Wells Fargo Interview Experience for Internship | On-Campus 2022

Wells Fargo visited my campus for the recruitment of both interns and FTE for the year 2022. Since it was an on-campus process, the selection process started on the basis of CGPA.

Round 0 (CGPA Shortlisting): Out of about 2000+ students in the CS department, about 150 students were shortlisted for the online coding test. I was one of them.

Round 1 (Online Test – 120 minutes): The online test was held on the AMCAT platform. The test had three broad sections (each section was separately timed), namely:

English Vocabulary (10 MCQs): Standard English questions on fill up with an appropriate word, passage comprehension, and synonyms of underlined sections of sentences.

Business Aptitude (15 MCQs): Had several cases study-based questions. Tables, boxplots, or line graphs were given for each of the questions. The questions mainly revolved around our graphical analysis speed and accuracy. Speed was definitely a key factor in this section.

Coding questions (2 – 60 minutes):  

  • Given an array of n unsorted integers, find the difference between the maximum and minimum integer and add it to the minimum integer. Simultaneously, delete the current maximum from the array. The steps above have to be repeated until a single integer remains which have to be printed out.
  • Given an array of n integers, count the number of perfect squares in the array and print it.

I had managed to solve both the problems completely but doing 1 problem completely and the other parts were sufficient to get shortlisted provided your previous two sections were good enough.

(The problems in the coding section were quite doable but the problems were structured in the form of large paragraphs which made it difficult to understand what the problem expected us to find. So be prepared for paragraph-based coding problems to avoid surprises).

Out of 150 people, 30 people were shortlisted for the technical interviews. Fortunately, I was one of them.

Round 2 (Technical Interview – 45 minutes):

Held on zoom which lasted for about 45 minutes.

  • The interviewer first asked me to introduce myself.
  • Deep discussion into my projects. Some notable questions were:
    • How to set up your project from scratch?
    • Why did you use MongoDB over MySQL? (One of my projects used MongoDB as a database)
    • Explain your project in a gist (Be thoroughly prepared with your projects and make sure you can talk about your project for at least 5-10 minutes without breaks.
    • What is an API? How to design an API?
    • Asked me whether I had built my projects myself or was it part of a hackathon?
  • In-depth questions on my technical skills (as mentioned in my resume):
    • What are formatting tags in HTML? Give some examples.
    • Can you use HTML inside CSS? If not, what is the alternative?
    • What is the difference between HTML and HTML5?
    • Purpose of <small> tag in HTML?
    • What is JDK? Elaborate on it.
    • Difference between SQL and NoSQL databases.
    • How to set up MongoDB locally from scratch?
    • What are the different types of classes in JAVA?
  • The interviewer then shifted to my achievements section and asked me to explain about a college scholarship that I had earned at my college.
  • Next, he moved on to CS fundamentals. I had zero knowledge of DBMS since I was in my 5th semester at that time and I told him about this up-front. He seemed okay with it. Some of the questions asked were:
    • Explain the four principles of object-oriented programming? Give real-world examples for each principle.
    • What is a deadlock in OS? What are the necessary conditions for deadlock?
    • What is spooling in OS?
    • What is an IP address?
  • He then moved on to my leadership experience section in my resume.
    • Asked me to explain the entire timeline on how I managed the building of a website with a team of 5 web developers as part of an on-campus club.
    • Asked me to elaborate on an IoT project I had built with a team of 4 of my classmates in my 1st semester. Questions focused mainly on the hardware build-up and the software coding section.
  • Since 45 minutes was almost up, he asked the following questions from DSA:
    • Explain bubble sorting in C++? (Only algorithm was expected, no code required)
    • Explain the difference between an array and a linked list.

45 minutes was finally up and I was not shortlisted for further rounds.


  • Make sure to know about every single section of your resume.
  • Be confident while explaining your project. Make sure to read about the pros and cons of a particular language/database pertaining to your project.
  • Be prepared with your CS fundamentals, especially OOPS, OS Theory, DBMS, and Computer Networks.
  • Finally, communicating confidently and having a learning attitude is very important.

Give your best!!

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