What are Key Fobs and Do They Improve Security?

Key fob, The tiny portable remote control device that operates a remote keyless entry system. example of a key fob when you click the button on your keys and hear the reassuring chirp of your car’s unlocking mechanism. In this article, we will discuss about the working of Key Fobs, Improve Security by Key Fobs, etc.

What are Key Fobs?

Key fobs are a tiny, programmable device that grants access to a tangible thing. A key fob, often referred to as a hardware token, offers one-factor authentication on-device to enable access to various systems and devices, including mobile devices, computers, cars, restricted areas, and rooms, as well as network services and keyless entry systems. This handy little device, usually fastened to a keychain, communicates with an appropriate electronic system to carry out orders without the need for direct physical touch.

How Do Key Fobs Work?

  • An antenna and short-range radio transmitter, often known as an RFID chip, are found in a key fob.
  • It sends a unique coded signal to a receiver unit within the device using radio frequencies.
  • Additionally, this receiver has an RFID tag, which is a type of data storage.
  • The fob receives a signal from the reader’s transmitter and adapts its frequency accordingly.
  • When a button on the fob is pressed, an immediate connection is made between the receiver device and the fob.
  • The key fob’s RFID chip is predetermined to transmit certain RFID tag data.
  • It is programmed to operate an automobile and it can only be used to lock or unlock that specific vehicle.
  • if the data from the receiver tag corresponds with the data that the fob is asking. Should there be an inconsistency, the function won’t be executed.

How Do Key Fobs Improve Security?

1. Key Fobs using Biometric Authentication

A user’s distinct biological characteristics, such as their voice, iris, or fingerprint prints, provide the basis for biometric authentication. To enhance security, biometric authentication—which is being used more frequently as the MFA inherence factor—may be integrated into key fobs. The majority of key fobs employ symmetric encryption. Before delving into the specifics of the security flaws in the key fob, let’s examine symmetric versus asymmetric encryption.

Certain devices need users to swipe the key fob, while others employ the conventional fingerprint technology. This step verifies the user’s identity by reading the ridges on the fingerprint and the seven layers of skin on the finger pad.

2. Key Fobs using Multifactor Authentication

For devices that need multifactor authentication (MFA) or two-factor authentication (2FA), key fobs are also utilized as one of the authentication factors. These authentication techniques aid in protecting a business’s network, hardware, software, and information. In contrast to conventional password-only systems, MFA demands several forms of authentication to confirm a user’s identity prior to granting them access to any of these resources.

A personal identification code must be entered by the user to access the network or device before a key fob can be deployed in a 2FA/MFA system. The passcode, which is a pseudo-random token code generated by the fob, serves as a means of authenticating the user and confirming their authorization to access the system or network. The user is granted access when the validation is finished.

Advantages of Key Fobs

Below are some advantages of Key Fobs

  • Security: While a misplaced key fob may be remotely disabled, physical keys can be lost or duplicated and used to get unauthorized entry.
  • Battery: Some key fob devices, sometimes referred to as passive key fobs, run entirely on magnetic energy that is transferred between the antenna and the reader, negating the need for a battery.
  • Convenience: Unlocking a car or anything else with an electronic lock system is remarkably quick and simple with key fobs. Additionally, they can facilitate daily chores for those with impairments that make it difficult to turn a physical key.
  • Reprogramming: Instead of paying the cost and trouble of physically replacing locks, it’s simple to reprogram key fobs and locks when one is lost.

Disadvantages of Key Fobs

Below are some disadvantages of a Key Fobs

  • High Price: The expense of purchasing and replacing Key Fobs might be rather significant.
  • Need Expert for installation: Hiring a professional to install a key fob can frequently be necessary, resulting in additional costs that would not have been required with a conventional lock arrangement.
  • Security: Unauthorized key cloning is one of the main threats that automobile keys with key fobs are subject to.
  • Battery Life: The batteries in key fobs run out after a while. Fortunately, most cars will alert you when the battery on your key fob is running low.


In this article we have learned about Key Fobs and how do they improve security. A key fob, often referred to as a hardware token, offers one-factor authentication on-device to enable access to various systems and devices, including mobile devices, computers, cars, restricted areas, and rooms, as well as network services and keyless entry systems.

What are Key Fobs and Do They Improve Security – FAQs

How does key fob security work?

The key fob’s RFID chip is intended to transmit certain RFID tag data. This data consistently corresponds with what the receiving device is configured to accept.

Do key fobs use infrared?

There are infrared key fobs, albeit they are not as popular as the other technologies.

Do key fobs use encryption?

Symmetric encryption is used by the majority of key fobs. Let’s examine symmetric vs. asymmetric encryption in more depth before getting into the specifics of the key fob security flaws.

Can key fobs be hacked?

In order to hack key fobs, transmits to open a vehicle then the process of utilizing an RF transmitter to duplicate the signal.

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