War Card Game in Python

The War card game is a classic, simple game that can be a fun way to practice programming skills. The game involves a standard 52-card deck split between two players. Each player reveals the top card of their deck, and the player with the higher card takes both cards and adds them to the bottom of their deck. If the cards are of equal rank, a “war” is triggered, where each player places three cards face down and then one card face up; the higher face-up card wins all the cards. This process repeats until one player has all the cards.

In this article, we’ll walk through creating a War card game in Python, focusing on essential concepts like object-oriented programming (OOP), randomness, and game logic.

Concepts related to the Topic:

  • Rounds: Each player flips the top card of their deck. The player with the higher card wins the round and collects both cards.
  • Dealing: Distributing the cards equally between two players.
  • Deck of Cards: A standard deck consists of 52 cards, divided into four suits (diamonds, clubs, hearts, and spades) and thirteen ranks (2–10): jack, queen, king, and ace.
  • Suffling: Randomly distribute and ace the cards equally between two players.
  • Wars: If the flipped cards are of equal rank, a “war” occurs where each player places additional cards down, and the higher card of the next flip wins all the cards in play.
  • Game End: The game continues until one player has all the cards or a set number of rounds have been completed.

Define the code in Four Classes:

Card Class: That class defines a playing card with a suit and a value.

  • Define many keywords like suits for a list of the four suits in a deck of cards and another keyword value.
class Card:
    suits = ["spades", "hearts", "diamonds", "clubs"]
    values = [None, None, "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"]

    def __init__(self, v, s):
        """suit + value are ints"""
        self.value = v
        self.suit = s

    def __lt__(self, c2):
        if self.value < c2.value:
            return True
        if self.value == c2.value:
            if self.suit < c2.suit:
                return True
                return False
        return False

    def __gt__(self, c2):
        if self.value > c2.value:
            return True
        if self.value == c2.value:
            if self.suit > c2.suit:
                return True
                return False
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        v = self.values[self.value] + " of " + self.suits[self.suit]
        return v

Deck Class: This class define the deck of 52 cards.In that case define two keyword ‘_init_(self)’ and ‘rm_card(self)

class Deck:
    def __init__(self):
        self.cards = []
        for i in range(2, 15):
            for j in range(4):
                self.cards.append(Card(i, j))

    def rm_card(self):
        if len(self.cards) == 0:
        return self.cards.pop()

Player Class: The Player class represents a player in the game.

class Player:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.wins = 0
        self.card = None
        self.name = name

Game Class:The Game class handles the game logic.Implements the game logic, handling user input, drawing cards, and determining round and game winners.

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
        name1 = input("Player 1 name: ")
        name2 = input("Player 2 name: ")
        self.deck = Deck()
        self.p1 = Player(name1)
        self.p2 = Player(name2)

    def wins(self, winner):
        w = "{} wins this round".format(winner)

    def draw(self, p1n, p1c, p2n, p2c):
        d = "{} drew {} and {} drew {}".format(p1n, p1c, p2n, p2c)

    def play_game(self):
        cards = self.deck.cards
        print("Beginning War!")
        while len(cards) >= 2:
            m = "Press 'q' to quit. Any other key to play: "
            response = input(m)
            if response == 'q':
            p1c = self.deck.rm_card()
            p2c = self.deck.rm_card()
            p1n = self.p1.name
            p2n = self.p2.name
            self.draw(p1n, p1c, p2n, p2c)
            if p1c > p2c:
                self.p1.wins += 1
                self.p2.wins += 1

        win = self.winner(self.p1, self.p2)
        print("War is over. {} wins".format(win))

    def winner(self, p1, p2):
        if p1.wins > p2.wins:
            return p1.name
        if p1.wins < p2.wins:
            return p2.name
        return "It was a tie!"

game = Game()

Complete Code:

from random import shuffle

class Card:
    suits = ["spades", "hearts", "diamonds", "clubs"]
    values = [None, None, "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"]

    def __init__(self, v, s):
        """suit + value are ints"""
        self.value = v
        self.suit = s

    def __lt__(self, c2):
        if self.value < c2.value:
            return True
        if self.value == c2.value:
            if self.suit < c2.suit:
                return True
                return False
        return False

    def __gt__(self, c2):
        if self.value > c2.value:
            return True
        if self.value == c2.value:
            if self.suit > c2.suit:
                return True
                return False
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        v = self.values[self.value] + " of " + self.suits[self.suit]
        return v

class Deck:
    def __init__(self):
        self.cards = []
        for i in range(2, 15):
            for j in range(4):
                self.cards.append(Card(i, j))

    def rm_card(self):
        if len(self.cards) == 0:
        return self.cards.pop()

class Player:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.wins = 0
        self.card = None
        self.name = name

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
        name1 = input("Player 1 name: ")
        name2 = input("Player 2 name: ")
        self.deck = Deck()
        self.p1 = Player(name1)
        self.p2 = Player(name2)

    def wins(self, winner):
        w = "{} wins this round".format(winner)

    def draw(self, p1n, p1c, p2n, p2c):
        d = "{} drew {} and {} drew {}".format(p1n, p1c, p2n, p2c)

    def play_game(self):
        cards = self.deck.cards
        print("Beginning War!")
        while len(cards) >= 2:
            m = "Press 'q' to quit. Any other key to play: "
            response = input(m)
            if response == 'q':
            p1c = self.deck.rm_card()
            p2c = self.deck.rm_card()
            p1n = self.p1.name
            p2n = self.p2.name
            self.draw(p1n, p1c, p2n, p2c)
            if p1c > p2c:
                self.p1.wins += 1
                self.p2.wins += 1

        win = self.winner(self.p1, self.p2)
        print("War is over. {} wins".format(win))

    def winner(self, p1, p2):
        if p1.wins > p2.wins:
            return p1.name
        if p1.wins < p2.wins:
            return p2.name
        return "It was a tie!"

game = Game()



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