Closet Test : Verbal Ability with Practice Questions

The practice set of Closet Test questions is mostly asked in the Logical Reasoning section of the competitive examinations. It assess the candidate’s verbal ability or the capacity to quickly and accurately answer the questions based on the given information.

The following article contains the concepts, Tips and Tricks, Practice Questions and Answers to help the candidates ace the exam. You can guarantee that you will achieve an outstanding result on the verbal reasoning test by preparing thoroughly using the Verbal Reasoning study material and by engaging in practice tests given below.

What is the Closet Test ?

A closet test is a specific kind of reading comprehension exam in which the reader is asked to supply words that have been left out of the text. (passage). This activity also goes by the following names: (i) Fill in the blanks in passages and comprehensions, and (ii) Choose words in a running passage to preserve the sequence of different sentences within the paragraph.

You will discover a brief passage that has numbered blanks within the exam that you are taking. Below the paragraph, these numbers are repeated, and next to each number, there are four or five different word options to choose from. It is necessary for you to pick an appropriate word to complete each of the blanks in the passage from among the options that have been provided to you. This test is intended to evaluate your understanding of words along with the correct grammatical usage of those words in order to preserve the meaning of the passage.

Examinations typically pose questions on cloze tests based on one of two primary patterns, categorized as follows:

Standard Fill in the Blanks Format

The fill-in-the-blanks format for the cloze test consists of presenting candidates alongside a passage that contains multiple blanks and requiring them to select the one accurate answer from the list of available options that would be suitable and make sense to use in place of the blank.

Replace the word

As a result of the increased level of competition in the different government examinations, a new format for the cloze test will frequently be included in the test itself. Candidates are required to respond to whether the word that is given in bold makes sense or whether it can be swapped with another word from the options that have been provided. The passage does not contain any blanks; rather, it contains multiple words that have been highlighted in bold.

In either of the two scenarios, candidates need to demonstrate a strong mastery over both grammar and vocabulary in order to be successful in responding to these questions in a way that is both simple and effective.

Tips and Tricks to Solve Closet Test Questions

The following are some test-based question-solving strategies that can be used to guarantee that a candidate does not suffer a loss of marks while completing the cloze test passage:

A Quick Overview of the Passage 

Before deciding which of the provided choices is the best one to fill in the blank, it is important to quickly read through the passage to gain an understanding of the subject matter that is being discussed.

Look for Answers That Make Sense in Context 

The answers that are provided for the cloze exam may appear to have the same meaning, which makes choosing the correct answer even more difficult. Therefore, you should search for a solution that is appropriate given the setting of the passage.

If you are not able to come up with an answer, consider eliminating the choices that appear to be incorrect at a time. The “Eliminate Options” button can be found below. This will narrow the range of possibilities available to you, which could make finding the right response more straightforward.

When answering, you have to link the sentences together, and the cloze test is a passage focused on a certain subject. Therefore, if you are unable to locate the solution, you should attempt at simplifying the context of the passage by connecting the sentences with one another.
Comprehend the tenor of the passage: After an applicant has grasped the tenor of the passage, it will be much simpler for them to choose the appropriate alternative.

An individual who is studying for competitive examinations will find that the advice presented above is helpful in analyzing how time can be conserved while responding to any question. It is important to keep in mind that a candidate’s level of self-assurance will increase proportionately to the amount of time spent preparing for the procedure.

Practice Questions on Closet Test

Please pick the most appropriate words missing from the passages among the given options.

Directions ( Que. 1-4 ) In spite of a recent slowdown, the city’s (1) residential and business real estate demand is (2). A large number of real estate developers have been (3) to the city because of its high growth potential and (4) the very high demand for housing and business space.

A. Immediately
B. Constantly
C. Consequently
D. Current

Answer 1: D


A. very high
B. massive
C. exorbitant
D. immense

Answer 2: B


A. attracted
B. invited
C. inspired
D. called

Answer 3: A


A. Observing
B. watching
C. a home to
D. witnessing

Answer 4: D

Directions ( Que. 5-9 ) Most businesspeople today are extremely anxious. To begin, they have never experienced a competitive environment. They used to sell whatever (5) produced at whatever rates they wanted. However, (6) increasing rivalry, consumers became smarter and started to (7) buy. Suddenly, cheaper imports became (8) very accessible (9).

A. it
B. he
C. they
D. We

Answer 5: C

A. with
B. by
C. after
D. From

Answer 6: A

A. buy
B. take
C. pick
D. Want

Answer 7: C

A. hardly
B. easily
C. frequently
D. Conveniently

Answer 8: B

A. costs
B. returns
C. dividend
D. Prices

Answer 9: D

Directions ( Que. 10-13 ) A ‘geek dad’ is a father who is (10) about modern technology and stays updated with the latest (11), as defined by a recent US poll. Surprisingly, (12) a number of parents, particularly dads, are learning to use technology so they can (13) with their kids.

A. aware
B. interested
C. enthusiastic
D. well read

Answer 10: C

A. innovations
B. developments
C. gadgets
D. Games

Answer 11: A

A. immense
B. increasing
C. ever-growing
D. Astronomical

Answer 12: B

A. gel
B. play
C. bond
D. Enjoy

Answer 13: C

Directions ( Que. 14-18 )The researchers have found that the cost of a manned mission is around 50 times more than an unmanned mission. Therefore, for scientific expeditions alone (14) missions with AI are (15) But, there could be (16) logical reasons for exploring outer space  (17) economical, social, cultural, political, or (18).

A. lunar
B. manned
C. unmanned
D. Space

Answer 14: C

A. disliked
B. preferred
C. opted
D. Used

Answer 15: B

A. various
B. only
C. lots
D. Few

Answer 16: A

A. till
B. such as
C. or
D. And

Answer 17: B

A. unpredictable
B. formal
C. casual
D. commercial

Answer 18: D

FAQs on Closet Test

Q1. What is a closet test?


Candidates are given a passage to read, but it has been altered so that certain words have been removed. This type of reading exam is known as a “closet reading test.” It stands to reason that in order to succeed in such a test, applicants need to demonstrate not only a solid mastery of the English language but also an aptitude for correct grammar and an extensive vocabulary.

Q2. What is the advantage of the Closet test?


Students enhance their ability to think critically by drawing on information from the assigned reading in order to select the most appropriate word to fill in the gap. Students get to practice writing a new or challenging word while also using the information they are studying to learn as well as commit their understanding of the word to memory. This is accomplished through the use of the Closet method.

Q3. What is the purpose of Closet ?


Students can learn to anticipate and verify the significance of unfamiliar words or commonly used phrases that have new or unusual meanings by looking for hints in nearby phrases, sentences, and paragraphs of a text. This type of analysis is referred to as a “CLOSET PASSAGE,” and it is a contextual analysis strategy. It is done just before reading a particular piece of writing.

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