What are Longitudes and Latitudes?

Latitude and longitude, in map-making, are a direction framework used to decide and portray the place of any put on Earth’s surface. Latitude is an estimation of an area north or south of the Equator. Interestingly, longitude is an estimation of the area east or west of the great meridian at Greenwich (a nonexistent north-south line that goes through both geographic poles and Greenwich, London, Britain, U.K.). Latitude and longitude together can portray the specific area of any put on The planet. Both Latitude and longitude are estimated in degrees (°), which might be separated into more modest units called minutes (′) and seconds (″). (Or on the other hand, they might be communicated in decimal degrees;

Let us know about this topic more :

Table of Content

  • Latitude:
  • The 5 important circles of latitude:
  • Latitudes: Northern and southern hemispheres
  • How is latitude calculated?
  • Longitudes:
  • How is longitude measured?
  • The Prime Meridian:
  • Longitudes: Eastern and western hemispheres:
  • How to read both longitude and latitude?
  • Dividing earth into hemispheres:
  • Importance of latitude and longitude in navigation:
  • Imaginary circles:
  • Did You Know?


Let us educate ourselves on the topic of latitude:

  • Lines of Latitude, likewise called parallels, are nonexistent lines that partition the Earth. They run east to west, yet measure your distance north or south.
  • The equator is the most notable equal. At 0 degrees scope, it similarly isolates the Earth into the Northern and Southern sides of the equator. From the equator, latitude increments as you travel north or south, arriving at 90 degrees at each pole.
  • There are other names of latitudes. They’re founded on the sun’s situation during Earth’s circle, and they assist us with figuring out the environment, climate, and sea flows.
  • The Tropic of Cancer, at about 23 degrees north, and the Tropic of Capricorn, at around 23 degrees south, are the limits of what we think about the jungles. The Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle are at approximately 66 degrees north and south, individually. They mark the limits of the Arctic and Antarctic districts.

The 5 important circles of latitude:

  1. The Arctic Circle (66.5°N)
  2. The Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N)
  3. The Equator (0°)
  4. The Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S)
  5. The Antarctic Circle (66.5°S)’

Latitudes: Northern and southern hemispheres

Let us know how the latitudes divide the Earth into two hemispheres:

  • Any circle drawn around Earth isolates it into equivalent parts called sides of the hemisphere. There are for the most part viewed as four halves of the globe: northern, southern, eastern, and western.
  • The Equator, or line of 0 degrees scope, isolates Earth into the Northern and Southern Halves of the globe. The Northern Side of the equator contains North America, the northern piece of South America, Europe, the northern 66% of Africa, and a large portion of Asia. The Southern Side of the equator contains the greater part of South America, 33% of Africa, Australia, Antarctica, and a few Asian islands.
  • There are contrasts in the environments of the Northern and Southern Sides of the equator on account of Earth’s occasional slant toward and away from the sun. In the Northern Half of the globe, the hotter mid-year months are from June through September. In the Southern Half of the globe, summer starts in December and closures in Spring.

How is latitude calculated?

Let us find out how to calculate latitude:

Latitude can be found by looking at the area of Polaris (North Star) or the sun to the skyline. On the off chance that Polaris is at a point of 60° over the skyline, the Latitude is 60°N.

Utilizing the sun, the latitude is the point underneath vertically. If the sun is 40° over the skyline, the latitude is 50° (90-40=50).


Let us know more about longitudes:

  • Lines of longitude, likewise called meridians, are fanciful lines that partition the Earth. They run north to south from one pole to another, yet they measure the distance east or west.
  • The great meridian, which goes through Greenwich, Britain, has a longitude of 0 degrees. It isolates the Earth into the eastern and western halves of the globe.
  • The antimeridian is on the contrary side of the Earth, at 180 degrees longitude. However, the antimeridian is the reason for the global date line, genuine date and time region limits are reliant upon nearby regulations.
  • The global date line crisscrosses around borders close to the antimeridian.

How is longitude measured?

Let us know how to calculate longitudes:

Longitude is the angular distance of an area east or west of the Great Meridian or Greenwich, UK. To quantify longitude, contrast the neighborhood time around early afternoon with early afternoon in Greenwich, UK.

Four minutes is comparable to one level of longitude. If the time in Greenwich is 12 minutes in the early evening, the neighborhood longitude is (12/4=3) or 3° West.

The Prime Meridian:

Let us understand what is prime meridian:

  • A prime meridian is an arbitrarily picked meridian (a line of longitude) in a geographic direction framework at which longitude is characterized to be 0°.
  • Together, a prime meridian and its anti-meridian (the 180th meridian in a 360°-framework) structure an extraordinary circle.
  • This extraordinary circle partitions a spheroid, similar to Earth, into two halves of the globe: the Eastern Side of the Equator and the Western Side of the Equator (for an east-west notational framework).
  • For Earth’s prime meridian, different shows have been utilized or pushed in various districts since the beginning of time.
  • Earth’s ongoing global standard prime meridian is the IERS Reference Meridian. It is inferred, however, contrasts somewhat, from the Greenwich Meridian, the past norm.

Longitudes: Eastern and western hemispheres:

Let us find out how longitudes divide Earth into two hemispheres

  • Earth can likewise be separated into halves of the globe along meridians, or lines of longitude. The prime meridian, or 0 degrees longitude, and the Worldwide Date Line, 180 degrees longitude, partition Earth into Eastern and Western Halves of the globe.
  • Numerous geographers consider the 20-degree west line of longitude and the 160-degree east line of longitude as the Eastern and Western Halves of the globe. This estimation is made with the goal that Africa and Europe are not parted.
  • The possibility of the Eastern and Western Halves of the globe has become strategically and generally huge since European countries started colonizing North America and South America.
  • In this unique situation, the Eastern Half of the globe is some of the time called the “Old World,” and the Western Side of the Equator is known as the “New World.”
  • In any case, the Western Side of the equator is a simple geographic term and ought not to be mistaken for different notices of the “Western” world, which is frequently used to depict portions of Europe, North America, and other world districts that share some financial, social, and social qualities.

How to read both longitude and latitude?

Let us know how to read both latitude and longitude:

  • To accurately peruse geographic directions — longitude and latitude — realizing the three most compelling things is significant:
  • In the first place, they generally start with scope (equator and north and south from it), trailed by longitude (the prime meridian and west and east from it. Indeed, scope generally starts things out.
  • Second, there are three normal frameworks for showing scope and longitude as geographic directions of a submission, arranged by the prevalence of their utilization in present-day gadgets. Specifically, Google utilizes them. For instance, the directions of the well-known incomplete house of prayer La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain are:

Decimal degrees (DD): 41.40338, 2.17403

Degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS): 41°24’12.2 “N 2°10’26.5 “E

Degrees and decimal minutes (DMM): 41 24.2028, 2 10.4418

  • In this way, facilitates are most usually determined in DD design. The DMS design was utilized already, however it is still effectively utilized: for instance, in the metadata of pictures on your camera. The third, DMM, is the most uncommon configuration, yet you can likewise track down it.

Dividing earth into hemispheres:

Geographical hemispheres are primarily split by latitudinal (north-south) and longitudinal (east-west) markers:


Northern Half of the globe: Around 50% of that lies north of the Equator. This side of the equator contains roughly 68% of Earth’s expanse of land and is home to around 90% of the worldwide population.[citation needed] It incorporates North America, Europe, Asia, and a large portion of Africa.

Southern Half of the globe: Around 50% of that lies south of the Equator. It contains just 32% of Earth’s body of land and is home to around 10% of the worldwide populace. It incorporates South America, Australia, Antarctica, and the southern pieces of Africa.


Eastern Side of the Equator: Around 50% of that lies east of the great meridian and west of the 180th meridian. This side of the equator incorporates the majority of Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia, as well as the Indian and Western Pacific Seas.

Western Side of the Equator: Around 50% of that lies west of the great meridian and east of the 180th meridian. This side of the equator incorporates North and South America, the eastern Pacific Sea, the Caribbean Ocean, and most of the Atlantic Sea.

Importance of latitude and longitude in navigation:

Let us know the importance of these imaginary lines in navigation:

  • Pilots measure distance on the globe in degrees. Understanding latitude and longitude is vital in the route. Latitude is a north-south position estimated from Earth’s Equator and longitude is an east-west position estimated from the superb meridian.
  • There are various route strategies. Individuals have been involving some of them for millennia.
  • The earliest route techniques included noticing tourist spots or watching the course of the sun and stars.
  • Not many antiquated mariners branched out of the dark ocean. All things considered, they cruised inside the sight of land to explore. At the point when that was unimaginable, old mariners watched heavenly bodies to stamp their situation.
  • The antiquated Minoans, who lived on the Mediterranean island of Crete from 3000 to 1100 B.C.E, passed on records of utilizing the stars to explore, for example.

Imaginary circles:

Latitude is the estimation of the distance north or south of the Equator. It is estimated with 180 imaginary lines that the structure circles Earth east-west, lined up with the Equator. These lines are known as equals. A circle of latitude is a nonexistent ring connecting all focuses sharing an equal.

Did You Know?

A Great Circle is any circle that is shaped by a plane that goes through the focal point of the Earth. The equator and the circles made by the meridians structure Incredible Circles.

The most limited line between the two focuses on the World’s surface is dependably the circular segment of a Great Circle. Along these lines, Great Circles are significant for the investigation of relocation and other human connections and exercises, including transportation and carrier courses.


Longitude and latitude are coordinate frameworks that might be utilized to recognize and address the area or position of every point in the world. On a guide or globe, scope is a computation of position south or north of the equator. Longitude is a computation of the distance west or east of the great meridian at London, Greenwich, which is an explicitly characterized made-up north-south line running using both the south as well as north poles and Greenwich, London. The crossing point of scope equals and longitude meridians make a structure or example from which definite directions corresponding to the equator and the great meridian might be laid out.

FAQs: What is Latitude and Longitude

What are latitudes?

Lines of Latitude, likewise called parellels, are nonexistent lines that partition the Earth. They run east to west, yet measure your distance north or south.

What are the important lines of latitudes?

The Arctic Circle (66.5°N)

The Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N)

The Equator (0°)

The Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S)

The Antarctic Circle (66.5°S)’

How do latitudes and longitudes divide the earth?

Latitudes divide the earth into north and south hemisphere and longitudes divide the earth into east and west hemisphere.

How do latitude and longitude help in navigation?

Understanding latitude and longitude are very important in navigation. Latitude is a north-south position measured from Earth’s Equator and longitude is an east-west position measured from the prime meridian.

How many total latitudes?

There are total 180 latitudes.

How many total longitudes?

There are total 360 longitudes.

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