What are Different Sources of Malware?

Malware is basically a type of software or program that performs the operation of damaging the computer by leaking the sensitive information or by gaining unauthorized access over the user’s computer. Malware software may include different types of viruses, spyware, ransomware, worms, trojans, and adware.

Different Types of Malware:

  • Worms: Worms are basically a type of malicious malware that spread across one computer to another computer very quickly via email and file sharing. Worms do not require any sort of host software or code to get executed. They spread all the malware very quickly without any dependence. Once a worm infects a device when an infected file gets downloaded then it spread throughout the entire device at a high exponential rate. They lead to huge loss of data and leak sensitive information to unauthorized access users. Worms mainly spread through email phishing and software vulnerabilities attacks. Worms cause replication of infected files, modification, and deletion of data, install other malicious spyware on your computer.
  • Spyware: Spywares are basically another type of malicious malware which run in the background of the computer and steal all the sensitive data and report this data to a remote attacker. Spyware does not cause any harm to the user’s data and programs but instead, it targets only the private sensitive information of the user and uses this as an attacking tool to send it to the attackers far away. Attackers usually try to steal financial information related to credit cards, bank accounts, passwords, etc. They have inbuilt special software that notes down the keys pressed on the keyboard as done by the keyloggers.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is used as malware to extort money from users as a ransom by gaining unauthorized access to the user’s sensitive information and demanding payment in order to delete or return that information of the users. Ransomware usually gets installed when we click on the infected website and links and the ransomware gets installed in the background and then it continues to extort money from the user. The attackers encrypt the sensitive information of the users that they need in their daily lives and then they ask the users to request them to block its access to the users until they pay the attackers.
  • Virus: A virus is a type of malicious malware that comes as an attachment with a file or program. Viruses usually spread from one program to another program and they will run only when the host file gets executed. The virus can only cause damage to the computer until the host file runs. The virus causes mass disruption and damage to the user’s data and completely make the computer’s ability. Viruses come attached to a .exe file and they replicate themselves when the host file runs and it gets attached to the other executable files.
  • Trojan: Trojans are non-replicating malicious malware that often decreases the performance and efficiency of the computer. Trojans leak private sensitive information of the users and have the ability to modification and delete this data. Trojans before downloading are showcased as a legitimate and trustworthy program, but after installation, it may gain access to your data, network and keep spying on your data as well.
  • Adware: Adware is another type of malware that deals with the collection of usage of different types of programs and files on your computer and then show you personalized recommended advertisements based on your usage history. Adware decrease the performance of the device and they open the browser with unsafe and infected links which contain a lot of spyware and trojans. Adware cause a lot of pop-up ads that cause a lot of performance lag. Adware is an easy way for hackers to target users for phishing, spyware attacks.

Different sources of Malware: 

The different sources of Malware include the following:-

  • Email: Hackers mostly use emails to target users to send malware programs to cause damage and disruption to the computer data. These emails contain infected attachments and links. When the user opens these websites and links, the spyware software gets installed in the background and causes damage to the computer.
  • Pen drive: When the users perform file-sharing operations through some removable devices like pen drive etc. then when these devices get attached to the computer with infected programs, then the malware on that computer gets spread quickly and it gets attached to get the device. So, whenever the user will use that removable device with any other computer, that computer will also get infected with that malicious malware.
  • Websites: The websites may appear to be trustworthy and useful but in reality, they contain malicious files and infected web pages in that website. The website makes the download of this malware software like spyware, ransomware, and trojans in the background so that the user doesn’t identify that. When we access the webpages on these types of websites, it installs harmful malware on our computer in the background which causes damage to the computer.
  • Harmful links: When we receive spam URLs that may contain harmful malware in the email, messages, or through some popup advertisements. When we click on these links and advertisements, they automatically download and install malicious software for damaging the system.
  • Network: When we connect our devices to any random unknown network, it may cause data to steal from that network, the data packets used on that network will be in control by the attacker. By connecting our devices to such networks, it has higher chances of getting attacked by some sort of malware. The network will install the malware easily on the computer and can cause harmful damage to it. The network may also transmit computer worms along with the data packets being transferred on the network.

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