirement by making sure the need that user specifies appears in our interface.
  • This could be done by refactoring CMS queries or API endpoints, to ensure that the requisite data is sent to the corresponding locations.

2. Feedback Mechanisms

  • Develop feedback mechanisms by which the user can ask the developer for additional information or a feature, thus solving the problem of under-fetching, since the user input is continuously taken into consideration and the developers can deliver what the user truly needs.

3. Dynamic Loading

  • Delayed loading methods can fetch additional data in case bugs show up or such issues when the user starts deeper interactions like preferences.
  • Through this method, the first phase of the querying process is optimized without compromising on the subsequent fetching stages.

Best Practices For Avoiding Fetching Issues

1. Query Optimization

  • In optimized data queries related to only the meaningful fields and records, avoid required data fetching and unnecessary the development of network.

2. Pagination and Partial Responses

  • Apply pagination recommendation to reduce the number of data which are fetched per each request, and use partial response mechanism for the purpose of finding only the necessary fields.

3. Data Caching

  • Retrieve the data that is often in demand from different levels (e.g., client-side, server-side and intermediate caches), in order to avoid unnecessary redundancy and increase speed.

4. GraphQL and Data Graphs

  • Develop GraphQL – a query language for APIs – that allows for specifying exact data requirements, minimizing over-fetching and under-fetching problems with performance optimization through efficient data retrieval.

5. Data Modeling and Denormalization

  • Enhance data models and think about mixture denormalization methods to hold data which are related together.


Overall, understanding of fetching data in GraphQL is important for optimizing performance and improving user experience. Over-fetching and under-fetching can lead to inefficiencies and frustrations, but with proper query optimization, pagination, caching, and data modeling, developers can mitigate these issues. By implementing best practices and the flexibility of GraphQL, developers can create efficient and responsive applications that deliver the right amount of data to clients, enhancing overall performance and user satisfaction.

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