Viceroys of British India and Important Events during their Tenure

In SSC, Banking, LIC, Railways, and other competitive exams, the General Awareness section plays an important role nowadays since it is a very scoring section. In this article, we will cover one of the topics of this section i.e “Viceroys of British India and Important events during their tenure”. Read it carefully and upgrade your score in upcoming exams.

List of Viceroys and Important Events in their Rule:

Viceroy Tenure Important event
Lord Canning  1858-1862  The doctrine of lapse got abolished
“White Mutiny” by European troops in 1859
Indian Councils Act of 1861
Lord Elgin  1862 – 1863  Wahabi Movement
Lord Lawrence  1864 – 1869  Establishment of High court in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay
Anglo-Bhutan war
Lord Mayo  1869 – 1872  Financial Decentralization between centre and state introduced for the first time
First Census in 1872
Mayo College was set up
He was the only Governor-General who was killed in India.
Establishment of Statistical Survey of India
Introduction of state railways
Lord Northbrook  1872 – 1876  Universal Marriage Act was introduced in 1872The maximum
Inter-caste Marriages allowed
Kuka Movement in Punjab 
Visit of Prince of Wales in 1875
Lord Lytton  1876 – 1880 
Vernacular Press Act, 1878
Arms Act, 1878
Delhi Darbar organized and  Proclamation of Queen Victoria “The Empress of India”
Abolished tax on cotton for British traders
Maximum age to take up the civil services exam lowered from 21 to 19
Lord Ripon  1880 – 1884  Most liberal viceroy
Repealed the  Arms act and Vernacular press act
Set up Local self-governments – Panchayats and Municipal Boards due to which he was known as the Father of Self Government
2 new universities opened – Punjab University 1884, Allahabad University 1887
Ilbert Bill controversy
Appointment of Hunter Commission (Education)
Lord Dufferin  1884 – 1888  Third Anglo-­‐Burmese war (1885-­‐1886)
Indian National Congress got established in 1885
Lord Lansdowne  1888 – 1894  Indian Councils Act, 1892 (Indirect election was introduced for the first time)The
Factory Act, 1891
Durand Commission was set up
Lord Elgin II  1894 – 1899  First British Officer who was killed by Chapekar (Ramkrishna & Damodar) Brothers. This was the first political murder.
Lord Curzon  1899 – 1905  Indian Universities act – to control Indian Universities
Raleigh Commission
Partition of Bengal(1905)
Curzon-Kitchener controversy
Ancient Monument Preservation Act(1904)
Calcutta Corporation Act
Lord Minto II  1905 – 1910  Morley – Minto reforms(1909)
Muslim league was formed by Aga Khan(1906)The communal
 communal conflict of Congress(1907)surat.
Lord Hardinge II 
1910 – 1916 
Bengal Presidency was created
Transfer of Capital from Calcutta to Delhi
Hindu Mahasabha was established by Madan Mohan Malaviya
Delhi Darbar of King George V(1911)
Lord Chelmsford  1916 – 1921  Home Rule League Movements(1916)
Lucknow Pact between Congress and Muslim League(1916)
Rowlatt Act was passed(1919)
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre(1919)
Montague – Chelmsford reforms was passed(1919)
Death of B.G.Tilak
Lord Reading  1921 – 1926  Swaraj Party was formed by C.R.Das and Motilal Nehru(1922)
Chauri – Chaura incident took place(1922)
Moplah rebellion in Kerala(1921)
Rowlatt Act of 1919 and Press Act of 1910 got repealed
Lord Irwin  1926 – 1931  Launch of civil disobedience movement and Dandi march
First round table conference
Appointment of Butler Committee for Indian States(1927)
Lord Willingdon 1931 – 1936 
Second & Third Round Table Conference
Individual Civil Disobedience(1933)
Government of India Act of 1935
Formation of All India Kisan Sabha
Poona pact was signed
Communal award was started
Lord Linlithgow  1936 – 1943  First general elections(1936-37)
August offer(1940)
Cripps Mission
Quit India movement
Lord Wavell 1943 – 1947  CR Formula 1944
Launch of Direct Action day
Wavell Plan & Simla conference
World War II ended
Lord Mountbatten  21 February 1947 – 15 August 1947  June 3rd Plan
Appointment of Radcliffe commission for partition of Bengal and Punjab
Last Viceroy and First Governor-General of free India

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