Walmart Labs Interview Experience | Set 15 (For Internship)

Walmart Labs

Round-1 Online Test
Online Test consists of 10 MCQ questions based on OS, DBMS, C and DS. Followed by a coding question which was similar to Kadane’s Algorithm with an extra condition that you can’t leave two consecutive entries. Five students were shortlisted after this round.

Round-2 HR round

We were called for HR round as there was no technical interview. They were not language specific but having knowledge of Java was helpful I guess. The interview started with obvious question like “Tell me about yourself.” after which he asked me ” What is the success according to you?”. I answered it. After that, we discussed the project I did on Image Processing. I thoroughly explained it to him. Then he asked me about some doubts related to project, and I cleared them. He finally asked me if I want to ask him anything, so I did. Then he told me to leave the room and wait outside. The interview was about 10 min long.
3 Candidates were selected after that, and I was one of them.

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