Webdiscover – Automate The Web Enumeration Process And Search For Exploits

Webdiscover is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. This tool is written in bash language. Webdiscover is a bash script that can be used to automate the reconnaissance process on any domain or any URL. Webdiscover consists of many installed modules that perform different operations on the domain or URL. Some of the modules are go-exploitdb, searchsploit, nuclei, gospider, whatweb, subfinder, dnsrecon, namelist, seclist, etc. The tool can be used to find exploits and vulnerabilities across a domain. Webdiscover can be used to find subdomains of a domain. This tool is very useful in the early stages of reconnaissance. 

Purpose of webdiscover

The main purpose of webdiscover is to automate the reconnaissance process. Reconnaissance is important in the early stages of Pentesting. By using webdiscover the security researcher can automate almost all the operations of reconnaissance. Webdiscover can also help security researchers to search for exploits of vulnerabilities. 

Features and uses of webdiscover

  • Webdiscover is a free and open-source tool. This means this tool is free you don’t need to pay any amount.
  • Webdiscover is written in bash language.
  • Webdiscover is used to automate the web enumeration process.
  • Webdiscover is used to find the IP address of the domain.
  • Webdiscover is used to find the country registered by the domain.
  • Webdiscover has various modules such as searchsploit, nuclei, gospider, whatweb which perform all the reconnaissance operations.
  • Webdiscover is used to find subdomains of the domain.
  • Webdiscover is a complete package of information-gathering modules.


Step 1: Use the following command to install the tool from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/V1n1v131r4/webdiscover.git

Step 2: The tool has been downloaded now use the following command to move into the directory of the tool.

cd webdiscover

Step 3: Now use the following command to run the tool.


The tool has been downloaded and running successfully.


Example 1: Use the webdiscover tool to find the service of the domain.

set your target

You can refer to the above example to find the service version on a domain.

Example 2: Use the webdiscover tool to find the IP address of a domain.

set your target

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