VyomMitra and its Importance

Vyommitra, a humanoid designed and developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to board an unmanned test mission before the Gaganyaan manned spaceflight mission, is undergoing a pre-flight ground test here at the ISRO Inertial System Unit (IISU). This is a very important topic in Science and Technology current affairs section and this has a high probability of coming in exams like SSC, UPSC, Banking, Railways, and others. Aspirants need to read it in detail before going to exams.

What is Vyommitra :

  • Vyom Mitra is a female humanoid space robot developed by the Indian Space Research Organization for the manned orbital spacecraft Gaganyaan.
  • A humanoid is a robot that looks like a human.
  • ISRO’s Vyommitra (Vyoma = Universe, Mitra = friend), also known as a half-humanoid creature, has only a head, two hands, and an upper body with no lower limbs.  Like any robot, a humanoid’s capabilities are determined by a linked computer system.

What are the major reasons for the development of a humanoid by ISRO :

  • By August 2022, ISRO hopes to send humans into space for the first time.
  • Developing crew modules and rocket systems that ensure the safe journey and return of Indian astronauts is a race against time.
  • Other countries that have successfully launched humans into space have done so after using animals to test missiles and crew recovery systems.
  • ISRO will use this humanoid to test the effectiveness of the GSLV Mk III rocket in moving humans in and out of space. The humanoid is being developed at the Robotics Laboratory at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Center.
  • Once ISRO’s semi-humanoid robot flies into space, it will be able to test a crew module system aimed at the survival and safe travel of the first Indian astronaut in 2022.  

What tasks does Vyommitra perform in space :

  • The central character in his space and time travel sci-fi film Interstellar (2014) is a computer system that uses artificial intelligence and robotics called TARS to converse with astronauts, assist mission functions, and monitor crises, sometimes even help.  
  • TARS was not humanoid, but a robotic system with extraordinary abilities.
  • The humanoid Vyommitra, which tests the ground for human spaceflight, will be a very simple version of a TARS-type artificial intelligence and robotics system.
  • Fully developed for unmanned flight, the activities his Vyommitra can perform include: procedures for using equipment onboard the spacecraft crew module, such as safety mechanisms and switches; Receiving and executing commands sent by the ground station, Launch and reaching orbit attitude, react to the environment, generate an alert, carbon dioxide canister replacement, power switch, crew module monitoring, receive voice commands, Reply by voice (bilingual). 
  • Vyommitra will also report to Earth on changes occurring in the crew module during spaceflight and return, such as B. Thermal emission levels to allow ISRO to understand the level of safety required for the final human-flying crew module.


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