Walmart Lab Interview Experience | Set 12 (On-Campus)

Round 1:
500 selected were selected for online test and cgpa criteria was 7.0 cgpa.
Online Test.

The online test was conducted on HackerEarth. Three questions were asked and we were given 90 minutes to solve three questions.

2. Given two strings s1 and s2, where s2 is a palindrome, how many substrings(s2) are there if we are allowed to arrange s1 in any order.

3. Check if a string is valid or not. A string is valid if on removing two different characters at a time, you are left string of same character. If the string is empty it is not valid. If the string is valid print the remaining character.

Around 20 of 500 students were selected for interviews.

Technical Interview Round 2:

This was my first technical interview. The Duration of the interview was about 1 hour.

1. Given a vector of strings. He gave another string and asked to print all the anagrams in the order in which they appeared in the vector.

We had a lot of discussion about my internship and the part of project I did.

Technical Interview Round 3:
This was second technical round. Duration about 40-45 mins.

Technical Interview Round 4:
1. Ugly numbers( DP solution ).

Discussion on my project and internships.

HR Interview : Round 5:
This was HR round. Duration about 30 mins.

1. Tell me something about yourself.
2. Discussion about internship.
3. My future plans and what I have done to achieve them.

At last 7 students were selected for 6 months internship and 2 students were selected for 6 months internship+ full-time job in Bangalore.

The interview experience was quite good and they focused on all the core computer science subjects. Beginner for Beginner was a lot of help to me as it helped me in my placement preparation and provided almost all content that was necessary for placement preparation.

This article is contributed by Arpit Kathuria,

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