Wells fargo Interview Experience for Program Associate 2022

JOB ROLE: Program Associate B, the company visited our college in August 2021. It conducted 4 rounds.

ROUND 1: (Online Test round): It has 3 sections:

  1.     Verbal ability, comprehensions
  2.     Graph and statistics interpretation
  3.     2 Coding questions(60 min)

I don’t remember the questions but both were maximization problems one was a straight greedy algorithm and the other was greedy + DP problem both are medium level.

ROUND 1:(Technical 35-40 min): Interviewer was from hr. department, he introduced himself and asked me to give my intro, share my internship experience, internship learning, projects learnings, achievements, academics, extracurricular activities, hobbies everything(briefly explained every part)

  •  After this he asked about my internship project final goal, my role in it, packages used.
  •  Do you know Java? 
  •  Difference between python and C++?
  •  What is a data structure, what does that mean?
  •  Where do we use data structures in the real world? 
  •  What is a linked list and types in it?
  •  Tell different sorting algorithms you know?
  •  Do you know about databases? How did you learn database? (as I am from electronics)
  •  What are the Different databases that you know?
  •  What is an index in the database?
  •  If someone wants to write a SQL query what should he focus on?
  •  Supervised vs unsupervised vs reinforcement differences?
  •  Tell me some ML algorithms you know?
  •  Do you have any questions for me? (I asked about work-life balance in Wellsfargo)
  •  He asked to tell me about a subject that you hate but have to study and get done with that?

The interviewer was very friendly and made me comfortable. He just made sure whether I know all the things I mentioned in my resume or not, so he asked basic questions on every topic I mentioned in the resume.

ROUND 2:(Senior Manager round 35-40min)

 The interviewer was a Senior Manager she introduced herself and asked about my intro and internship experience. Some questions she asked were:

  •   My role,
  •   problems faced,
  •   approaches used to solve the problems,
  •   final real-world use of the project,
  •   how did I learn new technologies for the project,
  •  what do you know about Wellsfargo?
  •  How is online learning in college, connecting to people in this lockdown, what did you learn in lockdown?
  •  Overloading vs Overriding?
  •  There are 2 processors and 5 programs.5th program runs only if one of the 4 programs outputs integer 1. How would you use the processors optimally? (She asked whether I know OS, I said NO but she asked to try it as it is logical)
  •  what is your favorite subject in the curriculum? (I answered AI so she asked two situations on it)
  •  the First situation, we are distributing T-shirts in a company we collect info from the employees on their preferences. Now can we use Artificial intelligence in this scenario? Is intelligence required in this situation? ( I answered much Intelligence is not required here but the actual answer could be a recommendation system)
  •  the Second situation, we have to distribute different T-shirts to employees. Can we predict which T-shirts the employees could be selecting?
  •  Any questions for me? ( I asked about the learning trajectory of a fresher and how can he implement them in Wellsfargo)

This round was mainly to know about the domain I am interested to work in.

ROUND 3: HR (telephonic interview)

  •  Summarize who you are, what projects did you do, hobbies, etc.?
  •  Why Wells Fargo?
  •  What do you know about Wellsfargo?
  •  Is this your first interview?
  •  What kind of companies do you prefer?
  •  What does Wellsfargo do?
  •  Why do you want to work in Wellsfargo?
  •  Any questions for me?

MY VIEWS: Check about the company before the interview. Be thorough with the projects and mainly internship. If you don’t know the answer to the question explain what you know about the topic. Be careful while answering the domain you are interested to work in. Be strong with the basics in all the topics mentioned in the resume. Try to ask questions when they give you the chance.

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