What are LTS versions of Node.js ?

LTS version is an abbreviation of the Long Time Support version where the release of the software is maintained for a more extended period of time. The LTS version is commonly recommended for most users. 

In Node.js, new versions frequently come with more features, optimized performance, and bug fixes. Node.js versions look like x.y.z where x represents the most significant changes and the rest represent the minor changes. 

LTS versions of Node.js:  LTS version of node.js is an even-numbered node.js version like 14. x.x LTS, 16.x.x etc recommended for most users. You should use these versions to implement your project and deploying into a production environment. LTS version focus on stability and more reliable application for any scale. 

According to the Node.js blog, the “LTS version guarantees that the critical bugs will be fixed for a total of 30 months and Production applications should only use Active LTS or Maintenance LTS releases”.


Note that on the Nodejs.org website, you will see another node.js version called Current along with the LTS version. But the current version is not intended for you. It’s just for the library authors who make use of Node.js in their library. For example, React, Vue, Gulp, Webpack, Jest, etc make use of Node.js. That means current odd number versions like 13.x.x are intended for the library maintainers. If a major release happens it gives 6 months to the library owners to make changes in their tool to make it compatible enough. After 6 months the odd version becomes unsupported. And now the even-numbered version enters into the LTS line to make use in the production.

How to know if you are using the LTS version of Node.js? 
You can easily determine the node.js version and whether you are working with the node.js LTS by using the process.release. lts property inside the node.js. 

$ node --version


$ node -pe process.release.lts


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