Web API URL.password Property

The Web API URL.password property returns a USVString containing the password specified before the domain name of the URL. A USVString is a sequence of Unicode scalar values.


var str = URL.password

Return Value: This property returns a USVString containing the password specified before the domain name of the URL.

Example 1:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <button onclick="get()" x='15' y='30'>
        Click on Me!
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function get() {
            var url = new URL(
            console.log("password of current URL is :",


Example 2:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div id="abc"></div>
    <button onclick="get()" x='15' y='30'>
        Click on Me!
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function get() {
            var url = new URL(
            a = document.getElementById("abc");
            a.innerHTML = "password of current URL is : "
                + url.password;


Supported Browsers:

  • Safari 10
  • Opera 19
  • Chrome 32
  • Edge 12
  • Firefox 26

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