Web Design Tools

Web design, as the name suggests, refers to design a website. It is a way of presenting the website online. Websites should be created effectively that not only looks good but also functions properly as well as should rank at the top in search engine. Web Design tools simply refer to material or software programs generally used to develop effective, beautiful, and responsive websites. Nowadays, there are various web design tools available to be used by developers or designers. Choosing the best web design tool usually comes down to its main purpose and functionality. Best tools will make it simple and easier to develop the website as per requirement. One has to choose the most appropriate tool on basis of the size of the team, type of website, budget, all resources, and technical requirements. There are basically two main tools by which a website can be designed as given below:  

1. Desktop Apps: While designing websites, there are many desktop apps to choose from. One has to decide which one is right for them. Such apps require designers to develop their design and then transfer it to the development team. The development team has to face all technical challenges and convert the design to code. But this process is quite expensive, time-consuming, and requires more team members and developers, etc. Some of the desktop apps used are Figma, WordPress, Bluefish, Envision Studio, etc. But most popular and highly used web designing desktop apps are Sketch and Photoshop.  

  • Photoshop: Photoshop is a widely used app for designing the web. It includes a lot of features such as artboards, character style, provides professional tools to help create and enhance pictures, use grid systems, improve web export options, control quality and file size of graphics, create quick color fills, etc. Because of such amazing features, photoshop is used mostly by designers. It provides creative and attractive looking logos and gives flexibility and options to create logos.
  • Sketch: Sketch is basically a vector graphic editor widely used for macOS. It is considered the best tool for User interface design along with responsive web design. It is the best option for Mac users who want an affordable and effective web design desktop app. It also makes the design process smooth and easy. Some features include automate asset exports, analyze color contrast with a stark plugin, define measurements with math functions, ease of use, vector based-app, include licensing system, etc.

If one does not want to involve any developer, then one can go for another choice to design website i.e. website builders. It is a more effective way to develop a website with less technical requirements.

2. Website Builders: Website builders are basically tools that are used to construct websites without any manual code editing. In simple words, it is a platform or program that helps one to create a website quickly and easily. It is easier for one to create a website with a little bit of effort and coding skills. Nowadays, different website builders are available in the market that includes a wide variety of features and services. Some website builders are HostGator, Squarespace, Wix, Webflow, etc. Various features of website builder include ease of use, blogging tools, template customization option, eCommerce solutions, etc. One has to choose the most effective website builder. Not all Website Builder will offer you features that you require in your website such as WordPress. WordPress is widely used by website builders but it offers only limited customization options so it is not popular with visual designers. Therefore, before choosing any website builder for creating a website, one has to determine what are the exact website requirements such as photo gallery, contact information, how to update website, etc. Accordingly decide the most appropriate one to fulfill requirements.  

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