Weighted Average Calculator – Free Online Weighted Calculator

Weighted Average Calculator: A tool that calculates the average of a set of numbers, where each number is assigned a different level of importance or weight. “Weighted” means giving more importance or significance to certain things over others. This w3wiki free online calculator helps you determine a weighted average, which is a method of calculating an average where some values have a greater impact on the final average than others. This technique is often used in educational grading, stock market analysis, and survey results.

What is the Weighted Average Calculator?

A Weighted Average Calculator is a special tool that helps you find out an average where some numbers are more important than others. It’s different from a regular average, where every number counts the same. Weighted averages are commonly used in scenarios where certain values carry more significance, such as academic grading or financial analysis. They allow for a more nuanced representation of data by considering varying weights. 

How to use Weighted Average Calculator

A Weighted Average Calculator figures out the average of different numbers, but it gives more importance (or weight) to some numbers over others. It’s like saying one number matters more in the average than another.

Here’s how it does it:

  1. Assign Weights: It first gives each number a “weight” based on how important it is. A heavier weight means that number has more impact on the average.
  2. Multiply and Add: Then, it multiplies each number by its weight and adds up all these products.
  3. Divide: Finally, it divides this total by the sum of all the weights.

Weighted Average Calculator Formula

The Weighted Average Calculator Formula is just a way to find the average of different numbers, but some numbers count more than others. Here’s how it works: 

Add up all the numbers after you multiply each number by how much it counts. Then, divide that total by the sum of how much each number counts.

Weighted Average Calculator Formula

Weighted Average = (Number1 x Weight1 + Number2 x Weight2 + ... + NumberN x WeightN) / (Weight1 + Weight2 + ... + WeightN)

In this formula:

  • Number1, Number2, …, NumberN are the numbers you have.
  • Weight1, Weight2, …, WeightN are how much each number counts.

Weighted Average Calculator Table

To calculate a weighted average, you need to assign weights to different values. Here’s a table to help you understand how it works:









In this table:

  • Each “Value” represents a number or score you want to average.
  • Each “Weight” represents how important or significant that value is in the overall average.
  • The weights are usually given as decimals or percentages, adding up to 1 or 100%.

Weighted Average Calculator Examples

1. Weighted Average Calculator Example 

Imagine you have two subjects: Math and English. Math is worth 70% of your grade, and English is worth 30%. You scored 80 in Math and 90 in English. To find your overall average, you’d use this formula: 

Weighted Average = (Math Grade × 0.70) + (English Grade × 0.30)

Plug in the numbers:

Weighted Average = (80 × 0.70) + (90 × 0.30)

Weighted Average = 56 + 27

Weighted Average = 83

So, your weighted average grade would be 83.

2. Weighted Average Calculator Example

You have three categories for a project: Presentation (30%), Content (50%), and Delivery (20%). You got scores of 90, 80, and 85 in these categories, respectively. To find your weighted average:

Weighted Average = (90 × 0.30) + (80 × 0.50) + (85 × 0.20)

Weighted Average = 27 + 40 + 17

Weighted Average = 84

So, your weighted average score for the project would be 84.

3. Weighted Average Calculator Example 

In a sales team, performance is measured based on Sales Revenue (60%) and Customer Satisfaction (40%). Team Member A generates $100,000 in sales (Revenue) with a satisfaction score of 85%, while Team Member B generates $80,000 with a satisfaction score of 90%. To find their weighted average performance:

Weighted Average for A = (100,000 × 0.60) + (85 × 0.40)

Weighted Average for A = 60,000+34

Weighted Average for A = 60,034

Weighted Average for B = (80,000×0.60)+(90×0.40)

Weighted Average for B = 48,000+36

Weighted Average for B = 48,036

Thus, Team member A’s weighted average is 60,034, and Team member B’s weighted average is 48,036.

Practical Question on Weighted Average Calculator

  1. How can we use the weighted average calculator to find the average score when some things count more than others?
  2. What happens if we forget to include a score or weight when using the weighted average calculator?
  3. Can the weighted average calculator help us understand how well we did overall in a class with different kinds of assignments?

Practical Applications of the Weighted Average Calculator

Here are three practical applications of the Weighted Average Calculator:

  1. Academic Grading: Calculate GPAs by considering the varying weights of assignments and exams.
  2. Financial Analysis: Determine the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for investment decisions.
  3. Market Analysis: Use weighted averages for accurate data representation in market research and pricing strategies.


A weighted average calculator helps find the average of different numbers, giving more importance (weight) to some numbers over others. This is useful when some numbers are more significant or represent larger amounts than others. Just plug in your numbers and weights, and the calculator does the math for you, giving you a fair average that reflects the importance of each number in the mix. 

Weighted Average Calculator – Free Online Calculator – FAQs

What is Weighted Average Calculator?

A Weighted Average Calculator is a special tool that helps you find out an average where some numbers are more important than others. It’s different from a regular average, where every number counts the same.

What is a weighted average?

A weighted average is a type of average where different numbers have different importance or “weights.”

How does a weighted average calculator work?

A weighted average calculator takes into account both the numbers you have and their corresponding weights to give you a more accurate average.

What is the formula for a weighted average calculator?

   The formula for a weighted average is: Weighted Average = (Value1 * Weight1 + Value2 * Weight2 + …) / (Weight1 + Weight2 + …)

Can you provide an example of using a weighted average calculator?

Sure, if you have grades where tests are worth more than homework, the weighted average calculator helps calculate your final grade accurately.

Why is understanding weighted averages important?

Understanding weighted averages is important because it helps you make better decisions based on different priorities or values assigned to different items or factors.

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