10 Ways to Use Basecamp for Project Coordination

Basecamp is a productivity software that has a variety of features available for its users to boost their productivity and manage their time as well. This application not only allows the audience to manage and work on their projects but also allows collaborations, real-time chats, automating schedules, storing files, and much more.

It is an easy-to-use application with simple and understandable features. We can easily track our tasks and share files for discussions. It has various subscription plans that cost much less than other productivity apps which makes it more worth it to use. Let’s examine 10 ways to use Basecamp for Project Coordination.

10 Ways to Use Basecamp for Project Coordination

  • 10 Ways to Use Basecamp for Project Coordination
  • 1. Effective Functionalities with Cheap Pricing
  • 2. Getting Started with Easy Sign Up
  • 3. Understanding Features
  • 4. Adding People to Company
  • 5. Making a new Team
  • 6. Adminland
  • 7. Creating Projects
  • 8. Creating To-do lists
  • 9. Arranging Events
  • 10. Collaboration Features
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – 10 Ways to Use Basecamp for Project Coordination

10 Ways to Use Basecamp for Project Coordination

Basecamp is loved by people as it is an easy to use platform, simple and refined, offers collaborations, integrations and makes them productive in daily lives.

Here are some ways to use Basecamp for Project Coordination:

1. Effective Functionalities with Cheap Pricing

Basecamp does provide some basic features to the users free of cost, but it also has some exciting features that are provided to subscribers only. Many of these features help in businesses. The first way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination, is to explore its pricing.

The paid plan that Basecamp offers allows us to store upto 500 GB of data in it which also removes the need for Google Drive, Dropbox or other Cloud based storage softwares. They have one plan that costs $99 per month, also they provide a 30 days free trial. We can shift back to the free plan if we desire before the time period of 30 days.

2. Getting Started with Easy Sign Up

To use Basecamp, first you have to sign up. This process is simple and easy as it does not require much time. It asks for some basic details, once you are done with signing up Basecamp’s dashboard opens up.

Here, many features are available for the users to manage the projects and even the teams that you might create.

Whenever you want to open the Dashboard you just have to click on the ‘Home’ button. Under the ‘Activities’ area we can see and track our all the activities, and in ‘My Stuff’ we have all our projects organized that can be customized as well.

3. Understanding Features

Basecamp offers a lot of features that can sometimes be confusing for new users to understand and bring them into use. Next way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is to Understand its features and operations that it offers. We have features like Message Board, To-do lists, Schedule, Campfire etc. in the Company HQ which work in accordance with one another and manage productivity status as well.

Message Board allows in communication with the team members while To do’s are created by team members that can be edited whenever needed that helps to track the projects. Under the Docs and Folders option we can store, share and upload our files and formats. To create a new project just click on the ‘New’ option.

4. Adding People to Company

Another way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is to use it for adding people to the Company HQ. Company HQ has all the required information available that is necessary for everyone to see. For the new member we can invite them to add them in the Company HQ by simply clicking on ‘Invite your company’ option.

After this, under Add people you just need to fill in the information that is asked. We can also add the personal notes during this process and further proceed by sending invitations via email. The admin has access to add and remove the members or people added to the Company HQ only.

5. Making a new Team

The fifth way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is to make new teams. It is easy to make the teams in Basecamp as it only requires your few seconds. Basecamp allows for 4 kinds of teams- Customer support, Marketing, Sales and R&D.

To make the teams, one has to click on New > Teams, fill the details required and finally after entering the Team’s name click on Save. We can click on the team’s name to edit, pin or even archive them. The layout for the team that is created is similar to the Company HQ that is ‘Syndeo Media HQ’.

6. Adminland

Another way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is to edit and change Adminland. It is the option provided by Basecamp to it’s users that allows them to manage and customize their Basecamp account. The option is present at the Home page, upper right corner.

It has basic as well as all the complex account setup settings as it has basic account settings and personal settings available. We can download this application on both iOS and Android so we can track our projects and stay up to date. We can also log out our account from Adminland too.

7. Creating Projects

Since Basecamp is a Productivity application, one way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is for Creating Projects using Basecamp. Under the Teams options, we can easily find the ‘Project’ option that mainly helps to create the Basecamp projects and manage them as well.

By clicking on the ‘New’ option we can add names to our projects and to save just simply click on the ‘Save’ option. Further feature that it offers is that we can share our recently or newly created projects with the team members of respective teams and with clients as well.

8. Creating To-do lists

Another best way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is to use it for Creating To do lists. Most of the people who may use it for personal use or just for creating to do’s can use Basecamp for creating such lists too. To do feature in Basecamp provides a bulleted list customized by us that we have to do for completion of a particular project.

For creating to-do lists, simply click on the ‘To-dos’ option then type the name for the list and start adding tasks on it. Further as you complete the tasks fill the to-do side by side for project coordination. We can also assign the tasks to our team members as well by clicking on ‘Assigned to’ option, select deadline by ‘Due-to’ option and add additional details under ‘Notes’ option.

9. Arranging Events

One way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is Arranging events using this application. Basecamp, just like all the other productivity applications, provides a Calendar to its users and lets them add the events in it as well.

We can add reminders, appointments, events and much more in the calendar. For this just select the ‘Schedule’ option and add events with deadlines to the project’s calendar. We can add new events using the ‘New events’ option. Basecamp provides different calendars for different projects that is a plus point about this application.

10. Collaboration Features

The last way to use Basecamp for Project Coordination is about its Collaboration features that it offers. Basecamp as compared to other productivity apps is one of the best applications that best helps its audience with the collaboration tools.

It allows the users to interact with the team members or clients and have access to real time conversations. We can use the Message Board to interact and share or receive the files or projects. Further it also allows us to share the events in the to-dos and work with the team members together. It has a huge number of customisable collaboration features that we can access easily and use them whenever we want.


Basecamp is really useful and helpful project management and coordination software that helps alot with various tasks and projects of the people. We can use it for our businesses and personal use as well or both. It allows real time communication, collaboration and provides various tools to its users.

The tools that it provides are customisable that helps to improve the communication process, process speed and deliver the projects on time. Since, it has a lot of features and tools available to the people they might get confused if they are using it for the very first time. For your sake, this article tells 10 Ways to Use Basecamp for Project Coordination.

FAQs – 10 Ways to Use Basecamp for Project Coordination

How do I organize my projects in Basecamp?

For organizing your projects in Basecamp, first view the projects as lists or in combinations. By clicking on stars, start grouping your projects.

What is Basecamp in project management?

Basecamp helps the users to organize and manage the projects while helping in the communication process between team members and clients.

What can you do in Basecamp?

We can create projects, to do lists, add events, items and even interact with other people.

Is a Basecamp a collaboration tool?

Yes, basecamp is an online collaboration tool. This has many customizable collaboration features that makes it one of the best collaboration tools.

Does Basecamp have a workflow ?

We can integrate various apps with Basecamp and create visual workflows that are automated.

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