VISA Inc Interview Experience for Software Engineering Internship 2022

VISA came to our campus for a software engineering profile for the 2022 summer internship, and it was open for CSE, EE, and MTH branches only.

Interview Process :

Round 1: Online Coding Round 

Time: 75 Mins

2 coding problems were asked: 

  1. Find length of longest subsequence of one string which is substring of another string

Candidates who solved both the questions in the first 45 mins get shortlisted. 12 candidates including me got shortlisted.

Round 2: HR + Technical Round

Time: 60 Minutes

Firstly we greet each other and then we have talked about my projects and stuff. After that, he gave me 5 coding questions and I have to choose any three of them and write the code for them. I finished with all three questions in about 15-20 min since I have solved similar questions while practicing.

Those 5 Questions are:

After solving those questions we have discussed our city since I and the interviewer both are from the same city, after that we were finished with the interview. After a very stressful night, the Next day results were declared and 7 out of 12 candidates including me got selected for the internship.

Tips:  Be calm and believe in your preparation, you will definitely get good results.Cheers and all the best for the Interviews.

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