Wave Patterns

Given length and width, print the pattern in wave form using ‘/’ and ‘ ‘.
Examples : 

Input : wave_height = 4
        wave_length = 4
Output :
   /\      /\      /\      /\      
  /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
 /    \  /    \  /    \  /    \  
/      \/      \/      \/      \      

Input : wave_height = 2
        wave_length = 3
Output : 
 /\  /\  /\
/  \/  \/  \


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function definition
void pattern(int wave_height, int wave_length)
    int i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
    e = 2;
    x = 1;
    // for loop for height of wave
    for (i = 0; i < wave_height; i++) {
        for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++) 
            cout << " ";       
        // for loop for wave length
        for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++) {
            // checking for intermediate spaces
            for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                cout << " ";
            for (k = 1; k <= e; k++) {
                if (k == 1)
                    cout << "/";
                else if (k == e)
                    cout << "\\";
                    cout << " ";
        // incrementing counters value by two
        x = x + 2;
        e = e + 2;
        cout << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    // change value to decrease or increase
    // the height of wave
    int wave_height = 4;
    // change value to decrease or increase 
    // the length of wave
    int wave_length = 4;
    pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
    return 0;


import java.io.*;
class GFG {
    // Function definition
    static void pattern(int wave_height,
                        int wave_length)
        int i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
        e = 2;
        x = 1;
        // for loop for height
        // of wave
        for (i = 0; i < wave_height; i++)
            for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++)
                System.out.print(" ");
            // for loop for wave
            // length
            for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++)
                // checking for intermediate
                // spaces
                for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                    System.out.print(" ");
                for (k = 1; k <= e; k++)
                    if (k == 1)
                    else if (k == e)
                        System.out.print(" ");
            // incrementing counters 
            // value by two
            x = x + 2;
            e = e + 2;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the height of wave
        int wave_height = 4;
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the length of wave
        int wave_length = 4;
        pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


# Function definition
def pattern(wave_height, wave_length) :
    e = 2
    x = 1
    # for loop for height
    # of wave
    for i in range(0, wave_height) :
        for j in range(wave_height, wave_height + i+1) :
            print(" ", end ="")     
        # for loop for wave
        # length
        for count in range(1, wave_length + 1) :
            # checking for intermediate spaces
            for n in range((wave_height + wave_height - 2), x-1, -1) :
                print(" ", end ="")
            for k in range(1, e + 1) :
                if (k == 1) :
                    print("/", end ="")
                elif (k == e) :
                    print("\\", end ="")
                else :
                    print(" ", end ="")
        # incrementing counters 
        # value by two
        x = x + 2
        e = e + 2
# Driver code
# Change value to decrease or increase
# the height of wave
wave_height = 4
# change value to decrease or increase 
# the length of wave
wave_length = 4
pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
# This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


// C# code for Wave Patterns
using System;
class GFG {
// Function definition
    static void pattern(int wave_height,
                        int wave_length)
        int i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
        e = 2;
        x = 1;
        // for loop for height
        // of wave
        for (i = 0; i < wave_height; i++)
            for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++)
                Console.Write(" ");
            // for loop for wave
            // length
            for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++)
                // checking for intermediate
                // spaces
                for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                    Console.Write(" ");
                for (k = 1; k <= e; k++)
                    if (k == 1)
                    else if (k == e)
                    Console.Write(" ");
            // incrementing counters 
            // value by two
            x = x + 2;
            e = e + 2;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the height of wave
        int wave_height = 4;
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the length of wave
        int wave_length = 4;
        pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


// PHP implementation to 
// print wave patterns
// Function definition
function pattern($wave_height,$wave_length)
    $e = 2;
    $x = 1;
    // for loop for height of wave
    for ($i = 0; $i < $wave_height; $i++) 
        for ($j = $wave_height
             $j <= $wave_height + $i
            echo " "
        // for loop for wave length
        for ($count = 1; 
             $count <= $wave_length
            // checking for intermediate 
            // spaces
            for ($n = ($wave_height
                       $wave_height - 2); 
                       $n >= $x; $n--)
                echo " ";
            for ($k = 1; $k <= $e; $k++) 
                if ($k == 1)
                    echo "/";
                else if ($k == $e)
                    echo "\\";
                    echo " ";
        // incrementing counters value by two
        $x = $x + 2;
        $e = $e + 2;
        echo "\n";
// Driver code
$wave_height = 4;
$wave_length = 4;
pattern($wave_height, $wave_length);
// This code is contributed by Mithun Kumar


    // Function definition
    function pattern( wave_height , wave_length)
        let i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
        e = 2;
        x = 1;
        // for loop for height
        // of wave
        for (i = 0; i < wave_height; i++) 
            for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++)
                document.write("  ");
            // for loop for wave
            // length
            for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++) 
                // checking for intermediate
                // spaces
                for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                    document.write("  ");
                for (k = 1; k <= e; k++)
                    if (k == 1)
                    else if (k == e)
                        document.write("  ");
            // incrementing counters
            // value by two
            x = x + 2;
            e = e + 2;
    // Driver code
    // change value to decrease or
    // increase the height of wave
    let wave_height = 4;
    // change value to decrease or
    // increase the length of wave
    let wave_length = 4;
    pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by todaysgaurav 

Output : 

   /\      /\      /\      /\      
  /  \    /  \    /  \    /  \    
 /    \  /    \  /    \  /    \  
/      \/      \/      \/      \

Time Complexity: O(h2*l), Here h is the height of the wave and l is the length of the wave.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), As constant extra space is used.

To print numbers in wave form.
Examples : 

Input : wave_height = 4
        wave_length = 4
Output :

   04 05       04 05       04 05       04 05
  03   06     03   06     03   06     03   06
 02     07   02     07   02     07   02     07
01       08 01       08 01       08 01       08 

Input : wave_height = 2
        wave_length = 2  
Output : 
  02     02
01  03 01  03


// C++ code to print numbers
// in wave form
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function definition
void pattern(int wave_height, int wave_length)
    int i, j, k, e, n, count, x, n1, n2;
    e = 2;
    x = 1;
    n1 = wave_height;
    n2 = wave_height + 1;
    // for loop for height of wave
    for (i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++) {
        for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++) {
            cout << " ";
        // for loop for wave length
        for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++) {
            // checking for intermediate spaces
            for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                cout << " ";
            for (k = 1; k <= e; k++) {
                if (k == 1)
                    cout << "0" << n1 << " ";
                else if (k == e)
                    cout << "0" << n2 << " ";
                    cout << " ";
        // incrementing counters value by two
        x = x + 2;
        e = e + 2;
        n1 = wave_height - i;
        n2 = wave_height + 1 + i;
        cout << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    // change value to decrease or
    // increase the height of wave
    int wave_height = 4;
    // change value to decrease or
    // increase the length of wave
    int wave_length = 4;
    pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
    return 0;


// Java code to print numbers
// in wave form
import java.io.*;
class GFG {
    // Function definition
    static void pattern(int wave_height,
                        int wave_length)
        int i, j, k, e, n;
        int count, x, n1, n2;
        e = 2;
        x = 1;
        n1 = wave_height;
        n2 = wave_height + 1;
        // for loop for height 
        // of wave
        for (i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++)
            for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++)
                System.out.print(" ");
            // for loop for wave
            // length
            for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++)
                // checking for intermediate
                // spaces
                for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                    System.out.print(" ");
                for (k = 1; k <= e; k++) 
                    if (k == 1)
                        System.out.print("0" + n1 + " ");
                    else if (k == e)
                        System.out.print("0" + n2 + " ");
                        System.out.print(" ");
            // incrementing counters 
            // value by two
            x = x + 2;
            e = e + 2;
            n1 = wave_height - i;
            n2 = wave_height + 1 + i;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the height of wave
        int wave_height = 4;
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the length of wave
        int wave_length = 4;
        pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


# Python 3 code to print numbers
# in wave form
# Function definition
def pattern( wave_height, wave_length) :
    e = 2
    x = 1
    n1 = wave_height
    n2 = wave_height + 1
    # for loop for height
    # of wave
    for i in range(1, wave_height + 1) :
        for j in range( wave_height, wave_height + i + 1) :
            print( " ", end ="")
        # for loop for wave
        # length
        for count in range(1, wave_length + 1) :
            # checking for intermediate
            # spaces
            for n in range((wave_height + wave_height - 2), x - 1, -1) :
                print( " ", end ="")
            for k in range(1, e + 1) :
                if (k == 1) :
                    print("0", n1, " ", end ="")
                elif (k == e) :
                    print("0", n2, " ", end ="")
                else :
                    print(" ", end ="")         
        # incrementing counters value
        # by two
        x = x + 2
        e = e + 2
        n1 = wave_height - i
        n2 = wave_height + 1 + i
# Driver code
# change value to decrease or
# increase the height of wave
wave_height = 4
# change value to decrease or
# increase the length of wave
wave_length = 4
pattern(wave_height, wave_length)
# This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


// C# code to print numbers
// in wave form
using System;
class GFG
    // Function definition
    static void pattern(int wave_height,
                        int wave_length)
        int i, j, k, e, n;
        int count, x, n1, n2;
        e = 2;
        x = 1;
        n1 = wave_height;
        n2 = wave_height + 1;
        // for loop for 
        // height of wave
        for (i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++)
            for (j = wave_height; 
                 j <= wave_height + i; j++)
                Console.Write(" ");
            // for loop for 
            // wave length
            for (count = 1; 
                 count <= wave_length; count++)
                // checking for intermediate
                // spaces
                for (n = (wave_height + 
                          wave_height - 2);
                     n >= x; n--)
                    Console.Write(" ");
                for (k = 1; k <= e; k++) 
                    if (k == 1)
                        Console.Write("0" + n1 + " ");
                    else if (k == e)
                        Console.Write("0" + n2 + " ");
                        Console.Write(" ");
            // incrementing counters 
            // value by two
            x = x + 2;
            e = e + 2;
            n1 = wave_height - i;
            n2 = wave_height + 1 + i;
    // Driver code
    static public void Main ()
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the height of wave
        int wave_height = 4;
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the length of wave
        int wave_length = 4;
        pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by ajit.


// PHP implementation to print
// numbers in wave form
// Function definition
function pattern($wave_height
    $e = 2;
    $x = 1;
    $n1 = $wave_height;
    $n2 = $wave_height + 1;
    // for loop for height of wave
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $wave_height; $i++)
        for ($j = $wave_height;
             $j <= $wave_height + $i; $j++) 
            echo " ";
        // for loop for wave length
        for ($count = 1; 
             $count <= $wave_length
            // checking for intermediate 
            // spaces
            for ($n = ($wave_height
                       $wave_height - 2); 
                       $n >= $x; $n--)
                echo " ";
            for ($k = 1; $k <= $e; $k++) 
                if ($k == 1)
                    echo "0".$n1." ";
                else if ($k == $e)
                    echo "0".$n2." ";
                    echo " ";
        // incrementing counters value 
        // by two
        $x = $x + 2;
        $e = $e + 2;
        $n1 = $wave_height - $i;
        $n2 = $wave_height + 1 + $i;
        echo "\n";
// Driver code
$wave_height = 4;
$wave_length = 4;
pattern($wave_height, $wave_length);
// This code is contributed by Mithun Kumar


// javascript code to print numbers
// in wave form
    // Function definition
    function pattern(wave_height , wave_length) {
        var i, j, k, e, n;
        var count, x, n1, n2;
        e = 2;
        x = 1;
        n1 = wave_height;
        n2 = wave_height + 1;
        // for loop for height
        // of wave
        for (i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++) {
            for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++) {
                document.write(" ");
            // for loop for wave
            // length
            for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++) {
                // checking for intermediate
                // spaces
                for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                    document.write(" ");
                for (k = 1; k <= e; k++) {
                    if (k == 1)
                        document.write("0" + n1 + " ");
                    else if (k == e)
                        document.write("0" + n2 + " ");
                        document.write(" ");
            // incrementing counters
            // value by two
            x = x + 2;
            e = e + 2;
            n1 = wave_height - i;
            n2 = wave_height + 1 + i;
    // Driver code
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the height of wave
        var wave_height = 4;
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the length of wave
        var wave_length = 4;
        pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code contributed by gauravrajput1 

Output : 

   04 05       04 05       04 05       04 05
  03   06     03   06     03   06     03   06
 02     07   02     07   02     07   02     07
01       08 01       08 01       08 01       08 

Time Complexity: O(h2*l), Here h is the height of the wave and l is the length of the wave.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), As constant extra space is used.

Program to print wave pattern using letters .
Examples :  

Input : wave_height = 4
        wave_length = 4
Output :

   D E       L M       T U       B C      
  C   F     K   N     S   V     A   D 
 B     G   J     O   R     W   Z     E  
A       H I       P Q       X Y       F


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function definition
void pattern(int wave_height, int wave_length)
    int i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
    e = 2;
    x = 1;
    int c1 = 'A' + wave_height - 1;
    int c2 = 'A' + wave_height;
    // for loop for height of wave
    for (i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++) {
        for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++) {
            cout << " ";
        // for loop for wave length
        for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++) {
            // checking for intermediate spaces
            for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                cout << " ";
            for (k = 1; k <= e; k++) {
                if (k == 1)
                    cout << (char)c1 << " ";
                else if (k == e)
                    cout << (char)c2 << " ";
                    cout << " ";
            c1 = c1 + wave_height * 2;
            c2 = c2 + wave_height * 2;
            // checking the limit
            if (c1 > 'Z')
                c1 = c1 - 26;
            if (c2 > 'Z')
                c2 = c2 - 26;
        // incrementing counters value by two
        x = x + 2;
        e = e + 2;
        c1 = 'A' + wave_height - i - 1;
        c2 = 'A' + wave_height + i;
        cout << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    // change value to decrease or increase
    // the height of wave
    int wave_height = 4;
    // change value to decrease or increase 
    // the length of wave
    int wave_length = 4;
    pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
    return 0;


// Java Program to print 
// wave pattern
import java.io.*;
class GFG {
    // Function definition
    static void pattern(int wave_height,
                        int wave_length)
        int i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
        e = 2;
        x = 1;
        int c1 = 'A' + wave_height - 1;
        int c2 = 'A' + wave_height;
        // for loop for height
        // of wave
        for (i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++)
            for (j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++) 
                System.out.print(" ");
            // for loop for wave
            // length
            for (count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++)
                // checking for intermediate
                // spaces
                for (n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); n >= x; n--)
                    System.out.print(" ");
                for (k = 1; k <= e; k++)
                    if (k == 1)
                        System.out.print((char)c1 + " ");
                    else if (k == e)
                        System.out.print((char)c2 + " ");
                        System.out.print(" ");
                c1 = c1 + wave_height * 2;
                c2 = c2 + wave_height * 2;
                // checking the limit
                if (c1 > 'Z')
                    c1 = c1 - 26;
                if (c2 > 'Z')
                    c2 = c2 - 26;
            // incrementing counters
            // value by two
            x = x + 2;
            e = e + 2;
            c1 = 'A' + wave_height - i - 1;
            c2 = 'A' + wave_height + i;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the height of wave
        int wave_height = 4;
        // change value to decrease or
        // increase the length of wave
        int wave_length = 4;
        pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


# Python3 program to print
# the wave pattern
# Function definition
def pattern(wave_height, wave_length) :
    e = 2
    x = 1
    c1 = ord('A') + wave_height - 1
    c2 = ord('A') + wave_height
    # for loop for height
    # of wave
    for i in range(1, wave_height + 1) :
        for j in range(wave_height, wave_height + i + 1 ):
            print( " ", end = "")
        # for loop for wave
        # length
        for count in range(1, wave_length + 1) :
            # checking for intermediate
            # spaces
            for n in range((wave_height + wave_height - 2), x - 1, -1) :
                print(" ", end = "")
            for k in range(1, e + 1) :
                if (k == 1) :
                    print((chr)(c1), " ", end = "")
                elif (k == e) :
                    print((chr)(c2), " ", end = "")
                else :
                    print(" ", end = "")
            c1 = c1 + wave_height * 2
            c2 = c2 + wave_height * 2
            # checking the limit
            if (c1 > ord('Z')) :
                c1 = c1 - 26
            if (c2 > ord('Z')) :
                c2 = c2 - 26
        # incrementing counters 
        # value by two
        x = x + 2;
        e = e + 2
        c1 = ord('A') + wave_height - i - 1
        c2 = ord('A') + wave_height + i
# Driver code
# change value to decrease or
# increase the height of wave
wave_height = 4
# change value to decrease or 
# increase the length of wave
wave_length = 4
pattern(wave_height, wave_length)
# This code is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


// C# Program to print 
// wave pattern
using System;
class GFG
// Function definition
static void pattern(int wave_height,
                    int wave_length)
    int i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
    e = 2;
    x = 1;
    int c1 = 'A' + wave_height - 1;
    int c2 = 'A' + wave_height;
    // for loop for height
    // of wave
    for (i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++)
        for (j = wave_height; 
             j <= wave_height + i; j++) 
            Console.Write(" ");
        // for loop for wave
        // length
        for (count = 1; 
             count <= wave_length; count++)
            // checking for intermediate
            // spaces
            for (n = (wave_height +
                      wave_height - 2);
                 n >= x; n--)
                Console.Write(" ");
            for (k = 1; k <= e; k++)
                if (k == 1)
                    Console.Write((char)c1 + " ");
                else if (k == e)
                    Console.Write((char)c2 + " ");
                    Console.Write(" ");
            c1 = c1 + wave_height * 2;
            c2 = c2 + wave_height * 2;
            // checking the limit
            if (c1 > 'Z')
                c1 = c1 - 26;
            if (c2 > 'Z')
                c2 = c2 - 26;
        // incrementing counters
        // value by two
        x = x + 2;
        e = e + 2;
        c1 = 'A' + wave_height - i - 1;
        c2 = 'A' + wave_height + i;
// Driver code
static public void Main ()
    // change value to decrease or
    // increase the height of wave
    int wave_height = 4;
    // change value to decrease or
    // increase the length of wave
    int wave_length = 4;
    pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by ajit


// PHP implementation to print
// Wave pattern using Alphabets
// Function definition
function pattern($wave_height
    $e = 2;
    $x = 1;
    //ASCII of A is 65
    $c1 = 65 + $wave_height - 1;
    $c2 = 65 + $wave_height;
    // for loop for height of wave
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $wave_height
        for ($j = $wave_height
             $j <= $wave_height + $i
            echo " ";
        // for loop for wave length
        for ($count = 1; 
             $count <= $wave_length
            // checking for intermediate 
            // spaces
            for ($n = ($wave_height
                       $wave_height - 2); 
                       $n >= $x; $n--)
                echo " ";
            for ($k = 1; $k <= $e; $k++) 
                if ($k == 1)
                    echo chr($c1)." ";
                else if ($k == $e)
                    echo chr($c2)." ";
                    echo " ";
            $c1 = $c1 + $wave_height * 2;
            $c2 = $c2 + $wave_height * 2;
            // checking the limit
            if ($c1 > 90)
                $c1 = $c1 - 26;
            if ($c2 > 90)
                $c2 = $c2 - 26;
        // incrementing counters value 
        // by two
        $x = $x + 2;
        $e = $e + 2;
        $c1 = 65 + $wave_height - $i - 1;
        $c2 = 65 + $wave_height + $i;
        echo "\n";
// Driver code
$wave_height = 4;
$wave_length = 4;
pattern($wave_height, $wave_length);
// This code is contributed by Mithun Kumar


// Javascript Program to print 
// wave pattern
// Function definition
function pattern(wave_height, wave_length)
    var i, j, k, e, n, count, x;
    e = 2;
    x = 1;
    var c1 = 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + wave_height - 1;
    var c2 = 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + wave_height;
    // For loop for height
    // of wave
    for(i = 1; i <= wave_height; i++)
        for(j = wave_height; j <= wave_height + i; j++) 
            document.write(" ");
        // For loop for wave
        // length
        for(count = 1; count <= wave_length; count++)
            // Checking for intermediate
            // spaces
            for(n = (wave_height + wave_height - 2); 
                n >= x; n--)
                document.write(" ");
            for(k = 1; k <= e; k++)
                if (k == 1)
                        String.fromCharCode(c1) + " ");
                else if (k == e)
                        String.fromCharCode(c2) + " ");
                    document.write(" ");
            c1 = c1 + wave_height * 2;
            c2 = c2 + wave_height * 2;
            // checking the limit
            if (c1 > 'Z'.charCodeAt(0))
                c1 = c1 - 26;
            if (c2 > 'Z'.charCodeAt(0))
                c2 = c2 - 26;
        // Incrementing counters
        // value by two
        x = x + 2;
        e = e + 2;
        c1 = 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + wave_height - i - 1;
        c2 = 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + wave_height + i;
// Driver code
// Change value to decrease or
// increase the height of wave
var wave_height = 4;
// Change value to decrease or
// increase the length of wave
var wave_length = 4;
pattern(wave_height, wave_length);
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh 

Output : 

   D E       L M       T U       B C      
  C   F     K   N     S   V     A   D 
 B     G   J     O   R     W   Z     E  
A       H I       P Q       X Y       F

Time Complexity: O(h2*l), Here h is the height of the wave and l is the length of the wave.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), As constant extra space is used.

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