Verifone Work Experience

Hello everyone! I want to share my enriching one-year experience working with Verifone, a renowned fin-tech company that specializes in providing technology for electronic payment transactions and value-added services at the point-of-sale (POS).

The Beginning:
I was fortunate to be hired on-campus along with 10 other talented colleagues. Seven of us were assigned to the “Global Payment Application” (GPA) project, while the rest ventured into different projects within the company.

Training and Preparation:
We kick-started our journey with an insightful training program where we learned about Verifone’s application architecture through pre-recorded videos. Simultaneously, we honed our C++ skills, essential for our project work.

Guidance from Seniors:
Our seniors played a pivotal role in our growth. Whenever we encountered obstacles or sought clarification, they were there to support us. Although they were busy with their own projects, their helping hands made a significant impact.

Android Project Exploration:
I was paired with a colleague to work on an Android-based project. We immersed ourselves in learning Java and tackling small tasks to gain hands-on experience. The Android application we worked on was connected to native C++ code using Java Native Interface (JNI) bridge.

Navigating Challenges:
Our initial journey faced challenges when some of our seniors left the company. However, with the support of our remaining senior colleagues and collective discussions, we managed to overcome these hurdles.

The Transition:
As interns, we underwent a probation period of six months (excluding the two-month intern period). During the evaluation, a few of us faced an extension in the probation period due to performance concerns. I expressed my situation, highlighting the limited Android expertise within the team, and was assigned to another project called “KANBAN,” which used the engage POS device and was coded in C++.

Rising to the Occasion:
Motivated by the need to improve, I worked diligently and tried to understand the entire project flow and requirements. Regular performance reviews with my team lead and manager kept me focused on my progress.

Facing Adversity:
After three months, the performance review yielded unexpected results. Despite my efforts, I was informed that my performance did not meet expectations. My manager empathetically explained that such situations are common in the IT industry and advised me to focus on my skills.

Embracing Growth and Gratitude:
Though the decision was disheartening, I chose to see it as an opportunity to grow and thanked my manager for giving me the chance to work at Verifone. The learning and experiences I gained throughout this journey will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors.

Working at Verifone has been a transformative experience. I am grateful for the support and guidance of my seniors and colleagues. As I bid farewell, I carry with me a wealth of knowledge and an unwavering commitment to continue my growth in the dynamic world of technology. I hope sharing my journey helps others navigate their own paths to success in the IT industry. Let’s embrace challenges, learn from experiences, and keep striving for excellence!

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