Wells Fargo Interview Experience FTE | On-Campus 2019

Round 1: First round was an online test on AMCAT platform which consisted of 3 sections

  • English: 25 questions for 25 minutes – Questions were of medium difficulty- Comprehensive passages, error detections and completing the sentences with appropriate phrases or words.
  • Business Analytics: 14 questions for 25 minutes: Questions were of medium difficulty and required the presence of mind and strong analytical skills. Interpretation of stocks price fluctuation through graphs and tables and some other questions which could be easily answered if you have some idea of economies.
  • Coding: The coding section consisted of 2 questions for 45 minutes.

Question 1: Find sum of pair with maximum product in an array

Question 2: Was based on modulo exponentiation and modulo arithmetic. Need to find the value of (((S^N)%10)^M)%1000000007.

Note: Constraints were huge in both the questions. Take appropriate data types (long long int if c++), and write the most optimised code.

The test case checker is sensitive to white spaces make sure you don’t print any extra spaces ( even at end of sentences or array which you print).

There were various sets, everyone got questions based on array or strings. STLs and other in built libraries were allowed

In all the sections you have to answer the questions sequentially, you cant jump back and forth between questions (even in the same section)

There is cut off for each sections (70 % ) and make sure in the coding section you click submit answer even if your code is partially correct and running some test cases, then only all the passed test cases will be considered for scoring.

56 out of 150 students were selected for the 1.5 hrs written round.

Round 2: Written Round

Section 1: Puzzles

There were 2 puzzles of 10 marks each

puzzle 1: there are 1000 bottles of wine, one is poisoned. any diluted form of that poisoned wine will kill a person in 15 hours. How many people will be required to detect the poisoned  bottle within 24 hrs. (Ans is 3,   hint: (24-15+1)^3= 1000)

puzzle 2: Take out 1kg of rice from a bag of rice using 1gm wt, a weighing pan, and some vessels in minimum no of steps.

Note: They were looking at how you approach these problems, give your best solutions and explain them well.

Section 2: Logical reasoning

10 MCQ questions on logical reasoning, pattern finding, data interpretation. Show the rough workings because all these would be hand evaluated and will be cross checked in the subsequent rounds.

Section 3: Technical

15 MCQ questions mostly on Operating systems, 2 from Networks, 1 from collision and hashing, 4 from linked list and data structures.

Section 4: Coding

Question 1: find ALL pairs in an array where A+B=C+D. ( Note: The map based solution need to be improvised to print all the possible pairs)

Question 2: Given -{1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9}, you need to replace the # with + or – or remove the # to generate an expression (Example: 1+23-45+6+7-8+9, 1+2+34+56+7+89) whose sum is equal to 100.  Print all such possible expressions. (Solution- recursion and backtracking)

Write clean code with proper comments. Write and explain your algorithm first, all the corner cases, base cases, the recursion tree, the time and space complexity. You will be marked on all of these. The better you explain, the more marks you will get( there is no upper limit). This section is the deciding factor for your selection.

22 people were shortlisted from this round

Round 3: Technical interview

The interviewer sat with my answer script from the written round. We had a rigorous discussion on all the questions that were asked in the written round.  He wanted to know what was my thought process before answering the questions, even if they were incorrect, and in turn asked many conceptual questions related to concepts asked in those questions. I also had to explain the working of my code and dry run it.  Then he asked me about my internship and projects. I will list down the topics on which we had a through discussion:

  1. Everything about OOPS( code, Java implementation, features)
  2. Operator overloading (code and implementation details of cin>> and cout<< in iostream  and + operator in string class)
  3. Hashing, collisions and collision prevention via double hashing or triple hashing.
  4. Process and threads( PCB, state diagrams of both, thread scheduling, context switching vs thread switching, multithreading, heap, code and stack section)
  5. Virtual memory and multi-programming.
  6. Application layer and DNS server (how a google search engine works)
  7. Registers and kernel
  8. Why are primitive data types and why are they used in JAVA. Why is JAVA not a pure OOP.
  9. Advantages of Java over C/C++
  10. Interpreter vs compiler.
  11. Algorithms (Prims, Kruskals, Djikstra, heapsort, selection sort, insertion sort) I had to verbally explain the working of all the algorithms, he didn’t ask me to code anything.
  12. Heaps (Working, applications, examples, time complexity)
  13. Detailed discussion on DFS vs BFS (Working, applications, examples, time complexity)
  14. Normalisation
  15. Indexing vs Hashing.

Then he asked me some managerial questions.

This round lasted for 2.5 hrs. The interviewer was very good and experienced. He didn’t make it feel like an interview rather a discussion on different topics and helped me whenever I got stuck. 11 were shortlisted from this round.

Round 4: Technical interview by Team Managers

The interviewer asked me about my internship and asked me to draw a semantic chart of the work I had done there. Then he asked what is the difference between a tree and a hash map and some questions related to them. Then he asked me to design a cheque transaction system for Wells Fargo. I had to give all the implementation details from scratch which included- 3 layer Database architecture, properties of each layer, their abstraction details, I tried to incorporate as much of DBMS I learnt for its implementation like transaction control via  ACID properties, concurrency and parallel transaction for optimisation , Different conflicts, security, rollbacks, cascading rollback etc. He then asked me to implement a data structure that could handle 1000000 queries for that database without overloading the server and reducing cost at the same time. MongoDB vs MySQL

Then he asked me to describe the current market of the big giants because I showed interest in them. I had to give him a complete scenario of how the big companies like Amazon, Google and Apple are making money, their different business models and how they are all partnering with banks to incorporate their own payment system  for a sustainable profit in future. He was very impressed.

He asked me asked me how would I compete with the CS students at Wells Fargo since I was from the electronics background and some other HR related questions.

This round lasted for approximately 2 hrs.

6 people were finally selected. I was one of them.

NOTE: Defend your CV, don’t include anything you are not that well-versed with, it will backfire.

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