Vizury Interactive Solutions Interview Experience

No written test for me.


1) Next greater number with same set of digits.

2) Find a number in a sorted array rotated left. Ex: 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4, Find 9


1) Level order traversal code. Also solve this problem without using null pointer

2) Find the shortest path between two elements in a matrix with some Null elements. Means you cannot choose XY path since some location are not traversable (Dijkstra’s Shortest Path algorithm)

Round 3:

1) Project Specific questions

2) Implement DB copy from one system to another taking foreign key constraints into consideration ( Table B is having a foreign key constraint to table A. So B can’t be copied before A. Imagine the I/P as a list of list i.e. adjacency list of graph. Now devise a way to copy the DB)

Got eliminated here. Never felt so bad over losing something in last few years. Good company. Try on LinkedIn and apply.

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