W3.CSS Lists

Lists are very useful in a webpage. It can be used a variety of content as they are flexible and easy to manage. We use .w3-ul class for the list. The default style for the list is borderless but we can use other classes to add a border and other effects to the list.

Example: Adding a list on a webpage using W3.CSS.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Adding W3.CSS file through external link -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <!-- w3-container is used to add
         16px padding to any HTML element.  -->
    <!-- w3-center is used to set the 
         content of the element to the center. -->
    <div class="w3-container w3-center">
        <!-- w3-text-green sets 
             the text color to green. -->
        <!-- w3-xxlarge sets font size to 32px. -->
        <h2 class="w3-text-green w3-xxlarge">
           Welcome To GFG
    <!-- Adding a List on a page -->
    <div class="w3-container">
        <!-- List -->
        <ul class="w3-ul"
            <!-- List Content -->
            <li>Data Structure</li
            <li>Operating System</li


We can also add borders by using w3-border class in W3.CSS.

Example: Adding a list with border on a webpage using W3.CSS.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Adding W3.CSS file through external link -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <!-- w3-container is used to add 16px
         padding to any HTML element.  -->
    <!-- w3-center is used to set the 
         content of the element to the center. -->
    <div class="w3-container w3-center">
        <!-- w3-text-green sets the text color to green. -->
        <!-- w3-xxlarge sets font size to 32px. -->
        <h2 class="w3-text-green w3-xxlarge">
            Welcome To GFG
    <!-- Adding a List on a page -->
    <div class="w3-container">
        <!-- List -->
        <!-- Adding Border to the list
             with some border radius -->
        <ul class="w3-ul w3-border w3-round"
            <!-- List Content -->
            <li>Data Structure</li
            <li>Operating System</li


We can also add colors to the list by using w3-colour classes. These color can also be from hoverable class to add a hover effect on the list.

Example: Adding a list with colors on a webpage using W3.CSS.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Adding W3.CSS file through external link -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <!-- w3-container is used to add 16px padding 
         to any HTML element.  -->
    <!-- w3-center is used to set the content of 
         the element to the center. -->
    <div class="w3-container w3-center">
        <!-- w3-text-green sets the text color to green. -->
        <!-- w3-xxlarge sets font size to 32px. -->
        <h2 class="w3-text-green w3-xxlarge">
            Welcome To GFG
    <!-- Adding a List on a page -->
    <div class="w3-container">
        <!-- List -->
        <!-- Adding Colors to the list -->
        <ul class="w3-ul"
            <!-- List Content -->
            <li class="w3-pale-blue">Data Structure</li
            <li class="w3-pale-red">Operating System</li
            <li class="w3-pale-yellow">Algorithm</li


We can even change the width of the list using basic CSS or style. List have the width set to 100% by default.


<div style="width: x%">...</div>



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Adding W3.CSS file through external link -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <!-- w3-container is used to add 16px padding 
         to any HTML element.  -->
    <!-- w3-center is used to set the content of 
         the element to the center. -->
    <div class="w3-container w3-center">
        <!-- w3-text-green sets the text color to green. -->
        <!-- w3-xxlarge sets font size to 32px. -->
        <h2 class="w3-text-green w3-xxlarge">
            Welcome To GFG
    <!-- Adding a List on a page -->
    <div class="w3-container">
        <!-- List -->
        <!-- Setting width of the list to 50% -->
        <ul class="w3-ul" style="width:50%;"
            <!-- List Content -->
            <li class="w3-pale-blue">Data Structure</li
            <li class="w3-pale-red">Operating System</li
            <li class="w3-pale-yellow">Algorithm</li


Lists also come with various sizes. You can set the size of the list from various size classes in W3.CSS.



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Adding W3.CSS file through external link -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <!-- w3-container is used to add 16px padding 
         to any HTML element.  -->
    <!-- w3-center is used to set the content of 
         the element to the center. -->
    <div class="w3-container w3-center">
        <!-- w3-text-green sets the text color to green. -->
        <!-- w3-xxlarge sets font size to 32px. -->
        <h2 class="w3-text-green w3-xxlarge">
            Welcome To GFG
    <!-- Adding a List on a page -->
    <div class="w3-container">
        <!-- List -->
        <!-- List with various sizes -->
        <ul class="w3-ul"
            <!-- List Content -->
            <li class="w3-pale-blue w3-small">
                Small Sized List
            <li class="w3-pale-red w3-large">
                Large Sized List
            <li class="w3-pale-yellow w3-jumbo">
                Jumbo Sized List


You can also add badges in the list. To add a badge you can use w3-badge class.



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Adding W3.CSS file through external link -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <!-- w3-container is used to add 16px padding 
         to any HTML element.  -->
    <!-- w3-center is used to set the content of 
         the element to the center. -->
    <div class="w3-container w3-center">
        <!-- w3-text-green sets the text color to green. -->
        <!-- w3-xxlarge sets font size to 32px. -->
        <h2 class="w3-text-green w3-xxlarge">
            Welcome To GFG
    <!-- Adding a List on a page -->
    <div class="w3-container">
        <!-- List -->
        <!-- Adding Badges with the content 
             in the List -->
        <ul class="w3-ul"
            <!-- List Content -->
            <li class="w3-pale-blue">
                Data Structure <span class=
                "w3-badge w3-blue">1</span>
            <li class="w3-pale-red">
                Operating System <span class=
                "w3-badge w3-pink">5</span>
            <li class="w3-pale-yellow">
                Algorithm <span class=
                "w3-badge w3-yellow">0</span>


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