WebMethods Interview Experience

I have attended webmethods interviews with 2-6 years of experience. There were 4 rounds of interviews.

Round 1 (Technical):

  • Questions on webmethods components
  • Is,MWS,Deployer, JMS,UM,Catching,flow steps
  • Questions related to previous projects: what are the components used in the project?
  • The life cycle of a project?

Round 2(Technical): Round 2 little more difficult than Round 1

  • Questions asked in Round 2: Questions on webmethods components
  • Components: Trading network, MWS,MFT,B2B,BPM,Deployer, Terracotta
  • Asked me to explain previous projects

Round 3 (Manager Round):

  • Mostly scenario-based Questions.
  • Project life cycle Questions

Round 4 (HR Round): Location preference and salary discussion.

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